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Save-Point - Looking for a demo of the Active Time Battle of Atoa (RPG VX)


Full Version: Looking for a demo of the Active Time Battle of Atoa (RPG VX)
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This is not really a script script request since the script is already finished. I want a unedited demo of the Victor engine Active time battle (RPG VX) (Link is below)
But sadly the author of this script (Atoa or victor sans) didint reupload the demo version of this script in his page, when they were deleted. And I only saw the scripts in internet but not demo itself . And its hard to implement a battle system just by its scripts. Its pretty much easier to use the demo.

so does anyone of you have a demoversion left? Should be the latest :))

Thanks in advance
Unfortunately, Victor Sant himself has said that he does not want to make a demo, and tells people that "if they can't figure it out from the script then they don't need to be using it".

With that said, any demos would be unofficial implementations of the Victor ATB system, and thus, may not be used exactly as the script is intended. I would only look for official demos. Victor's script for the ATB is available as a text link on his from page, along with the Victor Base Module.