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Save-Point - I need a provoke skill effect in the ATOA ACBS


Full Version: I need a provoke skill effect in the ATOA ACBS
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Hi, its me again :)))
Im a user of the ATOA ACBS battle script. (Game can be downloaded here in a attached file :
The problem is, that this script doesnt have any provokelike skills. I want you to write me skill effect which basicly can do this:

When User X (it can be anyone) is inflicted with the provoke status number x (it should be  configurateable), the monsters will have a, lets say, 60%  (it should be configurateable) chance that the following attack, no matter if normal, physical or magic, if they are singletargeting, will happen on User X, who is inflicted with status X (Provoke status)

So basicily, User X, is using a skill provoke which gives him the Provoke status. And the provoke status grants a 60% chance, that monster will normal attack, magic/phyiscal attack him if the attack is directed either to single or the whole party.

Im also using the the ATOA CTB, which I hope won't disturb the new provoke code.

Thanks in Advance

(I cant add the script, because the code and quote functions are not working properly. I'll add them as attached files.