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Save-Point - looking for this kind of Active Battle System


Full Version: looking for this kind of Active Battle System
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Pages: 1 2
Oookay? Which of his Mode7 systems? (Please provide link to thread if possible).

And is Mode7 placed above the ABS? If not, I recommend it.

Dube's AMSr4 isn't bad. Has about as many features as ccoa's UMS. Scrolling panoramas shouldn't be an issue.
(06-05-2014, 03:52 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Oookay? Which of his Mode7 systems? (Please provide link to thread if possible).

And is Mode7 placed above the ABS? If not, I recommend it.

Dube's AMSr4 isn't bad. Has about as many features as ccoa's UMS. Scrolling panoramas shouldn't be an issue.

I tried placing the three M7 pages in places before any parts of the ABS package but they all give errors in regards to failing to coerce a fixnum or something.

Maybe you can take a look at my project?
Shoot me a PM. But be warned that weekends are Gazettin' writin' times. Winking
(06-05-2014, 04:07 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Shoot me a PM. But be warned that weekends are Gazettin' writin' times. Winking

But it's Wednesday...
I start grabbing links around that time. As I work weekends, I tend to only have an hour to write anything for the gazette.

OH. Your panorama script is by ForeverZer0 and hails from 2011.

Meanwhile, Mode7 rewrites a few methods involving sprites and stuff, but so does Lycan. Your copy is "Mode7" and not 'Neo-Mode7'... so you're not using a custom MGC dll. That helps. Looks like you have a slightly newer version than I have on file. But I do have some experience with the Mode7 systems he wrote, so a patch of a sort will be possible when I have the time.

Be forewarned, I give a lot of instructions. Tongue sticking out
Pages: 1 2