
Full Version: JTPro - Cannot mark forums read, missing images, faulty posting
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Under the "JTPro" theme (unsure about other themes), I can't seem to be able to mark forums as read through clicking the section icons - the gems.

Generally, there needs to be a "Mark forums as read" button anyway, for everything. Save-Point has distinctly lacked this compared to other forums/forum software.

Also on noticed theme things - some images are perhaps missing. (sic) and images, for "Not Solved" an "Go to first unread post" give a 404, as well as the image buttons underneath user posts - PM, Website, Find, Reply, Thanks, Report, etc. appear to be missing.

Lastly, as I edit this post, I notice after selecting "preview post" the edit box no longer horizontally fills the window, and lacks the option to switch between rich text and source mode.
it's all themes. I've already confirmed the issue, tracking down the source still.
I'm placing this as low priority, as I have much more pressing issues, but I will get to this soon enough.
Fixed. It was related to the old themes we had in use. The older MyBB 1.6 format of the themes were not compatible with the newly upgraded 1.8 software and as a result, didn't work. Different variables/hooks were put into use which it couldn't detect.

Oh, and the button was called 'Mark All Forums Read'. It was below the Forum Stats at the bottom, next to Forum Team and Forum Statistics. Sorry.