
Full Version: High Resolution H-Mode 7
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Here's what I got... I started playing around with the idea of a High Resolution H-Mode 7, and after a little playing with some of the numbers, viewports, and more I have actually gotten the H-Mode 7 to Render to the entire screen. I also ahve character to Event interaction, However, I can't seem to center the player correctly, and furthermore, tile passability is off, where certain mountains that would be impassible act as an invisible obstacle several frames away. Also, when rotating my super map, the main character also hovers around, not aligned to the tile he's actually on.

I know this is somewhat uncharted territory, but I think if we can get this lined up correctly, we could be looking at much larger H-Mode map screens, allowing for more room for UI elements and other things.
[Image: HMHRT.png]
(Right click and View Picture for full size picture)

If you'd like to download the project to see what I've done so far, I have that link right here.
I tried improve this script and managed to. But not all is OK. I improved characters, player centre (in piece) and rotating map.

Bugs: Not work R2 and R3 resolution and this only work in 1024, 768. Another values have to changes in player centre coordinates.

I have a problem with left move direction and I solved this on event script.

I'm not scripter, I only enjoy rummage in RGSS (RMXP), Hex (RM2k/3 and 95) and events (all RM).
