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Save-Point - External variables for map files.


Full Version: External variables for map files.
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Hi guys, I got a basic old school script request.

As you may remember the old-school Zmuds, information for each location was saved, much like map data to external files (somewhat like MapData but not as much) and I want to be able to, depending on one variable... like variable 500, to have it open and read a group of variables (about 40 variables) and then store those.

I plan to have these variables affect certain things within the room (Exit locations, Cardinal 6 direction exits from room, and event variables, tileset and locations. I'm experimenting with a new larger mapping system beyond 999 maps.)

But ultimately, I just want to be able to have this script calls a file name, reads a variable number from each line, and stores it to those variables.

Thanks in advance.
To be more specific. I want two functions. First function I want is the ability to open a file and insert variables, saving the variables to that file (.txt or otherwise)

Then I want another function that opens a file based on a variable provided... "Map050404.txt" or otherwise, loads specific variables into active game, to be refreshed in game with other information.

There's not a lot of tutiorials online that I coudl find in regards to direct loading without it being a marshall dump.

Thanks in advance.

Let me be more specifc OR less vague...

I want to create an oldschool project, featuring the ability to create modular information packets for a large number of maps or zones, scattered over a finite number of variables for each map or zone, sort of like oh, ZMud, most oldschool MUDS, Bards Tale, and other old-school games. I want to create a game idea that has the GAME... and then has the GAME EDITOR built in, so that the PLAYER can go in and 'CREATE' zones based on several rudimenary options on the game. Sort of like say, if Zelda 1 had the abolity to add more boxy maps on the side of it, giving the player the chance to decide which map goes next, or the hacl Game Genie Code that allowed Willow players to re-arrange where maps moved to.

I would then create map templates that followed these rudimentary rules. (Enemy 1 is Rat, Event/Scenery 1 is Sewer Grate) so on and
so forth. Then, by going to the 'editor' in the game, one can designate a zone number, create a map, and then build a bridge to that zone number from an existing zone number to expand the game in that same respect. I would want this to be totally independant of map data, as map data may still be needed to create the initial templates that would be used to link the maps.
bump, I may have figured this out myself.