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How long do you travel from home to work/school?

If I want to travel to school (by train) it takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes. Way to long IMOSarcasm


Ten to fifteen minutes by car but 2 HOURS by bus. Big discrepancy due to inefficient public transport.
1h by bus and about 15 minutes by car^^
15 minutes walking. i guess 5 with car.
Silne30 Wrote:Ten to fifteen minutes by car but 2 HOURS by bus. Big discrepancy due to inefficient public transport.
Sometimes it takes me about 3 to 3 1/2 hours...
If I go with a car, its around 30 minutes. But I dont have a drivinglicense and the train is free, so yeah :/
Well, my school...

5~ minutes by car, 20~ minutes by walking.

As for my last job, I remember it was something like this:

1h 30min~ by purely bus, 1h few minutes~ by metro hopping / bus taking, and as for cars I don't even want to think about it.

That's during the summer, btw, near UCLA. I don't want to think about the fall or spring session, hahah.
8 minute walk to Uni from halls.

About 3 hours to get home - two trains, a bus, and a long walk.
0 minutes. I dont go to school or work ;)
15mins by bus. 40 mins of waitin for the bus....
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