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Save-Point - Enemy HP window


Full Version: Enemy HP window
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Hey guys,

I'm after a script which displays enemy health in a separate window to the rest of the battle interface.
Not bars or anything just as text.
The only other thing I need is for it to be able to be toggled by a switch.

I'm getting better at scripting myself, but this is a conundrum which is testing my patience.
I'd be grateful if anyone can help me out with this.

Thanks guys.

Separate window from the battlestatus at the bottom, or a floating window above the status window?

Resizable? Bear in mind, I don't know if you are going to limit yourself to an 8 monster maximum, or go beyond with SephirothSpawn's "Enemy Troops Extender". That would be a fairly tall window if that was the case.

Option: Possibly just forego a window and have the bare HP/SP show overtop the enemies?
Sorry, I should have been a little more specific. =P

This is the battle system I made for my game:

There's only one enemy at a time, and there's no SP, just HP.
I plan on having an item which enables a HP window for three turns just below the enemy.
No need for bars, just text showing like 2000/2000.
This should be easy then. If there is only one enemy, you can get the HP with $game_troop.enemies[0].hp and the max hp with $game_troop.enemies[0].maxhp
Thanks very much, both of you. That was exactly what had me stumped.