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Save-Point - An Options Menu?


Full Version: An Options Menu?
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OK... I admit it, I was thinking of trying this out myself. Unfortunately, I bit off way more than I can chew. The coding is more than my very novice abilities can handle and the wall was insurmountable for me. So..... I come looking to the guru's for help. I can apply variables and the like and make minor changes here and there to scripts when needed.

What I'm trying to do is make an Options Menu [not just a screen, but an actual menu]. Here's a couple of mock ups for you to get a visual idea of what I want:
[Image: DpV16n.png] [Image: SgLGjr.png]

If it can be configurable that would be great, but if not I can usually figure things out..... mostly.

This is for my game so the options are geared toward the scripts I've collected... I can make the Constants as needed for the individual options so what I really need is the core code.

Maybe if someone could get the basic code started I could take it over.... I'm a fairly fast learner, when I have some where to start from.

I want the options to be saved with the save file not a config file. I want them to default every new game.

Thank you in advance,
I penned a script years.... YEARS ... ago that may of be of interest: Sarah's Configuration Screen

It may not have the battle wait, battle speed or message speed factors, but it does have volume control as well as a classic fullscreen/windowed option and saves the data to an outside configuration file (not your savegame file). AND... it includes a fix for battle animation volume. The reason being that the Game_System class may have a 'play SE' feature, but battle animations have their own SE playing system which would have been untouched and at full volume regardless.

You could use the volume bar system in there to add your own 'message wait' I figure. It is pretty basic since I wrote it five years ago, but it's functional.

Oh, and may I suggest the following code which you may wish to use in your savegame and config file path.
APPPATH = "#{ENV['APPDATA']}/Firestalker/"
This would save/load your game data in your Application Data folder. Winking THOUGH, you may wish to run a check to make sure the folder is first created. A lot of professional games save to that folder rather than in the game's root directory.
OMG, DerVV..... I'm so lost! I've been staring at that script for like an hour and I can't make heads nor tails of it. I think I understand the Fill_rect section, but I can't really figure anything else out.

I'm really, really confused...... Let's start with the basics of my option menu. I want the list at the left [Game, Battle, Exit] to be like a command. When the respective item is highlighted the screen changes so that the list of commands on the right appear. After picking the command the options become active and you go down the line adjusting as needed....

Looking at the Script made my head spin on how to accomplish this. Help in explaining the different sections maybe.
