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Save-Point - have the player respawn at a set location after death in random battle


Full Version: have the player respawn at a set location after death in random battle
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on Battle 1, where it says Game Over Flag = true, you can change to false (I thinnk it's around line 116 or something on Game_Battle 1
Hmm, I'm sure it working 100% in an empty project.
May be other script in your project that re-define def judge.
Ctrl + F and find
if $game_temp.battle_can_lose
and be sure that line is the only one.
And if you want to add a switch, don't delete if $game_temp.battle_can_lose and end
but change to:
if $game_temp.battle_can_lose or $game_switches[1] == true
Now you can use switch 001 to active or deactive re-spawn
DOH!!! rookie mistake for me!!!! gotta remember to use == instead of = GROAN!!! I'll be working on a scriptlet for def judge...
sorry I have been a complete fool I keep forgetting I use the one player battle script
# Script by: Tigurus Fay                                                       #
# Script: One-Man Duel Battlesystem                                            #
# Version: v1.03                                                               #
# Install: Press F11 and place the Script directly above [Main].               #
# Description: This script allows for a timed-based battlesytem which works    #
#              only correctly with 1 party member. For a very nice experience  #
#              make the Battler with an over-the-shoulder perspective.         #

# ** Game_Actor
#  This class handles the actor. It's used within the Game_Actors class
#  ($game_actors) and refers to the Game_Party class ($game_party).

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler

  # * Get Battle Screen X-Coordinate
  def screen_x
    # Return after calculating x-coordinate by order of members in party
    if self.index != nil
      return  (640/2 - (($game_party.actors.length-1) * 50) +
              self.index*100)#self.index * 160 + 320
      return 0
  # * Get Battle Screen Y-Coordinate
  def screen_y
    return 480
  # * Get Battle Screen Z-Coordinate
  def screen_z
    # Return after calculating z-coordinate by order of members in party
    if self.index != nil
      return 4 - self.index
      return 0

# ** Game_Party
#  This class handles the party. It includes information on amount of gold
#  and items. Refer to "$game_party" for the instance of this class.

class Game_Party
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader   :actors                   # actors
  attr_reader   :gold                     # amount of gold
  attr_reader   :steps                    # number of steps
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Create actor array
    @actors = []
    # Initialize amount of gold and steps
    @gold = 0
    @steps = 0
    # Create amount in possession hash for items, weapons, and armor
    @items = {}
    @weapons = {}
    @armors = {}
  # * Initial Party Setup
  def setup_starting_members
    @actors = []
    for i in $data_system.party_members
  # * Battle Test Party Setup
  def setup_battle_test_members
    @actors = []
    for battler in $data_system.test_battlers
      actor = $game_actors[battler.actor_id]
      actor.level = battler.level
      gain_weapon(battler.weapon_id, 1)
      gain_armor(battler.armor1_id, 1)
      gain_armor(battler.armor2_id, 1)
      gain_armor(battler.armor3_id, 1)
      gain_armor(battler.armor4_id, 1)
      actor.equip(0, battler.weapon_id)
      actor.equip(1, battler.armor1_id)
      actor.equip(2, battler.armor2_id)
      actor.equip(3, battler.armor3_id)
      actor.equip(4, battler.armor4_id)
    @items = {}
    for i in 1...$data_items.size
      if $data_items[i].name != ""
        occasion = $data_items[i].occasion
        if occasion == 0 or occasion == 1
          @items[i] = 99
  # * Refresh Party Members
  def refresh
    # Actor objects split from $game_actors right after loading game data
    # Avoid this problem by resetting the actors each time data is loaded.
    new_actors = []
    for i in 0...@actors.size
      if $data_actors[@actors[i].id] != nil
    @actors = new_actors

  # * Add an Actor
  #     actor_id : actor ID
  def add_actor(actor_id)
    # Get actor
    actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
    # If the party has less than 4 members and this actor is not in the party
    if @actors.size < 1 and not @actors.include?(actor)
      # Add actor
      # Refresh player

# ** Window_Filler
#  This window is used as backdrop to avoid seeing behind the map.
class Window_Filler < Window_Base
  def initialize
    super(160, 320, 320, 160)
   self.back_opacity = 160
  def refresh

# ** Window_Weapon
#  This window is used as backdrop to avoid seeing behind the map.
class Window_Weapon < Window_Base
  def initialize
    super(0, 320, 160, 160)
   self.back_opacity = 260
  def refresh

# ** Window_PartyCommand
#  This window is used to select whether to fight or escape on the battle
#  screen.

class Window_PartyCommand < Window_Selectable
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    super(480, 320, 160, 160)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    @commands = ["Fight", "Escape"]
    @item_max = 2
    @column_max = 1
    draw_item(0, normal_color)
    draw_item(1, $game_temp.battle_can_escape ? normal_color : disabled_color) = false
    self.visible = false
    self.index = 0
  # * Draw Item
  #     index : item number
  #     color : text character color
  def draw_item(index, color)
    self.contents.font.color = color
    rect =, 32 + index * 32, 128 - 10, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    self.contents.draw_text(rect, @commands[index], 1)
  # * Cursor Rectangle Update
  def update_cursor_rect
    self.cursor_rect.set(0, 32 + index * 32, 128, 32)

# ** Window_BattleStatus
#  This window displays the status of all party members on the battle screen.

class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    super(480, 320, 160, 160)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    self.back_opacity = 120
    @level_up_flags = [false, false, false, false]
  # * Dispose
  def dispose
  # * Set Level Up Flag
  #     actor_index : actor index
  def level_up(actor_index)
    @level_up_flags[actor_index] = true
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    @item_max = $game_party.actors.size
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      actor_x = i * 160 + 4
      draw_actor_name(actor, actor_x, 0)
      draw_actor_hp(actor, actor_x, 32, 120)
      draw_actor_sp(actor, actor_x, 64, 120)
      if @level_up_flags[i]
        self.contents.font.color = normal_color
        self.contents.draw_text(actor_x, 96, 120, 32, "LEVEL UP!")
        draw_actor_state(actor, actor_x, 96)
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Slightly lower opacity level during main phase
    if $game_temp.battle_main_phase
      self.contents_opacity -= 4 if self.contents_opacity > 255
      self.contents_opacity += 4 if self.contents_opacity < 255
# ** Scene_Battle (part 1)
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Main Processing
  def main
    # Initialize each kind of temporary battle data
    $game_temp.in_battle = true
    $game_temp.battle_turn = 0
    $game_temp.battle_abort = false
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
    $game_temp.battleback_name = $game_map.battleback_name
    $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
    # Initialize battle event interpreter
    $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(nil, 0)
    # Prepare troop
    @troop_id = $game_temp.battle_troop_id
    # Make actor command window
    s1 = $data_system.words.attack
    s2 = $data_system.words.skill
    s3 = $data_system.words.guard
    s4 = $data_system.words.item
    @actor_command_window =, [s1, s2, s3, s4])
    @actor_command_window.x = 480
    @actor_command_window.y = 320
    @actor_command_window.back_opacity = 120 = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity > 255
    # Make other windows
    @party_command_window =
    @help_window =
    @help_window.opacity = 255
    @help_window.z = 999
    @window_filler =
    @window_weapon =
    @help_window.back_opacity = 160
    @help_window.visible = false
    #@status_window =
    @yourhud =
    @message_window =
    # Make sprite set
    @spriteset =
    # Initialize wait count
    @wait_count = 0
    # Execute transition
    if $data_system.battle_transition == ""
      Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" +
    # Start pre-battle phase
    # Main loop
    loop do
      # Update game screen
      # Update input information
      # Frame update
      # Abort loop if screen is changed
      if $scene != self
    # Refresh map
    # Prepare for transition
    # Dispose of windows
    if @skill_window != nil
    if @item_window != nil
    if @result_window != nil
    # Dispose of sprite set
    # If switching to title screen
    if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Title)
      # Fade out screen
    # If switching from battle test to any screen other than game over screen
    if $BTEST and not $scene.is_a?(Scene_Gameover)
      $scene = nil
  def update_cursor_rect
    # If cursor position is less than 0
    if @index < 0
    # Get current row
    row = @index / @column_max
    # If current row is before top row
    if row < self.top_row
      # Scroll so that current row becomes top row
      self.top_row = row
    # If current row is more to back than back row
    if row > self.top_row + (self.page_row_max - 1)
      # Scroll so that current row becomes back row
      self.top_row = row - (self.page_row_max - 1)
    # Calculate cursor width
    cursor_width = self.width / @column_max - 320
    # Calculate cursor coordinates
    x = @index % @column_max * (cursor_width + 32)
    y = @index / @column_max * 32 - self.oy
    # Update cursor rectangle
    self.cursor_rect.set(x, y, cursor_width, 32)
  # * Determine Battle Win/Loss Results
  def judge
    # If all dead determinant is true, or number of members in party is 0
    if $game_party.all_dead? or $game_party.actors.size == 0
      # If possible to lose
      if $game_temp.battle_can_lose
        # Return to BGM before battle starts
        # Battle ends
        # Return true
        return true
      # Set game over flag
      $game_temp.gameover = true
      # Return true
      return true
    # Return false if even 1 enemy exists
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
      if enemy.exist?
        return false
    # Start after battle phase (win)
    # Return true
    return true
  # * Battle Ends
  #     result : results (0:win 1:lose 2:escape)
  def battle_end(result)
    # Clear in battle flag
    $game_temp.in_battle = false
    # Clear entire party actions flag
    # Remove battle states
    for actor in $game_party.actors
    # Clear enemies
    # Call battle callback
    if $game_temp.battle_proc != nil
      $game_temp.battle_proc = nil
    # Switch to map screen
    $scene =
  # * Battle Event Setup
  def setup_battle_event
    # If battle event is running
    if $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?
    # Search for all battle event pages
    for index in 0...$data_troops[@troop_id].pages.size
      # Get event pages
      page = $data_troops[@troop_id].pages[index]
      # Make event conditions possible for reference with c
      c = page.condition
      # Go to next page if no conditions are appointed
      unless c.turn_valid or c.enemy_valid or
             c.actor_valid or c.switch_valid
      # Go to next page if action has been completed
      if $game_temp.battle_event_flags[index]
      # Confirm turn conditions
      if c.turn_valid
        n = $game_temp.battle_turn
        a = c.turn_a
        b = c.turn_b
        if (b == 0 and n != a) or
           (b > 0 and (n < 1 or n < a or n % b != a % b))
      # Confirm enemy conditions
      if c.enemy_valid
        enemy = $game_troop.enemies[c.enemy_index]
        if enemy == nil or enemy.hp * 100.0 / enemy.maxhp > c.enemy_hp
      # Confirm actor conditions
      if c.actor_valid
        actor = $game_actors[c.actor_id]
        if actor == nil or actor.hp * 100.0 / actor.maxhp > c.actor_hp
      # Confirm switch conditions
      if c.switch_valid
        if $game_switches[c.switch_id] == false
      # Set up event
      $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(page.list, 0)
      # If this page span is [battle] or [turn]
      if page.span <= 1
        # Set action completed flag
        $game_temp.battle_event_flags[index] = true
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # If battle event is running
    if $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?
      # Update interpreter
      # If a battler which is forcing actions doesn't exist
      if $game_temp.forcing_battler == nil
        # If battle event has finished running
        unless $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?
          # Rerun battle event set up if battle continues
          unless judge
        # If not after battle phase
        if @phase != 5
          # Refresh status window
    # Update system (timer) and screen
    # If timer has reached 0
    if $game_system.timer_working and $game_system.timer == 0
      # Abort battle
      $game_temp.battle_abort = true
    # Update windows
    @yourhud.update #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<you forgot this
    # Update sprite set
    # If transition is processing
    if $game_temp.transition_processing
      # Clear transition processing flag
      $game_temp.transition_processing = false
      # Execute transition
      if $game_temp.transition_name == ""
        Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" +
    # If message window is showing
    if $game_temp.message_window_showing
    # If effect is showing
    if @spriteset.effect?
    # If game over
    if $game_temp.gameover
      # Switch to game over screen
      $scene =
    # If returning to title screen
    if $game_temp.to_title
      # Switch to title screen
      $scene =
    # If battle is aborted
    if $game_temp.battle_abort
      # Return to BGM used before battle started
      # Battle ends
    # If waiting
    if @wait_count > 0
      # Decrease wait count
      @wait_count -= 1
    # If battler forcing an action doesn't exist,
    # and battle event is running
    if $game_temp.forcing_battler == nil and
    # Branch according to phase
    case @phase
    when 1  # pre-battle phase
    when 2  # party command phase
    when 3  # actor command phase
    when 4  # main phase
    when 5  # after battle phase

# ** Scene_Battle (part 2)
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Start Pre-Battle Phase
  def start_phase1
    # Shift to phase 1
    @phase = 1
    # Clear all party member actions
    # Set up battle event
  # * Frame Update (pre-battle phase)
  def update_phase1
    # Determine win/loss situation
    if judge
      # If won or lost: end method
    # Start party command phase
  # * Start Party Command Phase
  def start_phase2
    # Shift to phase 2
    @phase = 2
    # Set actor to non-selecting
    @actor_index = -1
    @active_battler = nil
    # Enable party command window = true
    @party_command_window.visible = true
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
    # Clear main phase flag
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
    # Clear all party member actions
    # If impossible to input command
    unless $game_party.inputable?
      # Start main phase
  # * Frame Update (party command phase)
  def update_phase2
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Branch by party command window cursor position
      case @party_command_window.index
      when 0  # fight
        # Play decision SE
        # Start actor command phase
      when 1  # escape
        # If it's not possible to escape
        if $game_temp.battle_can_escape == false
          # Play buzzer SE
        # Play decision SE
        # Escape processing
  # * Frame Update (party command phase: escape)
  def update_phase2_escape
    # Calculate enemy agility average
    enemies_agi = 0
    enemies_number = 0
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
      if enemy.exist?
        enemies_agi += enemy.agi
        enemies_number += 1
    if enemies_number > 0
      enemies_agi /= enemies_number
    # Calculate actor agility average
    actors_agi = 0
    actors_number = 0
    for actor in $game_party.actors
      if actor.exist?
        actors_agi += actor.agi
        actors_number += 1
    if actors_number > 0
      actors_agi /= actors_number
    # Determine if escape is successful
    success = rand(100) < 50 * actors_agi / enemies_agi
    # If escape is successful
    if success
      # Play escape SE
      # Return to BGM before battle started
      # Battle ends
    # If escape is failure
      # Clear all party member actions
      # Start main phase
  # * Start After Battle Phase
  def start_phase5
    # Shift to phase 5
    @phase = 5
    # my picture erase edit
    # Play battle end ME
    # Return to BGM before battle started
    # Initialize EXP, amount of gold, and treasure
    exp = 0
    gold = 0
    treasures = []
    # Loop
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
      # If enemy is not hidden
      unless enemy.hidden
        # Add EXP and amount of gold obtained
        exp += enemy.exp
        gold +=
        # Determine if treasure appears
        if rand(100) < enemy.treasure_prob
          if enemy.item_id > 0
          if enemy.weapon_id > 0
          if enemy.armor_id > 0
    # Treasure is limited to a maximum of 6 items
    treasures = treasures[0..5]
    # Obtaining EXP
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      if actor.cant_get_exp? == false
        last_level = actor.level
        actor.exp += exp
        if actor.level > last_level
    # Obtaining gold
    # Obtaining treasure
    for item in treasures
      case item
      when RPG::Item
        $game_party.gain_item(, 1)
      when RPG::Weapon
        $game_party.gain_weapon(, 1)
      when RPG::Armor
        $game_party.gain_armor(, 1)
    # Make battle result window
    @result_window =, gold, treasures)
    # Set wait count
    @phase5_wait_count = 100
  # * Frame Update (after battle phase)
  def update_phase5
    # If wait count is larger than 0
    if @phase5_wait_count > 0
      # Decrease wait count
      @phase5_wait_count -= 1
      # If wait count reaches 0
      if @phase5_wait_count == 0
        # Show result window
        @result_window.visible = true
        # Clear main phase flag
        $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
        # Refresh status window
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Battle ends

# ** Scene_Battle (part 3)
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Start Actor Command Phase
  def start_phase3
    # Shift to phase 3
    @phase = 3
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 255
    # Set actor as unselectable
    @actor_index = -1
    @active_battler = nil
    # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Go to Command Input for Next Actor
  def phase3_next_actor
    # Loop
      # Actor blink effect OFF
      if @active_battler != nil
        @active_battler.blink = false
      # If last actor
      if @actor_index == $game_party.actors.size-1
        # Start main phase
      # Advance actor index
      @actor_index += 1
      @active_battler = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]
      @active_battler.blink = true
    # Once more if actor refuses command input
    end until @active_battler.inputable?
    # Set up actor command window
  # * Go to Command Input of Previous Actor
  def phase3_prior_actor
    # Loop
      # Actor blink effect OFF
      if @active_battler != nil
        @active_battler.blink = false
      # If first actor
      if @actor_index == 0
        # Start party command phase
      # Return to actor index
      @actor_index -= 1
      @active_battler = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]
      @active_battler.blink = true
    # Once more if actor refuses command input
    end until @active_battler.inputable?
    # Set up actor command window
  # * Actor Command Window Setup
  def phase3_setup_command_window
    # Disable party command window = false
    @party_command_window.visible = false
    # Enable actor command window = true
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    # Set actor command window position
    @actor_command_window.x = 480#@actor_index * 160
    # Set index to 0
    @actor_command_window.index = 0
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase)
  def update_phase3
    # If enemy arrow is enabled
    if @enemy_arrow != nil
    # If actor arrow is enabled
    elsif @actor_arrow != nil
    # If skill window is enabled
    elsif @skill_window != nil
    # If item window is enabled
    elsif @item_window != nil
    # If actor command window is enabled
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : basic command)
  def update_phase3_basic_command
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # Go to command input for previous actor
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Branch by actor command window cursor position
      case @actor_command_window.index
      when 0  # attack
        # Play decision SE
        # Set action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0
        @active_battler.current_action.basic = 0
        # Start enemy selection
      when 1  # skill
        # Play decision SE
        # Set action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 1
        # Start skill selection
      when 2  # guard
        # Play decision SE
        # Set action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0
        @active_battler.current_action.basic = 1
        # Go to command input for next actor
      when 3  # item
        # Play decision SE
        # Set action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 2
        # Start item selection
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : skill selection)
  def update_phase3_skill_select
    # Make skill window visible
    @skill_window.visible = true
    # Update skill window
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # End skill selection
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Get currently selected data on the skill window
      @skill = @skill_window.skill
      # If it can't be used
      if @skill == nil or not @active_battler.skill_can_use?(
        # Play buzzer SE
      # Play decision SE
      # Set action
      @active_battler.current_action.skill_id =
      # Make skill window invisible
      @skill_window.visible = false
      # If effect scope is single enemy
      if @skill.scope == 1
        # Start enemy selection
      # If effect scope is single ally
      elsif @skill.scope == 3 or @skill.scope == 5
        # Start actor selection
      # If effect scope is not single
        # End skill selection
        # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : item selection)
  def update_phase3_item_select
    # Make item window visible
    @item_window.visible = true
    # Update item window
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # End item selection
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Get currently selected data on the item window
      @item = @item_window.item
      # If it can't be used
      unless $game_party.item_can_use?(
        # Play buzzer SE
      # Play decision SE
      # Set action
      @active_battler.current_action.item_id =
      # Make item window invisible
      @item_window.visible = false
      # If effect scope is single enemy
      if @item.scope == 1
        # Start enemy selection
      # If effect scope is single ally
      elsif @item.scope == 3 or @item.scope == 5
        # Start actor selection
      # If effect scope is not single
        # End item selection
        # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Frame Updat (actor command phase : enemy selection)
  def update_phase3_enemy_select
    # Update enemy arrow
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # End enemy selection
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Play decision SE
      # Set action
      @active_battler.current_action.target_index = @enemy_arrow.index
      # End enemy selection
      # If skill window is showing
      if @skill_window != nil
        # End skill selection
      # If item window is showing
      if @item_window != nil
        # End item selection
      # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : actor selection)
  def update_phase3_actor_select
    # Update actor arrow
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # End actor selection
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Play decision SE
      # Set action
      @active_battler.current_action.target_index = @actor_arrow.index
      # End actor selection
      # If skill window is showing
      if @skill_window != nil
        # End skill selection
      # If item window is showing
      if @item_window != nil
        # End item selection
      # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Start Enemy Selection
  def start_enemy_select
    # Make enemy arrow
    @enemy_arrow =
    # Associate help window
    @enemy_arrow.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
  # * End Enemy Selection
  def end_enemy_select
    # Dispose of enemy arrow
    @enemy_arrow = nil
    # If command is [fight]
    if @actor_command_window.index == 0
      # Enable actor command window = true
      @actor_command_window.visible = true
      @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 255
      # Hide help window
      @help_window.visible = false
  # * Start Actor Selection
  def start_actor_select
    # Make actor arrow
    @actor_arrow =
    @actor_arrow.index = @actor_index
    # Associate help window
    @actor_arrow.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
  # * End Actor Selection
  def end_actor_select
    # Dispose of actor arrow
    @actor_arrow = nil
  # * Start Skill Selection
  def start_skill_select
    # Make skill window
    @skill_window =
    # Associate help window
    @skill_window.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
  # * End Skill Selection
  def end_skill_select
    # Dispose of skill window
    @skill_window = nil
    # Hide help window
    @help_window.visible = false
    # Enable actor command window = true
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 255
  # * Start Item Selection
  def start_item_select
    # Make item window
    @item_window =
    # Associate help window
    @item_window.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
  # * End Item Selection
  def end_item_select
    # Dispose of item window
    @item_window = nil
    # Hide help window
    @help_window.visible = false
    # Enable actor command window = true
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 255

# ** Scene_Battle (part 4)
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Start Main Phase
  def start_phase4
    # Shift to phase 4
    @phase = 4
    # Turn count
    $game_temp.battle_turn += 1
    # Search all battle event pages
    for index in 0...$data_troops[@troop_id].pages.size
      # Get event page
      page = $data_troops[@troop_id].pages[index]
      # If this page span is [turn]
      if page.span == 1
        # Clear action completed flags
        $game_temp.battle_event_flags[index] = false
    # Set actor as unselectable
    @actor_index = -1
    @active_battler = nil
    # Enable party command window = false
    @party_command_window.visible = false
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
    # Set main phase flag
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = true
    # Make enemy action
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
    # Make action orders
    # Shift to step 1
    @phase4_step = 1
  # * Make Action Orders
  def make_action_orders
    # Initialize @action_battlers array
    @action_battlers = []
    # Add enemy to @action_battlers array
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
    # Add actor to @action_battlers array
    for actor in $game_party.actors
    # Decide action speed for all
    for battler in @action_battlers
    # Line up action speed in order from greatest to least
    @action_battlers.sort! {|a,b|
      b.current_action.speed - a.current_action.speed }
  # * Frame Update (main phase)
  def update_phase4
    case @phase4_step
    when 1
    when 2
    when 3
    when 4
    when 5
    when 6
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 1 : action preparation)
  def update_phase4_step1
    # Hide help window
    @help_window.visible = false
    # Determine win/loss
    if judge
      # If won, or if lost : end method
    # If an action forcing battler doesn't exist
    if $game_temp.forcing_battler == nil
      # Set up battle event
      # If battle event is running
      if $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?
    # If an action forcing battler exists
    if $game_temp.forcing_battler != nil
      # Add to head, or move
    # If no actionless battlers exist (all have performed an action)
    if @action_battlers.size == 0
      # Start party command phase
    # Initialize animation ID and common event ID
    @animation1_id = 0
    @animation2_id = 0
    @common_event_id = 0
    # Shift from head of actionless battlers
    @active_battler = @action_battlers.shift
    # If already removed from battle
    if @active_battler.index == nil
    # Slip damage
    if @active_battler.hp > 0 and @active_battler.slip_damage?
      @active_battler.damage_pop = true
    # Natural removal of states
    # Refresh status window
    # Shift to step 2
    @phase4_step = 2
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 2 : start action)
  def update_phase4_step2
    # If not a forcing action
    unless @active_battler.current_action.forcing
      # If restriction is [normal attack enemy] or [normal attack ally]
      if @active_battler.restriction == 2 or @active_battler.restriction == 3
        # Set attack as an action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0
        @active_battler.current_action.basic = 0
      # If restriction is [cannot perform action]
      if @active_battler.restriction == 4
        # Clear battler being forced into action
        $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
        # Shift to step 1
        @phase4_step = 1
    # Clear target battlers
    @target_battlers = []
    # Branch according to each action
    case @active_battler.current_action.kind
    when 0  # basic
    when 1  # skill
    when 2  # item
    # Shift to step 3
    if @phase4_step == 2
      @phase4_step = 3
  # * Make Basic Action Results
  def make_basic_action_result
    # If attack
    if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 0
      # Set anaimation ID
      @animation1_id = @active_battler.animation1_id
      @animation2_id = @active_battler.animation2_id
      # If action battler is enemy
      if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
        if @active_battler.restriction == 3
          target = $game_troop.random_target_enemy
        elsif @active_battler.restriction == 2
          target = $game_party.random_target_actor
          index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
          target = $game_party.smooth_target_actor(index)
      # If action battler is actor
      if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
        if @active_battler.restriction == 3
          target = $game_party.random_target_actor
        elsif @active_battler.restriction == 2
          target = $game_troop.random_target_enemy
          index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
          target = $game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(index)
      # Set array of targeted battlers
      @target_battlers = [target]
      # Apply normal attack results
      for target in @target_battlers
    # If guard
    if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 1
      # Display "Guard" in help window
      @help_window.set_text($data_system.words.guard, 1)
    # If escape
    if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and
       @active_battler.current_action.basic == 2
      # Display "Escape" in help window
      @help_window.set_text("Escape", 1)
      # Escape
    # If doing nothing
    if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 3
      # Clear battler being forced into action
      $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
      # Shift to step 1
      @phase4_step = 1
  # * Set Targeted Battler for Skill or Item
  #     scope : effect scope for skill or item
  def set_target_battlers(scope)
    # If battler performing action is enemy
    if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
      # Branch by effect scope
      case scope
      when 1  # single enemy
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
      when 2  # all enemies
        for actor in $game_party.actors
          if actor.exist?
      when 3  # single ally
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
      when 4  # all allies
        for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
          if enemy.exist?
      when 5  # single ally (HP 0)
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
        enemy = $game_troop.enemies[index]
        if enemy != nil and enemy.hp0?
      when 6  # all allies (HP 0)
        for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
          if enemy != nil and enemy.hp0?
      when 7  # user
    # If battler performing action is actor
    if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
      # Branch by effect scope
      case scope
      when 1  # single enemy
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
      when 2  # all enemies
        for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
          if enemy.exist?
      when 3  # single ally
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
      when 4  # all allies
        for actor in $game_party.actors
          if actor.exist?
      when 5  # single ally (HP 0)
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
        actor = $game_party.actors[index]
        if actor != nil and actor.hp0?
      when 6  # all allies (HP 0)
        for actor in $game_party.actors
          if actor != nil and actor.hp0?
      when 7  # user
  # * Make Skill Action Results
  def make_skill_action_result
    # Get skill
    @skill = $data_skills[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id]
    # If not a forcing action
    unless @active_battler.current_action.forcing
      # If unable to use due to SP running out
      unless @active_battler.skill_can_use?(
        # Clear battler being forced into action
        $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
        # Shift to step 1
        @phase4_step = 1
    # Use up SP
    @active_battler.sp -= @skill.sp_cost
    # Refresh status window
    # Show skill name on help window
    @help_window.set_text(, 1)
    # Set animation ID
    @animation1_id = @skill.animation1_id
    @animation2_id = @skill.animation2_id
    # Set command event ID
    @common_event_id = @skill.common_event_id
    # Set target battlers
    # Apply skill effect
    for target in @target_battlers
      target.skill_effect(@active_battler, @skill)
  # * Make Item Action Results
  def make_item_action_result
    # Get item
    @item = $data_items[@active_battler.current_action.item_id]
    # If unable to use due to items running out
    unless $game_party.item_can_use?(
      # Shift to step 1
      @phase4_step = 1
    # If consumable
    if @item.consumable
      # Decrease used item by 1
      $game_party.lose_item(, 1)
    # Display item name on help window
    @help_window.set_text(, 1)
    # Set animation ID
    @animation1_id = @item.animation1_id
    @animation2_id = @item.animation2_id
    # Set common event ID
    @common_event_id = @item.common_event_id
    # Decide on target
    index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
    target = $game_party.smooth_target_actor(index)
    # Set targeted battlers
    # Apply item effect
    for target in @target_battlers
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 3 : animation for action performer)
  def update_phase4_step3
    # Animation for action performer (if ID is 0, then white flash)
    if @animation1_id == 0
      @active_battler.white_flash = true
      @active_battler.animation_id = @animation1_id
      @active_battler.animation_hit = true
    # Shift to step 4
    @phase4_step = 4
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 4 : animation for target)
  def update_phase4_step4
    # Animation for target
    for target in @target_battlers
      target.animation_id = @animation2_id
      target.animation_hit = (target.damage != "Miss")
    # Animation has at least 8 frames, regardless of its length
    @wait_count = 8
    # Shift to step 5
    @phase4_step = 5
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 5 : damage display)
  def update_phase4_step5
    # Hide help window
    @help_window.visible = false
    # Refresh status window
    @yourhud.refresh #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<you forgot this
    # Display damage
    for target in @target_battlers
      if target.damage != nil
        target.damage_pop = true
    # Shift to step 6
    @phase4_step = 6
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 6 : refresh)
  def update_phase4_step6
    # Clear battler being forced into action
    $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
    # If common event ID is valid
    if @common_event_id > 0
      # Set up event
      common_event = $data_common_events[@common_event_id]
      $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(common_event.list, 0)
    # Shift to step 1
    @phase4_step = 1
I spent the last hour trying to make the alterations you posted to this script but I keep getting error messages if one of you guys could implement the respawnign into this script I would be forever in you debt also if you could implement it that the respawning only works if you turn on a switch that would be grand
well, this battle system use the same def judge and def battle_end(result), not hard to edit
# Script by: Tigurus Fay                                                       #
# Script: One-Man Duel Battlesystem                                            #
# Version: v1.03                                                               #
# Install: Press F11 and place the Script directly above [Main].               #
# Description: This script allows for a timed-based battlesytem which works    #
#              only correctly with 1 party member. For a very nice experience  #
#              make the Battler with an over-the-shoulder perspective.         #

# ** Game_Actor
#  This class handles the actor. It's used within the Game_Actors class
#  ($game_actors) and refers to the Game_Party class ($game_party).

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler

  # * Get Battle Screen X-Coordinate
  def screen_x
    # Return after calculating x-coordinate by order of members in party
    if self.index != nil
      return  (640/2 - (($game_party.actors.length-1) * 50) +
              self.index*100)#self.index * 160 + 320
      return 0
  # * Get Battle Screen Y-Coordinate
  def screen_y
    return 480
  # * Get Battle Screen Z-Coordinate
  def screen_z
    # Return after calculating z-coordinate by order of members in party
    if self.index != nil
      return 4 - self.index
      return 0

# ** Game_Party
#  This class handles the party. It includes information on amount of gold
#  and items. Refer to "$game_party" for the instance of this class.

class Game_Party
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader   :actors                   # actors
  attr_reader   :gold                     # amount of gold
  attr_reader   :steps                    # number of steps
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Create actor array
    @actors = []
    # Initialize amount of gold and steps
    @gold = 0
    @steps = 0
    # Create amount in possession hash for items, weapons, and armor
    @items = {}
    @weapons = {}
    @armors = {}
  # * Initial Party Setup
  def setup_starting_members
    @actors = []
    for i in $data_system.party_members
  # * Battle Test Party Setup
  def setup_battle_test_members
    @actors = []
    for battler in $data_system.test_battlers
      actor = $game_actors[battler.actor_id]
      actor.level = battler.level
      gain_weapon(battler.weapon_id, 1)
      gain_armor(battler.armor1_id, 1)
      gain_armor(battler.armor2_id, 1)
      gain_armor(battler.armor3_id, 1)
      gain_armor(battler.armor4_id, 1)
      actor.equip(0, battler.weapon_id)
      actor.equip(1, battler.armor1_id)
      actor.equip(2, battler.armor2_id)
      actor.equip(3, battler.armor3_id)
      actor.equip(4, battler.armor4_id)
    @items = {}
    for i in 1...$data_items.size
      if $data_items[i].name != ""
        occasion = $data_items[i].occasion
        if occasion == 0 or occasion == 1
          @items[i] = 99
  # * Refresh Party Members
  def refresh
    # Actor objects split from $game_actors right after loading game data
    # Avoid this problem by resetting the actors each time data is loaded.
    new_actors = []
    for i in 0...@actors.size
      if $data_actors[@actors[i].id] != nil
    @actors = new_actors

  # * Add an Actor
  #     actor_id : actor ID
  def add_actor(actor_id)
    # Get actor
    actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
    # If the party has less than 4 members and this actor is not in the party
    if @actors.size < 1 and not @actors.include?(actor)
      # Add actor
      # Refresh player

# ** Window_Filler
#  This window is used as backdrop to avoid seeing behind the map.
class Window_Filler < Window_Base
  def initialize
    super(160, 320, 320, 160)
   self.back_opacity = 160
  def refresh

# ** Window_Weapon
#  This window is used as backdrop to avoid seeing behind the map.
class Window_Weapon < Window_Base
  def initialize
    super(0, 320, 160, 160)
   self.back_opacity = 260
  def refresh

# ** Window_PartyCommand
#  This window is used to select whether to fight or escape on the battle
#  screen.

class Window_PartyCommand < Window_Selectable
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    super(480, 320, 160, 160)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    @commands = ["Fight", "Escape"]
    @item_max = 2
    @column_max = 1
    draw_item(0, normal_color)
    draw_item(1, $game_temp.battle_can_escape ? normal_color : disabled_color) = false
    self.visible = false
    self.index = 0
  # * Draw Item
  #     index : item number
  #     color : text character color
  def draw_item(index, color)
    self.contents.font.color = color
    rect =, 32 + index * 32, 128 - 10, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    self.contents.draw_text(rect, @commands[index], 1)
  # * Cursor Rectangle Update
  def update_cursor_rect
    self.cursor_rect.set(0, 32 + index * 32, 128, 32)

# ** Window_BattleStatus
#  This window displays the status of all party members on the battle screen.

class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    super(480, 320, 160, 160)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    self.back_opacity = 120
    @level_up_flags = [false, false, false, false]
  # * Dispose
  def dispose
  # * Set Level Up Flag
  #     actor_index : actor index
  def level_up(actor_index)
    @level_up_flags[actor_index] = true
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    @item_max = $game_party.actors.size
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      actor_x = i * 160 + 4
      draw_actor_name(actor, actor_x, 0)
      draw_actor_hp(actor, actor_x, 32, 120)
      draw_actor_sp(actor, actor_x, 64, 120)
      if @level_up_flags[i]
        self.contents.font.color = normal_color
        self.contents.draw_text(actor_x, 96, 120, 32, "LEVEL UP!")
        draw_actor_state(actor, actor_x, 96)
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Slightly lower opacity level during main phase
    if $game_temp.battle_main_phase
      self.contents_opacity -= 4 if self.contents_opacity > 255
      self.contents_opacity += 4 if self.contents_opacity < 255
# ** Scene_Battle (part 1)
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Main Processing
  def main
    # Initialize each kind of temporary battle data
    $game_temp.in_battle = true
    $game_temp.battle_turn = 0
    $game_temp.battle_abort = false
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
    $game_temp.battleback_name = $game_map.battleback_name
    $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
    # Initialize battle event interpreter
    $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(nil, 0)
    # Prepare troop
    @troop_id = $game_temp.battle_troop_id
    # Make actor command window
    s1 = $data_system.words.attack
    s2 = $data_system.words.skill
    s3 = $data_system.words.guard
    s4 = $data_system.words.item
    @actor_command_window =, [s1, s2, s3, s4])
    @actor_command_window.x = 480
    @actor_command_window.y = 320
    @actor_command_window.back_opacity = 120 = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity > 255
    # Make other windows
    @party_command_window =
    @help_window =
    @help_window.opacity = 255
    @help_window.z = 999
    @window_filler =
    @window_weapon =
    @help_window.back_opacity = 160
    @help_window.visible = false
    #@status_window =
    @yourhud =
    @message_window =
    # Make sprite set
    @spriteset =
    # Initialize wait count
    @wait_count = 0
    # Execute transition
    if $data_system.battle_transition == ""
      Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" +
    # Start pre-battle phase
    # Main loop
    loop do
      # Update game screen
      # Update input information
      # Frame update
      # Abort loop if screen is changed
      if $scene != self
    # Refresh map
    # Prepare for transition
    # Dispose of windows
    if @skill_window != nil
    if @item_window != nil
    if @result_window != nil
    # Dispose of sprite set
    # If switching to title screen
    if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Title)
      # Fade out screen
    # If switching from battle test to any screen other than game over screen
    if $BTEST and not $scene.is_a?(Scene_Gameover)
      $scene = nil
  def update_cursor_rect
    # If cursor position is less than 0
    if @index < 0
    # Get current row
    row = @index / @column_max
    # If current row is before top row
    if row < self.top_row
      # Scroll so that current row becomes top row
      self.top_row = row
    # If current row is more to back than back row
    if row > self.top_row + (self.page_row_max - 1)
      # Scroll so that current row becomes back row
      self.top_row = row - (self.page_row_max - 1)
    # Calculate cursor width
    cursor_width = self.width / @column_max - 320
    # Calculate cursor coordinates
    x = @index % @column_max * (cursor_width + 32)
    y = @index / @column_max * 32 - self.oy
    # Update cursor rectangle
    self.cursor_rect.set(x, y, cursor_width, 32)
  # * Determine Battle Win/Loss Results
  def judge
    # If all dead determinant is true, or number of members in party is 0
    if $game_party.all_dead? or $game_party.actors.size == 0
      # If possible to lose
      if $game_temp.battle_can_lose or $game_switch[1] == true
        # Return to BGM before battle starts
        # Battle ends
        # Return true
        return true
      # Set game over flag
      $game_temp.gameover = true
      # Return true
      return true
    # Return false if even 1 enemy exists
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
      if enemy.exist?
        return false
    # Start after battle phase (win)
    # Return true
    return true
  # * Battle Ends
  #     result : results (0:win 1:lose 2:escape)
  def battle_end(result)
    # Clear in battle flag
    $game_temp.in_battle = false
    # Clear entire party actions flag
    # Remove battle states
    for actor in $game_party.actors
    # Clear enemies
    # Call battle callback
    if $game_temp.battle_proc != nil
      $game_temp.battle_proc = nil
    # Switch to map screen
    $scene =
if $game_party.all_dead?
   for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      actor.hp = actor.maxhp
   value = $
   $game_player.moveto($game_variables[2], $game_variables[3])
  # * Battle Event Setup
  def setup_battle_event
    # If battle event is running
    if $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?
    # Search for all battle event pages
    for index in 0...$data_troops[@troop_id].pages.size
      # Get event pages
      page = $data_troops[@troop_id].pages[index]
      # Make event conditions possible for reference with c
      c = page.condition
      # Go to next page if no conditions are appointed
      unless c.turn_valid or c.enemy_valid or
             c.actor_valid or c.switch_valid
      # Go to next page if action has been completed
      if $game_temp.battle_event_flags[index]
      # Confirm turn conditions
      if c.turn_valid
        n = $game_temp.battle_turn
        a = c.turn_a
        b = c.turn_b
        if (b == 0 and n != a) or
           (b > 0 and (n < 1 or n < a or n % b != a % b))
      # Confirm enemy conditions
      if c.enemy_valid
        enemy = $game_troop.enemies[c.enemy_index]
        if enemy == nil or enemy.hp * 100.0 / enemy.maxhp > c.enemy_hp
      # Confirm actor conditions
      if c.actor_valid
        actor = $game_actors[c.actor_id]
        if actor == nil or actor.hp * 100.0 / actor.maxhp > c.actor_hp
      # Confirm switch conditions
      if c.switch_valid
        if $game_switches[c.switch_id] == false
      # Set up event
      $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(page.list, 0)
      # If this page span is [battle] or [turn]
      if page.span <= 1
        # Set action completed flag
        $game_temp.battle_event_flags[index] = true
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # If battle event is running
    if $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?
      # Update interpreter
      # If a battler which is forcing actions doesn't exist
      if $game_temp.forcing_battler == nil
        # If battle event has finished running
        unless $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?
          # Rerun battle event set up if battle continues
          unless judge
        # If not after battle phase
        if @phase != 5
          # Refresh status window
    # Update system (timer) and screen
    # If timer has reached 0
    if $game_system.timer_working and $game_system.timer == 0
      # Abort battle
      $game_temp.battle_abort = true
    # Update windows
    @yourhud.update #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<you forgot this
    # Update sprite set
    # If transition is processing
    if $game_temp.transition_processing
      # Clear transition processing flag
      $game_temp.transition_processing = false
      # Execute transition
      if $game_temp.transition_name == ""
        Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" +
    # If message window is showing
    if $game_temp.message_window_showing
    # If effect is showing
    if @spriteset.effect?
    # If game over
    if $game_temp.gameover
      # Switch to game over screen
      $scene =
    # If returning to title screen
    if $game_temp.to_title
      # Switch to title screen
      $scene =
    # If battle is aborted
    if $game_temp.battle_abort
      # Return to BGM used before battle started
      # Battle ends
    # If waiting
    if @wait_count > 0
      # Decrease wait count
      @wait_count -= 1
    # If battler forcing an action doesn't exist,
    # and battle event is running
    if $game_temp.forcing_battler == nil and
    # Branch according to phase
    case @phase
    when 1  # pre-battle phase
    when 2  # party command phase
    when 3  # actor command phase
    when 4  # main phase
    when 5  # after battle phase

# ** Scene_Battle (part 2)
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Start Pre-Battle Phase
  def start_phase1
    # Shift to phase 1
    @phase = 1
    # Clear all party member actions
    # Set up battle event
  # * Frame Update (pre-battle phase)
  def update_phase1
    # Determine win/loss situation
    if judge
      # If won or lost: end method
    # Start party command phase
  # * Start Party Command Phase
  def start_phase2
    # Shift to phase 2
    @phase = 2
    # Set actor to non-selecting
    @actor_index = -1
    @active_battler = nil
    # Enable party command window = true
    @party_command_window.visible = true
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
    # Clear main phase flag
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
    # Clear all party member actions
    # If impossible to input command
    unless $game_party.inputable?
      # Start main phase
  # * Frame Update (party command phase)
  def update_phase2
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Branch by party command window cursor position
      case @party_command_window.index
      when 0  # fight
        # Play decision SE
        # Start actor command phase
      when 1  # escape
        # If it's not possible to escape
        if $game_temp.battle_can_escape == false
          # Play buzzer SE
        # Play decision SE
        # Escape processing
  # * Frame Update (party command phase: escape)
  def update_phase2_escape
    # Calculate enemy agility average
    enemies_agi = 0
    enemies_number = 0
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
      if enemy.exist?
        enemies_agi += enemy.agi
        enemies_number += 1
    if enemies_number > 0
      enemies_agi /= enemies_number
    # Calculate actor agility average
    actors_agi = 0
    actors_number = 0
    for actor in $game_party.actors
      if actor.exist?
        actors_agi += actor.agi
        actors_number += 1
    if actors_number > 0
      actors_agi /= actors_number
    # Determine if escape is successful
    success = rand(100) < 50 * actors_agi / enemies_agi
    # If escape is successful
    if success
      # Play escape SE
      # Return to BGM before battle started
      # Battle ends
    # If escape is failure
      # Clear all party member actions
      # Start main phase
  # * Start After Battle Phase
  def start_phase5
    # Shift to phase 5
    @phase = 5
    # my picture erase edit
    # Play battle end ME
    # Return to BGM before battle started
    # Initialize EXP, amount of gold, and treasure
    exp = 0
    gold = 0
    treasures = []
    # Loop
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
      # If enemy is not hidden
      unless enemy.hidden
        # Add EXP and amount of gold obtained
        exp += enemy.exp
        gold +=
        # Determine if treasure appears
        if rand(100) < enemy.treasure_prob
          if enemy.item_id > 0
          if enemy.weapon_id > 0
          if enemy.armor_id > 0
    # Treasure is limited to a maximum of 6 items
    treasures = treasures[0..5]
    # Obtaining EXP
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      if actor.cant_get_exp? == false
        last_level = actor.level
        actor.exp += exp
        if actor.level > last_level
    # Obtaining gold
    # Obtaining treasure
    for item in treasures
      case item
      when RPG::Item
        $game_party.gain_item(, 1)
      when RPG::Weapon
        $game_party.gain_weapon(, 1)
      when RPG::Armor
        $game_party.gain_armor(, 1)
    # Make battle result window
    @result_window =, gold, treasures)
    # Set wait count
    @phase5_wait_count = 100
  # * Frame Update (after battle phase)
  def update_phase5
    # If wait count is larger than 0
    if @phase5_wait_count > 0
      # Decrease wait count
      @phase5_wait_count -= 1
      # If wait count reaches 0
      if @phase5_wait_count == 0
        # Show result window
        @result_window.visible = true
        # Clear main phase flag
        $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
        # Refresh status window
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Battle ends

# ** Scene_Battle (part 3)
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Start Actor Command Phase
  def start_phase3
    # Shift to phase 3
    @phase = 3
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 255
    # Set actor as unselectable
    @actor_index = -1
    @active_battler = nil
    # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Go to Command Input for Next Actor
  def phase3_next_actor
    # Loop
      # Actor blink effect OFF
      if @active_battler != nil
        @active_battler.blink = false
      # If last actor
      if @actor_index == $game_party.actors.size-1
        # Start main phase
      # Advance actor index
      @actor_index += 1
      @active_battler = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]
      @active_battler.blink = true
    # Once more if actor refuses command input
    end until @active_battler.inputable?
    # Set up actor command window
  # * Go to Command Input of Previous Actor
  def phase3_prior_actor
    # Loop
      # Actor blink effect OFF
      if @active_battler != nil
        @active_battler.blink = false
      # If first actor
      if @actor_index == 0
        # Start party command phase
      # Return to actor index
      @actor_index -= 1
      @active_battler = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]
      @active_battler.blink = true
    # Once more if actor refuses command input
    end until @active_battler.inputable?
    # Set up actor command window
  # * Actor Command Window Setup
  def phase3_setup_command_window
    # Disable party command window = false
    @party_command_window.visible = false
    # Enable actor command window = true
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    # Set actor command window position
    @actor_command_window.x = 480#@actor_index * 160
    # Set index to 0
    @actor_command_window.index = 0
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase)
  def update_phase3
    # If enemy arrow is enabled
    if @enemy_arrow != nil
    # If actor arrow is enabled
    elsif @actor_arrow != nil
    # If skill window is enabled
    elsif @skill_window != nil
    # If item window is enabled
    elsif @item_window != nil
    # If actor command window is enabled
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : basic command)
  def update_phase3_basic_command
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # Go to command input for previous actor
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Branch by actor command window cursor position
      case @actor_command_window.index
      when 0  # attack
        # Play decision SE
        # Set action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0
        @active_battler.current_action.basic = 0
        # Start enemy selection
      when 1  # skill
        # Play decision SE
        # Set action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 1
        # Start skill selection
      when 2  # guard
        # Play decision SE
        # Set action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0
        @active_battler.current_action.basic = 1
        # Go to command input for next actor
      when 3  # item
        # Play decision SE
        # Set action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 2
        # Start item selection
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : skill selection)
  def update_phase3_skill_select
    # Make skill window visible
    @skill_window.visible = true
    # Update skill window
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # End skill selection
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Get currently selected data on the skill window
      @skill = @skill_window.skill
      # If it can't be used
      if @skill == nil or not @active_battler.skill_can_use?(
        # Play buzzer SE
      # Play decision SE
      # Set action
      @active_battler.current_action.skill_id =
      # Make skill window invisible
      @skill_window.visible = false
      # If effect scope is single enemy
      if @skill.scope == 1
        # Start enemy selection
      # If effect scope is single ally
      elsif @skill.scope == 3 or @skill.scope == 5
        # Start actor selection
      # If effect scope is not single
        # End skill selection
        # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : item selection)
  def update_phase3_item_select
    # Make item window visible
    @item_window.visible = true
    # Update item window
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # End item selection
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Get currently selected data on the item window
      @item = @item_window.item
      # If it can't be used
      unless $game_party.item_can_use?(
        # Play buzzer SE
      # Play decision SE
      # Set action
      @active_battler.current_action.item_id =
      # Make item window invisible
      @item_window.visible = false
      # If effect scope is single enemy
      if @item.scope == 1
        # Start enemy selection
      # If effect scope is single ally
      elsif @item.scope == 3 or @item.scope == 5
        # Start actor selection
      # If effect scope is not single
        # End item selection
        # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Frame Updat (actor command phase : enemy selection)
  def update_phase3_enemy_select
    # Update enemy arrow
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # End enemy selection
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Play decision SE
      # Set action
      @active_battler.current_action.target_index = @enemy_arrow.index
      # End enemy selection
      # If skill window is showing
      if @skill_window != nil
        # End skill selection
      # If item window is showing
      if @item_window != nil
        # End item selection
      # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : actor selection)
  def update_phase3_actor_select
    # Update actor arrow
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # End actor selection
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Play decision SE
      # Set action
      @active_battler.current_action.target_index = @actor_arrow.index
      # End actor selection
      # If skill window is showing
      if @skill_window != nil
        # End skill selection
      # If item window is showing
      if @item_window != nil
        # End item selection
      # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Start Enemy Selection
  def start_enemy_select
    # Make enemy arrow
    @enemy_arrow =
    # Associate help window
    @enemy_arrow.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
  # * End Enemy Selection
  def end_enemy_select
    # Dispose of enemy arrow
    @enemy_arrow = nil
    # If command is [fight]
    if @actor_command_window.index == 0
      # Enable actor command window = true
      @actor_command_window.visible = true
      @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 255
      # Hide help window
      @help_window.visible = false
  # * Start Actor Selection
  def start_actor_select
    # Make actor arrow
    @actor_arrow =
    @actor_arrow.index = @actor_index
    # Associate help window
    @actor_arrow.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
  # * End Actor Selection
  def end_actor_select
    # Dispose of actor arrow
    @actor_arrow = nil
  # * Start Skill Selection
  def start_skill_select
    # Make skill window
    @skill_window =
    # Associate help window
    @skill_window.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
  # * End Skill Selection
  def end_skill_select
    # Dispose of skill window
    @skill_window = nil
    # Hide help window
    @help_window.visible = false
    # Enable actor command window = true
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 255
  # * Start Item Selection
  def start_item_select
    # Make item window
    @item_window =
    # Associate help window
    @item_window.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
  # * End Item Selection
  def end_item_select
    # Dispose of item window
    @item_window = nil
    # Hide help window
    @help_window.visible = false
    # Enable actor command window = true
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 255

# ** Scene_Battle (part 4)
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Start Main Phase
  def start_phase4
    # Shift to phase 4
    @phase = 4
    # Turn count
    $game_temp.battle_turn += 1
    # Search all battle event pages
    for index in 0...$data_troops[@troop_id].pages.size
      # Get event page
      page = $data_troops[@troop_id].pages[index]
      # If this page span is [turn]
      if page.span == 1
        # Clear action completed flags
        $game_temp.battle_event_flags[index] = false
    # Set actor as unselectable
    @actor_index = -1
    @active_battler = nil
    # Enable party command window = false
    @party_command_window.visible = false
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
    # Set main phase flag
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = true
    # Make enemy action
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
    # Make action orders
    # Shift to step 1
    @phase4_step = 1
  # * Make Action Orders
  def make_action_orders
    # Initialize @action_battlers array
    @action_battlers = []
    # Add enemy to @action_battlers array
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
    # Add actor to @action_battlers array
    for actor in $game_party.actors
    # Decide action speed for all
    for battler in @action_battlers
    # Line up action speed in order from greatest to least
    @action_battlers.sort! {|a,b|
      b.current_action.speed - a.current_action.speed }
  # * Frame Update (main phase)
  def update_phase4
    case @phase4_step
    when 1
    when 2
    when 3
    when 4
    when 5
    when 6
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 1 : action preparation)
  def update_phase4_step1
    # Hide help window
    @help_window.visible = false
    # Determine win/loss
    if judge
      # If won, or if lost : end method
    # If an action forcing battler doesn't exist
    if $game_temp.forcing_battler == nil
      # Set up battle event
      # If battle event is running
      if $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?
    # If an action forcing battler exists
    if $game_temp.forcing_battler != nil
      # Add to head, or move
    # If no actionless battlers exist (all have performed an action)
    if @action_battlers.size == 0
      # Start party command phase
    # Initialize animation ID and common event ID
    @animation1_id = 0
    @animation2_id = 0
    @common_event_id = 0
    # Shift from head of actionless battlers
    @active_battler = @action_battlers.shift
    # If already removed from battle
    if @active_battler.index == nil
    # Slip damage
    if @active_battler.hp > 0 and @active_battler.slip_damage?
      @active_battler.damage_pop = true
    # Natural removal of states
    # Refresh status window
    # Shift to step 2
    @phase4_step = 2
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 2 : start action)
  def update_phase4_step2
    # If not a forcing action
    unless @active_battler.current_action.forcing
      # If restriction is [normal attack enemy] or [normal attack ally]
      if @active_battler.restriction == 2 or @active_battler.restriction == 3
        # Set attack as an action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0
        @active_battler.current_action.basic = 0
      # If restriction is [cannot perform action]
      if @active_battler.restriction == 4
        # Clear battler being forced into action
        $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
        # Shift to step 1
        @phase4_step = 1
    # Clear target battlers
    @target_battlers = []
    # Branch according to each action
    case @active_battler.current_action.kind
    when 0  # basic
    when 1  # skill
    when 2  # item
    # Shift to step 3
    if @phase4_step == 2
      @phase4_step = 3
  # * Make Basic Action Results
  def make_basic_action_result
    # If attack
    if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 0
      # Set anaimation ID
      @animation1_id = @active_battler.animation1_id
      @animation2_id = @active_battler.animation2_id
      # If action battler is enemy
      if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
        if @active_battler.restriction == 3
          target = $game_troop.random_target_enemy
        elsif @active_battler.restriction == 2
          target = $game_party.random_target_actor
          index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
          target = $game_party.smooth_target_actor(index)
      # If action battler is actor
      if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
        if @active_battler.restriction == 3
          target = $game_party.random_target_actor
        elsif @active_battler.restriction == 2
          target = $game_troop.random_target_enemy
          index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
          target = $game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(index)
      # Set array of targeted battlers
      @target_battlers = [target]
      # Apply normal attack results
      for target in @target_battlers
    # If guard
    if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 1
      # Display "Guard" in help window
      @help_window.set_text($data_system.words.guard, 1)
    # If escape
    if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and
       @active_battler.current_action.basic == 2
      # Display "Escape" in help window
      @help_window.set_text("Escape", 1)
      # Escape
    # If doing nothing
    if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 3
      # Clear battler being forced into action
      $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
      # Shift to step 1
      @phase4_step = 1
  # * Set Targeted Battler for Skill or Item
  #     scope : effect scope for skill or item
  def set_target_battlers(scope)
    # If battler performing action is enemy
    if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
      # Branch by effect scope
      case scope
      when 1  # single enemy
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
      when 2  # all enemies
        for actor in $game_party.actors
          if actor.exist?
      when 3  # single ally
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
      when 4  # all allies
        for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
          if enemy.exist?
      when 5  # single ally (HP 0)
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
        enemy = $game_troop.enemies[index]
        if enemy != nil and enemy.hp0?
      when 6  # all allies (HP 0)
        for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
          if enemy != nil and enemy.hp0?
      when 7  # user
    # If battler performing action is actor
    if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
      # Branch by effect scope
      case scope
      when 1  # single enemy
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
      when 2  # all enemies
        for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
          if enemy.exist?
      when 3  # single ally
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
      when 4  # all allies
        for actor in $game_party.actors
          if actor.exist?
      when 5  # single ally (HP 0)
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
        actor = $game_party.actors[index]
        if actor != nil and actor.hp0?
      when 6  # all allies (HP 0)
        for actor in $game_party.actors
          if actor != nil and actor.hp0?
      when 7  # user
  # * Make Skill Action Results
  def make_skill_action_result
    # Get skill
    @skill = $data_skills[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id]
    # If not a forcing action
    unless @active_battler.current_action.forcing
      # If unable to use due to SP running out
      unless @active_battler.skill_can_use?(
        # Clear battler being forced into action
        $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
        # Shift to step 1
        @phase4_step = 1
    # Use up SP
    @active_battler.sp -= @skill.sp_cost
    # Refresh status window
    # Show skill name on help window
    @help_window.set_text(, 1)
    # Set animation ID
    @animation1_id = @skill.animation1_id
    @animation2_id = @skill.animation2_id
    # Set command event ID
    @common_event_id = @skill.common_event_id
    # Set target battlers
    # Apply skill effect
    for target in @target_battlers
      target.skill_effect(@active_battler, @skill)
  # * Make Item Action Results
  def make_item_action_result
    # Get item
    @item = $data_items[@active_battler.current_action.item_id]
    # If unable to use due to items running out
    unless $game_party.item_can_use?(
      # Shift to step 1
      @phase4_step = 1
    # If consumable
    if @item.consumable
      # Decrease used item by 1
      $game_party.lose_item(, 1)
    # Display item name on help window
    @help_window.set_text(, 1)
    # Set animation ID
    @animation1_id = @item.animation1_id
    @animation2_id = @item.animation2_id
    # Set common event ID
    @common_event_id = @item.common_event_id
    # Decide on target
    index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
    target = $game_party.smooth_target_actor(index)
    # Set targeted battlers
    # Apply item effect
    for target in @target_battlers
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 3 : animation for action performer)
  def update_phase4_step3
    # Animation for action performer (if ID is 0, then white flash)
    if @animation1_id == 0
      @active_battler.white_flash = true
      @active_battler.animation_id = @animation1_id
      @active_battler.animation_hit = true
    # Shift to step 4
    @phase4_step = 4
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 4 : animation for target)
  def update_phase4_step4
    # Animation for target
    for target in @target_battlers
      target.animation_id = @animation2_id
      target.animation_hit = (target.damage != "Miss")
    # Animation has at least 8 frames, regardless of its length
    @wait_count = 8
    # Shift to step 5
    @phase4_step = 5
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 5 : damage display)
  def update_phase4_step5
    # Hide help window
    @help_window.visible = false
    # Refresh status window
    @yourhud.refresh #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<you forgot this
    # Display damage
    for target in @target_battlers
      if target.damage != nil
        target.damage_pop = true
    # Shift to step 6
    @phase4_step = 6
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 6 : refresh)
  def update_phase4_step6
    # Clear battler being forced into action
    $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
    # If common event ID is valid
    if @common_event_id > 0
      # Set up event
      common_event = $data_common_events[@common_event_id]
      $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(common_event.list, 0)
    # Shift to step 1
    @phase4_step = 1

turn switch001 on off to enable or disable re-spawn
variable 1,2,3 to remember the map where you will be revived.
I so sorry to keep bothering you but I still have some problems I get this message when I die
[Image: respawnerror.jpg]
I slightly alter the script changing the numbers for the switches and variables to my own 44 for the switch and 29 for map variable and 30 and 31 for x and y but i made sure the variables where set at the right number and the switch was on
[Image: switch_error.jpg]
Here is the slightly edited script thanks again for your help.
# Script by: Tigurus Fay                                                       #
# Script: One-Man Duel Battlesystem                                            #
# Version: v1.03                                                               #
# Install: Press F11 and place the Script directly above [Main].               #
# Description: This script allows for a timed-based battlesytem which works    #
#              only correctly with 1 party member. For a very nice experience  #
#              make the Battler with an over-the-shoulder perspective.         #

# ** Game_Actor
#  This class handles the actor. It's used within the Game_Actors class
#  ($game_actors) and refers to the Game_Party class ($game_party).

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler

  # * Get Battle Screen X-Coordinate
  def screen_x
    # Return after calculating x-coordinate by order of members in party
    if self.index != nil
      return  (640/2 - (($game_party.actors.length-1) * 50) +
              self.index*100)#self.index * 160 + 320
      return 0
  # * Get Battle Screen Y-Coordinate
  def screen_y
    return 480
  # * Get Battle Screen Z-Coordinate
  def screen_z
    # Return after calculating z-coordinate by order of members in party
    if self.index != nil
      return 4 - self.index
      return 0

# ** Game_Party
#  This class handles the party. It includes information on amount of gold
#  and items. Refer to "$game_party" for the instance of this class.

class Game_Party
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader   :actors                   # actors
  attr_reader   :gold                     # amount of gold
  attr_reader   :steps                    # number of steps
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Create actor array
    @actors = []
    # Initialize amount of gold and steps
    @gold = 0
    @steps = 0
    # Create amount in possession hash for items, weapons, and armor
    @items = {}
    @weapons = {}
    @armors = {}
  # * Initial Party Setup
  def setup_starting_members
    @actors = []
    for i in $data_system.party_members
  # * Battle Test Party Setup
  def setup_battle_test_members
    @actors = []
    for battler in $data_system.test_battlers
      actor = $game_actors[battler.actor_id]
      actor.level = battler.level
      gain_weapon(battler.weapon_id, 1)
      gain_armor(battler.armor1_id, 1)
      gain_armor(battler.armor2_id, 1)
      gain_armor(battler.armor3_id, 1)
      gain_armor(battler.armor4_id, 1)
      actor.equip(0, battler.weapon_id)
      actor.equip(1, battler.armor1_id)
      actor.equip(2, battler.armor2_id)
      actor.equip(3, battler.armor3_id)
      actor.equip(4, battler.armor4_id)
    @items = {}
    for i in 1...$data_items.size
      if $data_items[i].name != ""
        occasion = $data_items[i].occasion
        if occasion == 0 or occasion == 1
          @items[i] = 99
  # * Refresh Party Members
  def refresh
    # Actor objects split from $game_actors right after loading game data
    # Avoid this problem by resetting the actors each time data is loaded.
    new_actors = []
    for i in 0...@actors.size
      if $data_actors[@actors[i].id] != nil
    @actors = new_actors

  # * Add an Actor
  #     actor_id : actor ID
  def add_actor(actor_id)
    # Get actor
    actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
    # If the party has less than 4 members and this actor is not in the party
    if @actors.size < 1 and not @actors.include?(actor)
      # Add actor
      # Refresh player

# ** Window_Filler
#  This window is used as backdrop to avoid seeing behind the map.
class Window_Filler < Window_Base
  def initialize
    super(160, 320, 320, 160)
   self.back_opacity = 160
  def refresh

# ** Window_Weapon
#  This window is used as backdrop to avoid seeing behind the map.
class Window_Weapon < Window_Base
  def initialize
    super(0, 320, 160, 160)
   self.back_opacity = 260
  def refresh

# ** Window_PartyCommand
#  This window is used to select whether to fight or escape on the battle
#  screen.

class Window_PartyCommand < Window_Selectable
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    super(480, 320, 160, 160)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    @commands = ["Fight", "Escape"]
    @item_max = 2
    @column_max = 1
    draw_item(0, normal_color)
    draw_item(1, $game_temp.battle_can_escape ? normal_color : disabled_color) = false
    self.visible = false
    self.index = 0
  # * Draw Item
  #     index : item number
  #     color : text character color
  def draw_item(index, color)
    self.contents.font.color = color
    rect =, 32 + index * 32, 128 - 10, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    self.contents.draw_text(rect, @commands[index], 1)
  # * Cursor Rectangle Update
  def update_cursor_rect
    self.cursor_rect.set(0, 32 + index * 32, 128, 32)

# ** Window_BattleStatus
#  This window displays the status of all party members on the battle screen.

class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    super(480, 320, 160, 160)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    self.back_opacity = 120
    @level_up_flags = [false, false, false, false]
  # * Dispose
  def dispose
  # * Set Level Up Flag
  #     actor_index : actor index
  def level_up(actor_index)
    @level_up_flags[actor_index] = true
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    @item_max = $game_party.actors.size
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      actor_x = i * 160 + 4
      draw_actor_name(actor, actor_x, 0)
      draw_actor_hp(actor, actor_x, 32, 120)
      draw_actor_sp(actor, actor_x, 64, 120)
      if @level_up_flags[i]
        self.contents.font.color = normal_color
        self.contents.draw_text(actor_x, 96, 120, 32, "LEVEL UP!")
        draw_actor_state(actor, actor_x, 96)
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Slightly lower opacity level during main phase
    if $game_temp.battle_main_phase
      self.contents_opacity -= 4 if self.contents_opacity > 255
      self.contents_opacity += 4 if self.contents_opacity < 255
# ** Scene_Battle (part 1)
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Main Processing
  def main
    # Initialize each kind of temporary battle data
    $game_temp.in_battle = true
    $game_temp.battle_turn = 0
    $game_temp.battle_abort = false
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
    $game_temp.battleback_name = $game_map.battleback_name
    $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
    # Initialize battle event interpreter
    $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(nil, 0)
    # Prepare troop
    @troop_id = $game_temp.battle_troop_id
    # Make actor command window
    s1 = $data_system.words.attack
    s2 = $data_system.words.skill
    s3 = $data_system.words.guard
    s4 = $data_system.words.item
    @actor_command_window =, [s1, s2, s3, s4])
    @actor_command_window.x = 480
    @actor_command_window.y = 320
    @actor_command_window.back_opacity = 120 = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity > 255
    # Make other windows
    @party_command_window =
    @help_window =
    @help_window.opacity = 255
    @help_window.z = 999
    @window_filler =
    @window_weapon =
    @help_window.back_opacity = 160
    @help_window.visible = false
    #@status_window =
    @yourhud =
    @message_window =
    # Make sprite set
    @spriteset =
    # Initialize wait count
    @wait_count = 0
    # Execute transition
    if $data_system.battle_transition == ""
      Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" +
    # Start pre-battle phase
    # Main loop
    loop do
      # Update game screen
      # Update input information
      # Frame update
      # Abort loop if screen is changed
      if $scene != self
    # Refresh map
    # Prepare for transition
    # Dispose of windows
    if @skill_window != nil
    if @item_window != nil
    if @result_window != nil
    # Dispose of sprite set
    # If switching to title screen
    if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Title)
      # Fade out screen
    # If switching from battle test to any screen other than game over screen
    if $BTEST and not $scene.is_a?(Scene_Gameover)
      $scene = nil
  def update_cursor_rect
    # If cursor position is less than 0
    if @index < 0
    # Get current row
    row = @index / @column_max
    # If current row is before top row
    if row < self.top_row
      # Scroll so that current row becomes top row
      self.top_row = row
    # If current row is more to back than back row
    if row > self.top_row + (self.page_row_max - 1)
      # Scroll so that current row becomes back row
      self.top_row = row - (self.page_row_max - 1)
    # Calculate cursor width
    cursor_width = self.width / @column_max - 320
    # Calculate cursor coordinates
    x = @index % @column_max * (cursor_width + 32)
    y = @index / @column_max * 32 - self.oy
    # Update cursor rectangle
    self.cursor_rect.set(x, y, cursor_width, 32)
  # * Determine Battle Win/Loss Results
  def judge
    # If all dead determinant is true, or number of members in party is 0
    if $game_party.all_dead? or $game_party.actors.size == 0
      # If possible to lose
      if $game_temp.battle_can_lose or $game_switch[44] == true
        # Return to BGM before battle starts
        # Battle ends
        # Return true
        return true
      # Set game over flag
      $game_temp.gameover = true
      # Return true
      return true
    # Return false if even 1 enemy exists
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
      if enemy.exist?
        return false
    # Start after battle phase (win)
    # Return true
    return true
  # * Battle Ends
  #     result : results (0:win 1:lose 2:escape)
  def battle_end(result)
    # Clear in battle flag
    $game_temp.in_battle = false
    # Clear entire party actions flag
    # Remove battle states
    for actor in $game_party.actors
    # Clear enemies
    # Call battle callback
    if $game_temp.battle_proc != nil
      $game_temp.battle_proc = nil
    # Switch to map screen
    $scene =
if $game_party.all_dead?
   for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      actor.hp = actor.maxhp
   value = $
   $game_player.moveto($game_variables[30], $game_variables[31])
  # * Battle Event Setup
  def setup_battle_event
    # If battle event is running
    if $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?
    # Search for all battle event pages
    for index in 0...$data_troops[@troop_id].pages.size
      # Get event pages
      page = $data_troops[@troop_id].pages[index]
      # Make event conditions possible for reference with c
      c = page.condition
      # Go to next page if no conditions are appointed
      unless c.turn_valid or c.enemy_valid or
             c.actor_valid or c.switch_valid
      # Go to next page if action has been completed
      if $game_temp.battle_event_flags[index]
      # Confirm turn conditions
      if c.turn_valid
        n = $game_temp.battle_turn
        a = c.turn_a
        b = c.turn_b
        if (b == 0 and n != a) or
           (b > 0 and (n < 1 or n < a or n % b != a % b))
      # Confirm enemy conditions
      if c.enemy_valid
        enemy = $game_troop.enemies[c.enemy_index]
        if enemy == nil or enemy.hp * 100.0 / enemy.maxhp > c.enemy_hp
      # Confirm actor conditions
      if c.actor_valid
        actor = $game_actors[c.actor_id]
        if actor == nil or actor.hp * 100.0 / actor.maxhp > c.actor_hp
      # Confirm switch conditions
      if c.switch_valid
        if $game_switches[c.switch_id] == false
      # Set up event
      $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(page.list, 0)
      # If this page span is [battle] or [turn]
      if page.span <= 1
        # Set action completed flag
        $game_temp.battle_event_flags[index] = true
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # If battle event is running
    if $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?
      # Update interpreter
      # If a battler which is forcing actions doesn't exist
      if $game_temp.forcing_battler == nil
        # If battle event has finished running
        unless $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?
          # Rerun battle event set up if battle continues
          unless judge
        # If not after battle phase
        if @phase != 5
          # Refresh status window
    # Update system (timer) and screen
    # If timer has reached 0
    if $game_system.timer_working and $game_system.timer == 0
      # Abort battle
      $game_temp.battle_abort = true
    # Update windows
    @yourhud.update #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<you forgot this
    # Update sprite set
    # If transition is processing
    if $game_temp.transition_processing
      # Clear transition processing flag
      $game_temp.transition_processing = false
      # Execute transition
      if $game_temp.transition_name == ""
        Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" +
    # If message window is showing
    if $game_temp.message_window_showing
    # If effect is showing
    if @spriteset.effect?
    # If game over
    if $game_temp.gameover
      # Switch to game over screen
      $scene =
    # If returning to title screen
    if $game_temp.to_title
      # Switch to title screen
      $scene =
    # If battle is aborted
    if $game_temp.battle_abort
      # Return to BGM used before battle started
      # Battle ends
    # If waiting
    if @wait_count > 0
      # Decrease wait count
      @wait_count -= 1
    # If battler forcing an action doesn't exist,
    # and battle event is running
    if $game_temp.forcing_battler == nil and
    # Branch according to phase
    case @phase
    when 1  # pre-battle phase
    when 2  # party command phase
    when 3  # actor command phase
    when 4  # main phase
    when 5  # after battle phase

# ** Scene_Battle (part 2)
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Start Pre-Battle Phase
  def start_phase1
    # Shift to phase 1
    @phase = 1
    # Clear all party member actions
    # Set up battle event
  # * Frame Update (pre-battle phase)
  def update_phase1
    # Determine win/loss situation
    if judge
      # If won or lost: end method
    # Start party command phase
  # * Start Party Command Phase
  def start_phase2
    # Shift to phase 2
    @phase = 2
    # Set actor to non-selecting
    @actor_index = -1
    @active_battler = nil
    # Enable party command window = true
    @party_command_window.visible = true
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
    # Clear main phase flag
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
    # Clear all party member actions
    # If impossible to input command
    unless $game_party.inputable?
      # Start main phase
  # * Frame Update (party command phase)
  def update_phase2
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Branch by party command window cursor position
      case @party_command_window.index
      when 0  # fight
        # Play decision SE
        # Start actor command phase
      when 1  # escape
        # If it's not possible to escape
        if $game_temp.battle_can_escape == false
          # Play buzzer SE
        # Play decision SE
        # Escape processing
  # * Frame Update (party command phase: escape)
  def update_phase2_escape
    # Calculate enemy agility average
    enemies_agi = 0
    enemies_number = 0
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
      if enemy.exist?
        enemies_agi += enemy.agi
        enemies_number += 1
    if enemies_number > 0
      enemies_agi /= enemies_number
    # Calculate actor agility average
    actors_agi = 0
    actors_number = 0
    for actor in $game_party.actors
      if actor.exist?
        actors_agi += actor.agi
        actors_number += 1
    if actors_number > 0
      actors_agi /= actors_number
    # Determine if escape is successful
    success = rand(100) < 50 * actors_agi / enemies_agi
    # If escape is successful
    if success
      # Play escape SE
      # Return to BGM before battle started
      # Battle ends
    # If escape is failure
      # Clear all party member actions
      # Start main phase
  # * Start After Battle Phase
  def start_phase5
    # Shift to phase 5
    @phase = 5
    # my picture erase edit
    # Play battle end ME
    # Return to BGM before battle started
    # Initialize EXP, amount of gold, and treasure
    exp = 0
    gold = 0
    treasures = []
    # Loop
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
      # If enemy is not hidden
      unless enemy.hidden
        # Add EXP and amount of gold obtained
        exp += enemy.exp
        gold +=
        # Determine if treasure appears
        if rand(100) < enemy.treasure_prob
          if enemy.item_id > 0
          if enemy.weapon_id > 0
          if enemy.armor_id > 0
    # Treasure is limited to a maximum of 6 items
    treasures = treasures[0..5]
    # Obtaining EXP
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      if actor.cant_get_exp? == false
        last_level = actor.level
        actor.exp += exp
        if actor.level > last_level
    # Obtaining gold
    # Obtaining treasure
    for item in treasures
      case item
      when RPG::Item
        $game_party.gain_item(, 1)
      when RPG::Weapon
        $game_party.gain_weapon(, 1)
      when RPG::Armor
        $game_party.gain_armor(, 1)
    # Make battle result window
    @result_window =, gold, treasures)
    # Set wait count
    @phase5_wait_count = 100
  # * Frame Update (after battle phase)
  def update_phase5
    # If wait count is larger than 0
    if @phase5_wait_count > 0
      # Decrease wait count
      @phase5_wait_count -= 1
      # If wait count reaches 0
      if @phase5_wait_count == 0
        # Show result window
        @result_window.visible = true
        # Clear main phase flag
        $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
        # Refresh status window
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Battle ends

# ** Scene_Battle (part 3)
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Start Actor Command Phase
  def start_phase3
    # Shift to phase 3
    @phase = 3
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 255
    # Set actor as unselectable
    @actor_index = -1
    @active_battler = nil
    # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Go to Command Input for Next Actor
  def phase3_next_actor
    # Loop
      # Actor blink effect OFF
      if @active_battler != nil
        @active_battler.blink = false
      # If last actor
      if @actor_index == $game_party.actors.size-1
        # Start main phase
      # Advance actor index
      @actor_index += 1
      @active_battler = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]
      @active_battler.blink = true
    # Once more if actor refuses command input
    end until @active_battler.inputable?
    # Set up actor command window
  # * Go to Command Input of Previous Actor
  def phase3_prior_actor
    # Loop
      # Actor blink effect OFF
      if @active_battler != nil
        @active_battler.blink = false
      # If first actor
      if @actor_index == 0
        # Start party command phase
      # Return to actor index
      @actor_index -= 1
      @active_battler = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]
      @active_battler.blink = true
    # Once more if actor refuses command input
    end until @active_battler.inputable?
    # Set up actor command window
  # * Actor Command Window Setup
  def phase3_setup_command_window
    # Disable party command window = false
    @party_command_window.visible = false
    # Enable actor command window = true
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    # Set actor command window position
    @actor_command_window.x = 480#@actor_index * 160
    # Set index to 0
    @actor_command_window.index = 0
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase)
  def update_phase3
    # If enemy arrow is enabled
    if @enemy_arrow != nil
    # If actor arrow is enabled
    elsif @actor_arrow != nil
    # If skill window is enabled
    elsif @skill_window != nil
    # If item window is enabled
    elsif @item_window != nil
    # If actor command window is enabled
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : basic command)
  def update_phase3_basic_command
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # Go to command input for previous actor
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Branch by actor command window cursor position
      case @actor_command_window.index
      when 0  # attack
        # Play decision SE
        # Set action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0
        @active_battler.current_action.basic = 0
        # Start enemy selection
      when 1  # skill
        # Play decision SE
        # Set action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 1
        # Start skill selection
      when 2  # guard
        # Play decision SE
        # Set action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0
        @active_battler.current_action.basic = 1
        # Go to command input for next actor
      when 3  # item
        # Play decision SE
        # Set action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 2
        # Start item selection
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : skill selection)
  def update_phase3_skill_select
    # Make skill window visible
    @skill_window.visible = true
    # Update skill window
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # End skill selection
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Get currently selected data on the skill window
      @skill = @skill_window.skill
      # If it can't be used
      if @skill == nil or not @active_battler.skill_can_use?(
        # Play buzzer SE
      # Play decision SE
      # Set action
      @active_battler.current_action.skill_id =
      # Make skill window invisible
      @skill_window.visible = false
      # If effect scope is single enemy
      if @skill.scope == 1
        # Start enemy selection
      # If effect scope is single ally
      elsif @skill.scope == 3 or @skill.scope == 5
        # Start actor selection
      # If effect scope is not single
        # End skill selection
        # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : item selection)
  def update_phase3_item_select
    # Make item window visible
    @item_window.visible = true
    # Update item window
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # End item selection
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Get currently selected data on the item window
      @item = @item_window.item
      # If it can't be used
      unless $game_party.item_can_use?(
        # Play buzzer SE
      # Play decision SE
      # Set action
      @active_battler.current_action.item_id =
      # Make item window invisible
      @item_window.visible = false
      # If effect scope is single enemy
      if @item.scope == 1
        # Start enemy selection
      # If effect scope is single ally
      elsif @item.scope == 3 or @item.scope == 5
        # Start actor selection
      # If effect scope is not single
        # End item selection
        # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Frame Updat (actor command phase : enemy selection)
  def update_phase3_enemy_select
    # Update enemy arrow
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # End enemy selection
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Play decision SE
      # Set action
      @active_battler.current_action.target_index = @enemy_arrow.index
      # End enemy selection
      # If skill window is showing
      if @skill_window != nil
        # End skill selection
      # If item window is showing
      if @item_window != nil
        # End item selection
      # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : actor selection)
  def update_phase3_actor_select
    # Update actor arrow
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # End actor selection
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Play decision SE
      # Set action
      @active_battler.current_action.target_index = @actor_arrow.index
      # End actor selection
      # If skill window is showing
      if @skill_window != nil
        # End skill selection
      # If item window is showing
      if @item_window != nil
        # End item selection
      # Go to command input for next actor
  # * Start Enemy Selection
  def start_enemy_select
    # Make enemy arrow
    @enemy_arrow =
    # Associate help window
    @enemy_arrow.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
  # * End Enemy Selection
  def end_enemy_select
    # Dispose of enemy arrow
    @enemy_arrow = nil
    # If command is [fight]
    if @actor_command_window.index == 0
      # Enable actor command window = true
      @actor_command_window.visible = true
      @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 255
      # Hide help window
      @help_window.visible = false
  # * Start Actor Selection
  def start_actor_select
    # Make actor arrow
    @actor_arrow =
    @actor_arrow.index = @actor_index
    # Associate help window
    @actor_arrow.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
  # * End Actor Selection
  def end_actor_select
    # Dispose of actor arrow
    @actor_arrow = nil
  # * Start Skill Selection
  def start_skill_select
    # Make skill window
    @skill_window =
    # Associate help window
    @skill_window.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
  # * End Skill Selection
  def end_skill_select
    # Dispose of skill window
    @skill_window = nil
    # Hide help window
    @help_window.visible = false
    # Enable actor command window = true
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 255
  # * Start Item Selection
  def start_item_select
    # Make item window
    @item_window =
    # Associate help window
    @item_window.help_window = @help_window
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
  # * End Item Selection
  def end_item_select
    # Dispose of item window
    @item_window = nil
    # Hide help window
    @help_window.visible = false
    # Enable actor command window = true
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 255

# ** Scene_Battle (part 4)
#  This class performs battle screen processing.

class Scene_Battle
  # * Start Main Phase
  def start_phase4
    # Shift to phase 4
    @phase = 4
    # Turn count
    $game_temp.battle_turn += 1
    # Search all battle event pages
    for index in 0...$data_troops[@troop_id].pages.size
      # Get event page
      page = $data_troops[@troop_id].pages[index]
      # If this page span is [turn]
      if page.span == 1
        # Clear action completed flags
        $game_temp.battle_event_flags[index] = false
    # Set actor as unselectable
    @actor_index = -1
    @active_battler = nil
    # Enable party command window = false
    @party_command_window.visible = false
    # Disable actor command window = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.contents_opacity = 0
    # Set main phase flag
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = true
    # Make enemy action
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
    # Make action orders
    # Shift to step 1
    @phase4_step = 1
  # * Make Action Orders
  def make_action_orders
    # Initialize @action_battlers array
    @action_battlers = []
    # Add enemy to @action_battlers array
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
    # Add actor to @action_battlers array
    for actor in $game_party.actors
    # Decide action speed for all
    for battler in @action_battlers
    # Line up action speed in order from greatest to least
    @action_battlers.sort! {|a,b|
      b.current_action.speed - a.current_action.speed }
  # * Frame Update (main phase)
  def update_phase4
    case @phase4_step
    when 1
    when 2
    when 3
    when 4
    when 5
    when 6
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 1 : action preparation)
  def update_phase4_step1
    # Hide help window
    @help_window.visible = false
    # Determine win/loss
    if judge
      # If won, or if lost : end method
    # If an action forcing battler doesn't exist
    if $game_temp.forcing_battler == nil
      # Set up battle event
      # If battle event is running
      if $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?
    # If an action forcing battler exists
    if $game_temp.forcing_battler != nil
      # Add to head, or move
    # If no actionless battlers exist (all have performed an action)
    if @action_battlers.size == 0
      # Start party command phase
    # Initialize animation ID and common event ID
    @animation1_id = 0
    @animation2_id = 0
    @common_event_id = 0
    # Shift from head of actionless battlers
    @active_battler = @action_battlers.shift
    # If already removed from battle
    if @active_battler.index == nil
    # Slip damage
    if @active_battler.hp > 0 and @active_battler.slip_damage?
      @active_battler.damage_pop = true
    # Natural removal of states
    # Refresh status window
    # Shift to step 2
    @phase4_step = 2
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 2 : start action)
  def update_phase4_step2
    # If not a forcing action
    unless @active_battler.current_action.forcing
      # If restriction is [normal attack enemy] or [normal attack ally]
      if @active_battler.restriction == 2 or @active_battler.restriction == 3
        # Set attack as an action
        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0
        @active_battler.current_action.basic = 0
      # If restriction is [cannot perform action]
      if @active_battler.restriction == 4
        # Clear battler being forced into action
        $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
        # Shift to step 1
        @phase4_step = 1
    # Clear target battlers
    @target_battlers = []
    # Branch according to each action
    case @active_battler.current_action.kind
    when 0  # basic
    when 1  # skill
    when 2  # item
    # Shift to step 3
    if @phase4_step == 2
      @phase4_step = 3
  # * Make Basic Action Results
  def make_basic_action_result
    # If attack
    if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 0
      # Set anaimation ID
      @animation1_id = @active_battler.animation1_id
      @animation2_id = @active_battler.animation2_id
      # If action battler is enemy
      if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
        if @active_battler.restriction == 3
          target = $game_troop.random_target_enemy
        elsif @active_battler.restriction == 2
          target = $game_party.random_target_actor
          index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
          target = $game_party.smooth_target_actor(index)
      # If action battler is actor
      if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
        if @active_battler.restriction == 3
          target = $game_party.random_target_actor
        elsif @active_battler.restriction == 2
          target = $game_troop.random_target_enemy
          index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
          target = $game_troop.smooth_target_enemy(index)
      # Set array of targeted battlers
      @target_battlers = [target]
      # Apply normal attack results
      for target in @target_battlers
    # If guard
    if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 1
      # Display "Guard" in help window
      @help_window.set_text($data_system.words.guard, 1)
    # If escape
    if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy) and
       @active_battler.current_action.basic == 2
      # Display "Escape" in help window
      @help_window.set_text("Escape", 1)
      # Escape
    # If doing nothing
    if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 3
      # Clear battler being forced into action
      $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
      # Shift to step 1
      @phase4_step = 1
  # * Set Targeted Battler for Skill or Item
  #     scope : effect scope for skill or item
  def set_target_battlers(scope)
    # If battler performing action is enemy
    if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Enemy)
      # Branch by effect scope
      case scope
      when 1  # single enemy
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
      when 2  # all enemies
        for actor in $game_party.actors
          if actor.exist?
      when 3  # single ally
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
      when 4  # all allies
        for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
          if enemy.exist?
      when 5  # single ally (HP 0)
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
        enemy = $game_troop.enemies[index]
        if enemy != nil and enemy.hp0?
      when 6  # all allies (HP 0)
        for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
          if enemy != nil and enemy.hp0?
      when 7  # user
    # If battler performing action is actor
    if @active_battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
      # Branch by effect scope
      case scope
      when 1  # single enemy
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
      when 2  # all enemies
        for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
          if enemy.exist?
      when 3  # single ally
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
      when 4  # all allies
        for actor in $game_party.actors
          if actor.exist?
      when 5  # single ally (HP 0)
        index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
        actor = $game_party.actors[index]
        if actor != nil and actor.hp0?
      when 6  # all allies (HP 0)
        for actor in $game_party.actors
          if actor != nil and actor.hp0?
      when 7  # user
  # * Make Skill Action Results
  def make_skill_action_result
    # Get skill
    @skill = $data_skills[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id]
    # If not a forcing action
    unless @active_battler.current_action.forcing
      # If unable to use due to SP running out
      unless @active_battler.skill_can_use?(
        # Clear battler being forced into action
        $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
        # Shift to step 1
        @phase4_step = 1
    # Use up SP
    @active_battler.sp -= @skill.sp_cost
    # Refresh status window
    # Show skill name on help window
    @help_window.set_text(, 1)
    # Set animation ID
    @animation1_id = @skill.animation1_id
    @animation2_id = @skill.animation2_id
    # Set command event ID
    @common_event_id = @skill.common_event_id
    # Set target battlers
    # Apply skill effect
    for target in @target_battlers
      target.skill_effect(@active_battler, @skill)
  # * Make Item Action Results
  def make_item_action_result
    # Get item
    @item = $data_items[@active_battler.current_action.item_id]
    # If unable to use due to items running out
    unless $game_party.item_can_use?(
      # Shift to step 1
      @phase4_step = 1
    # If consumable
    if @item.consumable
      # Decrease used item by 1
      $game_party.lose_item(, 1)
    # Display item name on help window
    @help_window.set_text(, 1)
    # Set animation ID
    @animation1_id = @item.animation1_id
    @animation2_id = @item.animation2_id
    # Set common event ID
    @common_event_id = @item.common_event_id
    # Decide on target
    index = @active_battler.current_action.target_index
    target = $game_party.smooth_target_actor(index)
    # Set targeted battlers
    # Apply item effect
    for target in @target_battlers
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 3 : animation for action performer)
  def update_phase4_step3
    # Animation for action performer (if ID is 0, then white flash)
    if @animation1_id == 0
      @active_battler.white_flash = true
      @active_battler.animation_id = @animation1_id
      @active_battler.animation_hit = true
    # Shift to step 4
    @phase4_step = 4
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 4 : animation for target)
  def update_phase4_step4
    # Animation for target
    for target in @target_battlers
      target.animation_id = @animation2_id
      target.animation_hit = (target.damage != "Miss")
    # Animation has at least 8 frames, regardless of its length
    @wait_count = 8
    # Shift to step 5
    @phase4_step = 5
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 5 : damage display)
  def update_phase4_step5
    # Hide help window
    @help_window.visible = false
    # Refresh status window
    @yourhud.refresh #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<you forgot this
    # Display damage
    for target in @target_battlers
      if target.damage != nil
        target.damage_pop = true
    # Shift to step 6
    @phase4_step = 6
  # * Frame Update (main phase step 6 : refresh)
  def update_phase4_step6
    # Clear battler being forced into action
    $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
    # If common event ID is valid
    if @common_event_id > 0
      # Set up event
      common_event = $data_common_events[@common_event_id]
      $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(common_event.list, 0)
    # Shift to step 1
    @phase4_step = 1
Ow, my mistake, in that line I wrote $game_switch[1] == true , it should be $game_switches[1] == true
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU works like a charm.
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