05-16-2014, 10:51 AM
Map Scroll Advanced
by Jay Ray
by Jay Ray
This scriptlet will quickly jump to specified coordinates from where the player is, in any direction, without having to scroll a map up, down, left, and right. It may have been done in a different form before, but I thought I'd share this one.
# JayRay Map Scroll Advanced
# This tiny scriptlet allows you to set up a script call in event
# commands to go to a specific distance from a point, even at angles.
# Great for World Maps, Comic Book cutscenes, and more.
# To call, simply enter a script in event, replacing xdistpan and ydistpan
# with either positive numbers or negative numbers - this is for pixels
# $game_map.scroll_dispan(xdistpan, ydistpan)
# If you'd rather scroll quickly to a location that's a certain number of
# tiles away, instead you'd call ...
# $game_map.scroll_distilepan(xdistpan, ydistpan)
# Use smaller distances for a scrolling illusion, and good luck!
class Game_Map
# * Scroll to specific distances on map
# xdistpan = How much - or + horizontally (x) you will need to scroll
# ydistpan = How much - or + vertically (y) you will need to scroll
def scroll_dispan(xdistpan,ydistpan)
@display_y = [@display_y + xdistpan, (self.height - 15) * 128].min
@display_x = [@display_x + ydistpan, 0].max
def scroll_distilepan(xdistpan,ydistpan)
@display_y = [@display_y + (xdistpan * 32), (self.height - 15) * 128].min
@display_x = [@display_x + (ydistpan * 32), 0].max
License: Use it freely for any project, no credit necessary, but always appreciated.
If you're wanting to scroll long distances, like for instance 240x, -360y, you can always break it up into pieces, seperated by a wait 4 frames.
This should allow you to say go 24x, -36y over and over again until reaching your destination, and then to jump back, you can just reverse everything with a -240x, 360y to come back to the player. Pretty cool idea eh?