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Save-Point - Audio logs


Full Version: Audio logs
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hi everyone I am working on a bioshock like game where you find audio logs now I was hoping to make it so you find a audio log item use it and a little portrait pops up the audiofile plays and when the audio is over the the portrait image vanishes
[Image: audiologhelp.png]
but I have come into a few problems I tried to do this with common events of but there is no way to make the image vanish once the audio stops I tried the wait command but that just stops the player I tried to do it as a parallel event but the audio keeps restarting
another problem is that if I do something which uses alot of other sound effects like entering a name for a character it makes the audio log cutout obviously rpg maker must only be able to play so many sound effects at once any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated
Use a music effect for the Audio Log. DO use a Parallel Event but after it finishes you can erase the event (with the Erase Event command). That would make the Audio Log only play once per map reload, though. You could make some kind of on/off setting by swithcing between Event Pages or something.
works like a charm my only problem is when I get in a battle the victory music still cuts it out how do I disable that and while I am at it I am want to get rid of that woosh sound effect when a battle starts
ok here is the thing I edited my Scene_Map script so the map music plays continuously in game all I did was was put a # at the start of the line that says $game_system.bgm_stop and that worked fine but of course it still stops the audiolog ME whenever a battle end
The Music Effect played at the end of battle will stop your audio log from playing. You can disable it in the Database, System tab. Change Battle End ME to nothing.
no tried that still not working
how about removing the $game_system.me_play line from (just put a # in front of it to make it a comment)
  # * Start After Battle Phase
  def start_phase5
    # Shift to phase 5
    @phase = 5
    # Play battle end ME
the code might be trying to play a 'nothing'.
nope tried that still not working