Okay, so I'm using GMRK with Poccili's Tilemap, Lycan ABS, at a resolution of 1024x768, and well with my tileset that's less than 256x10000, I'm experiencing lagging issues when dealing with multiple layers of tiles and priority settings. Fog is on, but when off, no visible change. Anyone else having a problem with this?
So evidently, as long as the Tileset doesn't have a lot to it, there's no lag.... so now I'm really confused... do I go with base 640x480 resolution? or do I go with lag?
EDIT: Solved it myself... GMRK was faulty.... changed to ForeverZero's version, changing a few things around and all is well...
What the hell is GMRK and Poccil's tilemap script is ONE BIG MOTHER OF A SCRIPT!!!!!