
Full Version: Gothic Architecture Ideas - With sources
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Thought this might help people if they're looking for the right heights to make windows and such.

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This and more from John Hopkin's 1863 book ESSAY ON GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE,

And of course1906 Types of Windows Middle Ages Tudor Renaissance

Project Gutenberg EBook of Architecture - Thomas Smith

and the best of all of them, a book from the Philadephia Museum of Art, made in 1742, titled Gothic Architecture, which can be downloaded as a PDF. This 150 + page book has all sorts of items, from pillars, moulding, archways, and more, definitely worth the eye candy
You know I had a thread looking for commissions regarding Gothic Architecture, but I have long since abandoned that particular aspect.
architecture is the devil's geometry!
yeah, just thought this might be a good starting place if anyone's interested in making Gothic Architecture tilesets... I'm a little behind on the times it would seem.