08-22-2014, 01:45 AM
Theolized Sideview Battle System
(Or if you prefer, you may call it Theo Animated Battle)
Original Post : Theolized Sideview BS
Version : 1.3c (Stable) / 1.4 (Open Beta)
Created : June 30, 2014
Type : Battle System / Battle Engine
Opening :
This is my first battle system script and my masterpiece script so far. At first, I made this script for my own personal use. Back then when Ace was released, I always wanted an English version of Tankentai. But I heard nothing about the translation. I thought it was impossible tankentai to be translated to English. Moreover, it has bad compatibility to other scripts. Then I looked at avalaible battle scripts, and not even a single script I like. I just don't get the idea of those scripts. Then, hence my ambition started.
Introduction :
This script was greatly inspired from Tankentai VX version and Eremidia : Dungeon! game. It's mainly aimed for free sequence animated battle without standard. I mean, there is no such a thing like "play all frames in row x" (the reason why I did this is because I hate standards). You can pick any grid in your spriteset. You can even use unorganized spriteset if you're too lazy to make one. As long as the format is consistent.
To be noted that this script is not avalaible in English version yet. But you can try my sample game before you decided to wait for translate version or not.
Translation done! Enjoy now! :D
Features :
- Animated battle of course
- Free battler sequence
- Free format battler sprite. You can even use unorganized spriteset as long as the format is consistent
- Built-in damage counter
- The rest are written in script ... and my sample game ...
Screenshots (Taken from old version) :
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![[Image: AED13.jpg]](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-gsooQPCLk_o/Us43WkWrKHI/AAAAAAAAB6Y/r6lYl-AfN6I/s1600/AED13.jpg)
Video :
video for version 1.3 (also trailer for the sample game)
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video for version 1.4
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video for setup demonstration
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You can look at my playlist if you want more
Scripts :
Scripts Download = github repository (old version, havent update it yet)
Version 1.4 (Beta) : Mediafire
Animation Samples / Alternative demo : Mediafire
Note :
If you want to download in solidfiles. Here is the way
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![[Image: 7Drgida.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/7Drgida.jpg)
IMPORTANT! Patch for version 1.4 - Last updated: 04.02.2015
Just various bugfixes. Most likely going to stable version
How to patch? Simply put it below implementation
Newly Released addon :
- Animated Actor on Menu
- Check out the video
Questions and Answers :
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Q: Is it has a high compatibility?
A: Maybe yes, maybe no. I alter the damage flows. Any script that also alter the damage flow will highly not compatible. Such as YEA - Area of Effect or Lunatic Damage. But I haven't touch the HUD so var. I only provide animated battle sprite. So It's possible if you want to put any style of HUD for your battle system. It's also compatible with YEA Free turn battle, and Sabakhan Ao no Kiseki BS, and formar ATB (It should go under my script), EST - Ring System, AEA - Charge Turn Battle. Luna Engine. Doesn't work with Ocedic Motion Battle Camera.
In version 1.4, I tested the compatibility among various Yanfly Script. So, mine gonna be compatible with most of Yanfly's Include AoE or Lunatic series. Also, I have my own battle camera addon if you want.
Q: Can I use holder battler?
A: Yes, you can. But it will little bit troublesome. Since holder battler format has many rows in single battler image. I recommend you to split it up.
Q: Can I use animated enemy?
A: Yes, you can. Please read the #14 post to see the video sample
Q: What do you mean by "Format is consistent"?
A: If you decided to make 3x4 spriteset format like Kaduki do, then the rest of your battler sprites should also 3x4
Q: Can you make this script compatible with ...
A: No ... http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/1...7fchsv.jpg But I will try if I like the script. As for Victor's scripts, it's a big NO.
Q: The xxx script is better than yours
A: I don't mind. I made it for my personal use afterall.
A: Maybe yes, maybe no. I alter the damage flows. Any script that also alter the damage flow will highly not compatible. Such as YEA - Area of Effect or Lunatic Damage. But I haven't touch the HUD so var. I only provide animated battle sprite. So It's possible if you want to put any style of HUD for your battle system. It's also compatible with YEA Free turn battle, and Sabakhan Ao no Kiseki BS, and formar ATB (It should go under my script), EST - Ring System, AEA - Charge Turn Battle. Luna Engine. Doesn't work with Ocedic Motion Battle Camera.
In version 1.4, I tested the compatibility among various Yanfly Script. So, mine gonna be compatible with most of Yanfly's Include AoE or Lunatic series. Also, I have my own battle camera addon if you want.
Q: Can I use holder battler?
A: Yes, you can. But it will little bit troublesome. Since holder battler format has many rows in single battler image. I recommend you to split it up.
Q: Can I use animated enemy?
A: Yes, you can. Please read the #14 post to see the video sample
Q: What do you mean by "Format is consistent"?
A: If you decided to make 3x4 spriteset format like Kaduki do, then the rest of your battler sprites should also 3x4
Q: Can you make this script compatible with ...
A: No ... http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/1...7fchsv.jpg But I will try if I like the script. As for Victor's scripts, it's a big NO.
Q: The xxx script is better than yours
A: I don't mind. I made it for my personal use afterall.
Terms of Use :
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Q: What is the general ToU of this script?
A: Simply credit me as TheoAllen.
Q: May I use this script in Commercial games?
A: Yes. And you have to give me a free copy of the game.
Q: May I repost this script to other site?
A: Yes.
Q: May I edit this script?
A: Yes. Do as you want. And do not claim if it's yours
Q: May I take some money profit by editing this script?
A: No.
Q: May I translate the script to other language?
A: Yes.
Q: May I use this script for contest/challenge?
A: If it's non-profit challenge, yes. If it's profit challenge (like monetary gain), then NO.
Q: May I sell the third party script/addon?
A: No.
A: Simply credit me as TheoAllen.
Q: May I use this script in Commercial games?
A: Yes. And you have to give me a free copy of the game.
Q: May I repost this script to other site?
A: Yes.
Q: May I edit this script?
A: Yes. Do as you want. And do not claim if it's yours
Q: May I take some money profit by editing this script?
A: No.
Q: May I translate the script to other language?
A: Yes.
Q: May I use this script for contest/challenge?
A: If it's non-profit challenge, yes. If it's profit challenge (like monetary gain), then NO.
Q: May I sell the third party script/addon?
A: No.
Special Thanks :
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- Eremidia : Dungeon!, some of script features are inspired on it
- Mithran, for Graphical global object reference. If it's not by his script, I may not finish my battle system.
- TDS, I found your basic movement module script on RMRK long time ago. Then I adopt it and I rewrote by my own.
- Galenmereth for easing movement module
- CielScarlet and Skourpy for the Translations
- Mithran, for Graphical global object reference. If it's not by his script, I may not finish my battle system.
- TDS, I found your basic movement module script on RMRK long time ago. Then I adopt it and I rewrote by my own.
- Galenmereth for easing movement module
- CielScarlet and Skourpy for the Translations
Author notes :
- I use in script editor to make sequence movement instead of too many notetags as Symphony and Victor's do. It because there're already many script that uses notetags and notebox itself has no scroll.
- As you know, I'm not so good at English. So I'm sorry in advance if there's any unclear informations. Feel free to ask
Version 1.4 Release note :
- My aim is to make it compatible with Luna Engine without extra patch. However, I haven't tested it with the latest version of TSBS.
- It's still beta version. In other word, it may have many issues. You may test the script, but if you're going into real development, I suggest you to use the stable version 1.3c instead.
- I haven't update the github at the moment. Considering it's still beta. Script must be taken by download the demo.
- I changed the config 1 and config 2 parts. So, you need to update them as well.
- Battle backdrop decoration addon is not translated yet. There're too many instructions that I can't really handle right now. Perhaps, sometimes. Also, it has a little glitch which I currently dunno how to fix. if you use Alarm Tone, in next battle that not use alarm tone, there 1 frame glitch where the screen blended with a wrong tone.
- Sorry if the demo looks so messed up. I don't have the will to clear that up "OTL
- TSBS version 1.4 will not updated. If you reported a bug, I will likely to make the patch instead.
- Battle music taken from Dragonic Symphony if you wonder.
- I added extra showcase of my scripts like animated portrait and hover notif :P
- Want to use the map BGM? That's mine, go ahead if you want to use. And you need to credit me as well.
- After these hardworks, I will likely to take a very long break and will not touch anything complex related with the battle system (unless I choose to). But I will still provide the support for TSBS as long as I'm avalaible.