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Save-Point - Removing all items in my inventory and later returning them


Full Version: Removing all items in my inventory and later returning them
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hello I am currently working on a game in rpgmaker xp where the player can enter cyberspace and fight computer viruses but It would make no sense for the player to be able to use a grenade he found in the real world in cyberspace so is there a script which would allow me to remove all the items in the players inventory upon entering a room and returning them when he leaves thanks in advance

err never mind I did search for it before but only now I have found that someone else has created such a script

so if you want to delete this mods you can
I don't recommend to download scripts from that site. They take other people's work and publish it without permission and violating the Terms, Conditions & License such as in the case of my scripts.
Besides the impropriety of this conduct, all scripts, being not supervised by the authors, become soon obsolete, they lack updates or bugfixes. Always look for the original source. ;)
I am pretty sure DerVV has a script for multiple inventories, which sounds like what you need here.
While I will not post the link here, I feel it would be a much better version and true to form, you should google Trickster's Multiple Inventories Script . I feel you will be pleasantly surprised. I love the script myself.

But, here's a question... what happens when something from the digital world escapes into the real world, ala Matrix Reloaded?
While I would normally agree with Charlie that some people are known to erase credits and all, I did some investigation. The script which ThePrinceofMars discovered has credit listed from 2013 to diagostimo. Of course, I wasn't going to just stop there, and performed a search based on part of the code within the script, and it again returned me to gdunlimited. There was a 2012 script request for the same basic request which diagostimo had also answered. I don't think it's a stretch to presume diagostimo wrote the script. :xP:
hey, just to clarify, I wasn't thinking something as extreme as deleting credits and falsely attribute someone else's work to oneself. :)

Btw, ThePrinceofMars, how is princess Dejah Thoris doing?
you know it's funny I choose the prince of mars name WAY before I knew about the Edgar Rice Burroughs novels it came as quite a surprise when people told me about them I called myself that because of some truly awful steampunk fps creator games I made forever ago called the principality of mars..........god those games where awful anyway back to the subject at hand the link to Trickster's Multiple Inventories Script does not seem to work :( and when it comes to crediting the many MANY custom scripts in my game I just list both the name on the gdunlimited webpage and diagostimo just to be sure