08-26-2014, 09:00 AM
DoubleX RMVXA Random Cast
Version: v1.00a
IntroductionVersion: v1.00a
Lets users cast random skills on targetswhen the current skill hits them
Intended to mimic "FF's weapons' randomly casts skills" thing
* Use of notetags(requires knowledge of notetag usage) to allow skill users to have a chance to randomly cast skills on targets when the current skill hits them if some conditions are met
* Decent boolean logic and scripting knowledge is needed to use this script to its full potential
# ** DoubleX RMVXA Random Cast v1.00a |
# * Changelog |
# v1.00a(GMT 0800 26-8-2014): |
# - 1st version of this script finished |
# * Author |
# DoubleX |
# * Terms of use |
# None other than not claiming this script as created by anyone except |
# DoubleX or his alias |
# * Prerequisites |
# Scripts: |
# - none |
# Knowledge: |
# - Use of notetags |
# * Functions |
# - Lets users cast random skills on targetswhen the current skill hits them|
# * Manual |
# To use this script, open the script editor and put this script into an |
# open slot between ▼ Materials and ▼ Main. Save to take effect. |
# * Compatibility |
# Scripts rewriting Vocab CounterAttack or aliasing or rewriting method: |
# - load_database under module DataManager |
# - apply_item_effects under class Scene_Battle |
# may have compatibility issues with this script |
# Place this script above those aliasing any of these method if possible |
($doublex_rmvxa ||= {})["Random Cast"] = 10001
# * Notetag <random cast: id, cp, cr, cs, cc> for states(1), weapons(2), |
# armors(3), enemies(4), actors(4), classes(5) and skills(6):(the larger the|
# number, the higher the priority) |
# To make a battler has cp% chance to cast skill with id id and cr% cost |
# to a target when the current skill of that battler hits that target, put |
# the above notetag into the related actor's, class's, skill's, equip's, |
# enemy's or state's notebox in the database. |
# Setting cs as 0 and 1 makes cr negative and positive respectively |
# cc is the random cast condition explained in the below user editable zone |
# Skills invoked via random cast only hit that target an only hit once |
# That target can't counter nor reflect those skills. |
# If more than 1 such notetag is placed in the same actor's, class's, |
# skill's, equip's, nemy's or state's notebox, the 1st notetag meeting its |
# requirements will be used and all the others will be ignored. All those |
# noteboxes will be scanned from the 1st line to the last line. |
# ** You only need to edit this part as it's about what this script does |
module DoubleX_RMVXA
module Random_Cast
# * Random Cast Condition(cc in random cast notetag): |
# To make <random cast: id, cp, cr, cs, cc> work, the requirements in cc |
# must be met. These requirements are ruby scripts like those in events. |
# The below CCX are examples of writing such codes and abtracting them in |
# random cast notetags to aid users in understanding and using cc there. |
# To use CCX, set the value of cc in random cast notetag as CCX. |
# Users can set their own CCX(or whatever names they set) to be used by cc. |
# CCX names must start with letters and only have alphanumeric characters. |
# CCX is evaluated in the new method random_cast under class Game_Battler. |
# CC1, default = "true"
# cc is always true
CC1 = "true"
# CC2, default = "item.id != database.random_cast_id[index]"
# cc is true if and only if the current skill id isn't equal to id
CC2 = "item.id != database.random_cast_id[index]"
# CC3, default = "!item.physical? && !item.magical?"
# cc is true if and only if the current skill isn't physical nor magical
CC3 = "!item.physical? && !item.magical?"
# CC4, default = CC2 + " || " + CC3
# cc is true if and only if CC2 or CC3 is true
CC4 = CC2 + " || " + CC3
# CC5, default = "actor? && [x, y, z].include?(id)"
# cc is true if and only if the caster is an actor with id x, y or z
CC5 = "actor? && [x, y, z].include?(id)"
# CC6, default = "(" + CC4 + ") && " + CC5
# cc is true if and only if CC4 and CC5 is true
CC6 = "(" + CC4 + ") && " + CC5
# CC7, default = "!" + CC6
# cc is true if and only if CC6 is false
CC7 = "!" + CC6
# CC8, default = "enemy? && self.enemy_id == x"
# cc is true if and only if the caster is an enemy with id x
CC8 = "enemy? && self.enemy_id == x"
# CC9, default = "rand(999) < luk"
# cc is true if and only if the random number(0 - 998) isn't small than luk
CC9 = "rand(999) < luk"
end # Random_Cast
end # DoubleX_RMVXA
# ** You need not edit this part as it's about how this script works |
module DoubleX_RMVXA
module REGEXP
Data = ["id", "chance", "cost", "sign", "condition"]
RANDOM_CAST = /<(?:RANDOM_CAST|random cast):[ ](\w+(?:\s*,\s*\w+)*)>/i
end # REGEXP
end # DoubleX_RMVXA
module Vocab
RandomCast = "%s randomly casts %s!"
end # Vocab
class << DataManager
# Alias method: load_database |
alias load_database_random_cast load_database
def load_database
# This part is added by this script to load random cast notetags
end # load_database
# New method: load_notetags_random_cast |
def load_notetags_random_cast
for group in [$data_actors, $data_classes, $data_skills, $data_weapons, $data_armors, $data_enemies, $data_states]
for obj in group
obj.load_notetags_random_cast if obj
end # load_notetags_random_cast
end # DataManager
class RPG::BaseItem
include DoubleX_RMVXA::Random_Cast
# New public instance variables |
Data.each { |data| eval("attr_reader :random_cast_" + data) }
attr_reader :random_cast_note
# New method: load_notetags_random_cast |
def load_notetags_random_cast
Data.each { |data| eval("@random_cast_" + data + " = []") }
@random_cast_note = 0
self.note.split(/[\r\n]+/).each { |line|
case line
id = 0
chance = 0
condition = nil
cost = nil
sign = nil
$1.scan(/\w+/).each_with_index { |input, index|
case index
when 0
id = input.to_i if input.to_i > 0
when 1
chance = input.to_f / 100.0 if input.to_f > 0
when 2
cost = input.to_f / 100.0
when 3
sign = input.to_i if [0, 1].include?(input.to_i)
when 4
condition = eval(input.to_s)
if id != 0 && chance != 0 && cost && sign && condition
Data.each { |data| eval("@random_cast_" + data + ".push(" + data + ")") }
@random_cast_note += 1
end # load_notetags_random_cast
end # RPG::BaseItem
class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase
include DoubleX_RMVXA::Random_Cast
# New public instance variables |
Data.each { |data| eval("attr_reader :random_cast_" + data) }
# New method: set_random_cast |
def set_random_cast(item)
Data.each_with_index { |data, index| eval("@random_cast_" + data + " = " + (index > 1 ? "nil" : "0")) }
states.each { |state| random_cast(state, item) }
return if random_cast?
if actor?
[weapons, armors].each { |equips|
next if !equips
equips.each { |equip| random_cast(equip, item) }
return if random_cast?
random_cast(actor, item)
return if random_cast?
random_cast(self.class, item)
return if random_cast?
elsif enemy?
random_cast(self.enemy, item)
return if random_cast?
if item
random_cast(item, item)
return if random_cast?
end # set_random_cast
# New method: random_cast |
def random_cast(database, item)
database.random_cast_note.times { |index|
next if !random_cast_payable?(database.random_cast_id[index], database.random_cast_cost[index], database.random_cast_sign[index], ) || !eval(database.random_cast_condition[index])
return Data.each { |data| eval("@random_cast_" + data + " = database.random_cast_" + data + "[index]") } if rand < database.random_cast_chance[index]
end # random_cast
# New method: random_cast_payable? |
def random_cast_payable?(skill_id, cost_rate, cost_sign)
rate = cost_rate * (cost_sign * 2 - 1)
tp >= (skill_tp_cost($data_skills[skill_id]) * rate).to_i && mp >= (skill_mp_cost($data_skills[skill_id]) * rate).to_i
end # random_cast_payable?
# New method: random_cast? |
def random_cast?
@random_cast_id != 0 && @random_cast_chance != 0 && @random_cast_cost
end # random_cast?
# New method: use_random_cast |
def use_random_cast(item)
rate = @random_cast_cost * (@random_cast_sign * 2 - 1)
self.mp -= (skill_mp_cost(item) * rate).to_i
self.tp -= (skill_tp_cost(item) * rate).to_i
item.effects.each {|effect| item_global_effect_apply(effect) }
end # use_random_cast
end # Game_Battler
class Window_BattleLog < Window_Selectable
# New method: display_random_cast |
def display_random_cast(target, item)
add_text(sprintf(Vocab::RandomCast, target.name, item.name))
end # display_random_cast
end # Window_BattleLog
class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base
# Alias method: apply_item_effects |
alias apply_item_effects_random_cast apply_item_effects
def apply_item_effects(target, item)
apply_item_effects_random_cast(target, item)
# This part is added by this script to apply random cast if target is hit and random_cast? is true
apply_random_cast(target, item) if item.is_a?(RPG::Skill) && target.result.hit? && !@subject.magic_reflection
end # apply_item_effects_random_cast
# New method: apply_random_cast |
def apply_random_cast(target, item)
return if !@subject.random_cast?
random_cast = $data_skills[@subject.random_cast_id]
@log_window.display_random_cast(@subject, random_cast)
show_animation([target], random_cast.animation_id)
target.item_apply(@subject, random_cast)
@log_window.display_action_results(target, random_cast)
end # apply_random_cast
end # Scene_Battle
Open the script editor and put this script into an open slot between Materials and Main. Save to take effect.
Q1: How to setup my own CCX without any scripting knowledge?
A1: You can ask me here for ways to setup your specific CCX but I'm
afraid I'm still not proficient enough to be a scripting teacher
Scripts aliasing or rewriting method:
- load_database under module DataManager
- apply_item_effects under class Scene_Battle
may have compatibility issues with this script
Place this script above those aliasing any of these methods if possible
Credits and Thanks
Author's Notes
Terms and Conditions
None other than not claiming this script as created by anyone except DoubleX or his alias