
Full Version: DoubleX RMVXA Random Cast
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DoubleX RMVXA Random Cast
Version: v1.00a

Lets users cast random skills on targetswhen the current skill hits them
Intended to mimic "FF's weapons' randomly casts skills" thing


Use of notetags(requires knowledge of notetag usage) to allow skill users to have a chance to randomly cast skills on targets when the current skill hits them if some conditions are met
* Decent boolean logic and scripting knowledge is needed to use this script to its full potential





Open the script editor and put this script into an open slot between Materials and Main. Save to take effect.


Q1: How to setup my own CCX without any scripting knowledge?
A1: You can ask me here for ways to setup your specific CCX but I'm
afraid I'm still not proficient enough to be a scripting teacher


Scripts aliasing or rewriting method:
- load_database under module DataManager
apply_item_effects under class Scene_Battle
may have compatibility issues with this script
Place this script above those aliasing any of these methods if possible

Credits and Thanks


Author's Notes


Terms and Conditions

None other than not claiming this script as created by anyone except DoubleX or his alias