
Full Version: Lycan ABS / MGC Mode7 Edit Patch
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Lycan ABS / MGC Mode7 Edit Patch
Version: 1.2

This patch enables game designers to use an 'altered' version of MGC's Mode7 system in tandem with DerVVulfman's Lycan ABS. Its effect would allow games to be played, and allow combat to occur, on Mode7 horizon perspective maps and make use of the more recent transparent wall/tileset effect added into the Mode7 Edit script.


Instructions on its use, and script placement are within the patch itself.

I spent more time writing the instructions than the actual code. Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Designed solely for the Lycan ABS and solely for the MGC Mode7 Edit, a re-worked version of MGCaladtogel's original Mode7 script. The Mode7 Edit is available in Save-Point.

Credits and Thanks
Thanks to GI_Toez who asked me to look into making a simplified patch to get Mode7 to work with the ABS. And to DrHouse93 for noticing that the Companion Commands/Dialog window did not properly function within Mode7.

Terms and Conditions
Free for use, even in commercial games.
To version 1.1
This is a complete rewrite of my Lycan / Mode7 patch, with a lot more instructions and assistance. Unlike the previous version, this one does not require any alteration of the scripts themselves, and does not hamper or alter the method that generates the actual sprite graphics. Only placement of sprites is touched upon, both for the actual map sprites and duplicate sprites on connecting wrapped maps.
(10-12-2014, 10:12 PM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]
To version 1.2
Okay, seriously?   One small little addition to the END OF THE PATCH WAS NEEDED???  Yep, the very last part of the patch, the Scene_Cmd_Dialog section was all that was needed to allow the player to talk to companions while on a Mode7 map.

Thanks to DrHouse93 for finding the problem and reporting it.