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Save-Point - looking for this kind of Active Battle System


Full Version: looking for this kind of Active Battle System
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I finally found an example of the battle system I wanted to implement into my game:
"Battles take place on a broad battlefield, over which the player's character can move without limit, allowing them to trade blows face-to-face with the enemy or circle around for a flanking attack."

Who has this?

If no-one, can someone make a script for this?
Well, as an ABS.... these are my thoughts.

First, this version transitions you to a map, a battlemap to be specific. You could make a separate map to teleport into for fighting your monsters, and teleport back when all your enemies are dead. Think about using classic RMXP variables with map event code to say '003-Battlemap = 1' or something. Then the teleport event in your map (when run) will just use some sort of if...then... to return you back
if 003-battlemap == 1
Teleport map1, 1,1
elsif 003-battlemap == 2
teleport map1,6,10
But that's just about going to and fro the maps.

Next, your Star Ocean ABS delivers treasure and experience only after you win the fight. But with every ABS I've seen from Near Fantastica's original ABS from 2005 on up, treasure and experience tends to go straight to the player with each kill. A suggestion would be to erase ALL your experience, gold and treasure drops from your enemies.

Now all of these would work with one more thing about a number of ABSs.....

Find an ABS system that can count when you kill a monster. For example, you have 6 slimes on a map. Kill one slime, and a variable adds 1 to the counter. Kill two more, and the variable increases to 3 total. Kill all 6 and the variable reaches 6. Using a parallel process, if 6 is reached, you trigger the victory! A makeshift message says '50 GP earned' and teleports you back as I mentioned before.

I think I know of an ABS that *COUGH* can do that. Winking Since the last map in my demo counts 3 zombie vamps before.... hehehe....
Woo! Use DerVVulfman's ABS.
(P.S. Teleporting people to a "battlemap" is really easy!)
(06-01-2014, 03:26 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Well, as an ABS.... these are my thoughts.

First, this version transitions you to a map, a battlemap to be specific. You could make a separate map to teleport into for fighting your monsters, and teleport back when all your enemies are dead. Think about using classic RMXP variables with map event code to say '003-Battlemap = 1' or something. Then the teleport event in your map (when run) will just use some sort of if...then... to return you back
if 003-battlemap == 1
Teleport map1, 1,1
elsif 003-battlemap == 2
teleport map1,6,10

But that's just about going to and fro the maps.

Next, your Star Ocean ABS delivers treasure and experience only after you win the fight. But with every ABS I've seen from Near Fantastica's original ABS from 2005 on up, treasure and experience tends to go straight to the player with each kill. A suggestion would be to erase ALL your experience, gold and treasure drops from your enemies.

Now all of these would work with one more thing about a number of ABSs.....

Find an ABS system that can count when you kill a monster. For example, you have 6 slimes on a map. Kill one slime, and a variable adds 1 to the counter. Kill two more, and the variable increases to 3 total. Kill all 6 and the variable reaches 6. Using a parallel process, if 6 is reached, you trigger the victory! A makeshift message says '50 GP earned' and teleports you back as I mentioned before.

I think I know of an ABS that *COUGH* can do that. Winking Since the last map in my demo counts 3 zombie vamps before.... hehehe....

I'm not entirely sure If I'll have to map a map for all these....
Well, you could make one decent sized forest map for one forest area, but use some sort of conditional branch to teleport you back. You could also memorize your player's map and x/y coodinates before you teleport TO the battle map, and use those saved values when you return. One map could work for many encounters.
(06-03-2014, 03:16 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Well, you could make one decent sized forest map for one forest area, but use some sort of conditional branch to teleport you back. You could also memorize your player's map and x/y coodinates before you teleport TO the battle map, and use those saved values when you return. One map could work for many encounters.

Well, I'm not script savvy at all here...
Also... how do I turn off the mouse-click thing.
It reminds me too much of Diablo 2...

How could I have it that only the minimap appears when not battling, but when when transported to battle field the HUD comes on too?

Also, how do I make the attack and defend animations work?
And how do I make enemies attack me?

Oh yes, it's all there in the manual...
But my enemy still isn't moving or attacking...
Could be a few factors. If you set his behavior to 0, he's set in dummy target mode. By default, the behavior setting is at 4, aka 'Aggressive (on Sight)' so the player must be in a visual range in front of the enemy for it to see you. Setting it to 5 would make it 'Aggressive' for both sight and sound. And then there's the matter of visual range settings.

You may want the latest one. Just updated. ONLY because I did more slice and dice of the game code to make add-ons easier to code.
My problem was I was using the wrong enemy ID.
Now my problem is, my own character won't show attack animations, even though I imported the sprites from the demo.

Finally, how do I make my enemies faster, like running speed.
The movement at max limit of fastest and frequence at max limit of highest still make my enemies move at seeming walking speed, when they should run as fast as my character.
The only sprited characters that have attack animations were Bill, Jane the Cat, and the Undead Enemies. When you set your player, his ABS action sprites must have their additional appellations next to it. EG: Ahzoh (for a regular) - Ahzoh_dash (running) - Ahzoh_Hit (he got hit) .... But that is assuming you are not using the paperdoll version as the paperdoll system uses only one custom characterset that has 'all' the character's actions in one sheet (and matching for the equipment). The system will not perform the animation if the characterset is not present, but at least it doesn't crash the system for not finding the needed graphic (a failsafe that I worked out). Then again, you may have set the ANIMATE_PLAYER value to false. I wouldn't know why how it would be turned off by accident, but that is what turns the animation system on and off for the player.

Now regarding enemy movement. That is controlled via the scripts and how they are set in the comments.

The speed is controlled by a speed comment in the list of commands rather than the 'Autonomous Movement' window. You could set it from 1-5' to control how slow or fast he moves. OR if you leave it blank, it uses the default value as set in the 'Enemy Control Commands' section in the 1st page of the config section. It is also within this page that sets the default 'Frequency' for the enemy character as well, and this too ranges from 1-5. If you wish these values to exceed 5, I recommend looking at Question #5 in the Q/A section of the help file. zephrael inquired how to do precisely that. ^_^

Also, the enemy's mash value (timed delay spawned after an attack or action) may play a factor in the waiting time. There is also the delay value to handle, but that is a waiting time after an action was decided to start an enemy's action before the attack effect hits the player. Like.... ENEMY ATTACKS (start delay counter) - ANIMATION BEGINS (frame one... delay counts ... frame two.... delay counts) - Delay count ends! - PERFORM HIT. So I usually have some decent delay in here so the animation for a hit looks smooth rather than showing a hit before the dude even finishes his swing.
(06-04-2014, 05:40 PM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]The only sprited characters that have attack animations were Bill, Jane the Cat, and the Undead Enemies. When you set your player, his ABS action sprites must have their additional appellations next to it. EG: Ahzoh (for a regular) - Ahzoh_dash (running) - Ahzoh_Hit (he got hit) .... But that is assuming you are not using the paperdoll version as the paperdoll system uses only one custom characterset that has 'all' the character's actions in one sheet (and matching for the equipment). The system will not perform the animation if the characterset is not present, but at least it doesn't crash the system for not finding the needed graphic (a failsafe that I worked out). Then again, you may have set the ANIMATE_PLAYER value to false. I wouldn't know why how it would be turned off by accident, but that is what turns the animation system on and off for the player.

Yes, I said imported all the Bill sprites into my game, the normal, the dash, the sneak, the hit, and the attack.
The ANIMATE_PLAYER value was never set to false.
But Bill doesn't show attack and defend animations, but he shows sneak and dash animations.

Another problem I've encountered was when I transfer to a map with MGCaladtogel's M7 toggled on none of my other party members show up, only my player sprite does.
Also whenever I go diagonally downward to the left (of the screen) my character suddenly vanishes (but I know it's still there) until I stop moving.

My only other scripts are Advanced messaging system by Dubealex, and a scrolling panorama script (by unknown)

I keep getting problem after fucking problem -.-
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