
Full Version: First Letter After War
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I wrote this letter to a friend when she was locked in a mental ward, It was meant to let her know that she is loved.

The letter was written in cursive on vellum paper that i had aged. I constructed the picture as a prop and enclosed it in the envelope as well.

I'm sharing this letter with anyone who wants to read it because every bit of art that i produce has a chance to be seen or used by anyone at no cost and i figure it may inspire someone to our pleasure.

I will be using this short story as one of the reoccurring dreams that my main character visits. I'm thinking animated cut scenes, very detailed animation.

letter to anna:
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This piece is great, really enjoyed how it played out.

I also had a friend who was locked up in a psychiatric facility for some time, it's definitely important to keep in touch as best you can, reminding them that you care. She's out now and on a better path in life, thanks to friends, family and the staff.

Been working on a war story for quite some time too. Might I add a similar set of events, you will be credited in the Special Thanks section for the inspiration.