
Full Version: The Self Data Suite support thread
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So I've been looking around the RPG Maker Web forums for quite awhile. As I was looking around, I had began to notice that my Self Data Suite series of scripts had become something of a big deal. So much so that people had found the Suite in a very obscure folder in my Dropbox (For a period of time, I had my files moved into that particular folder for several reasons, none of it ego-driven) and they've also went and created mirrors for it. That's pretty crazy. So I've got to say thank those who did for your support, but I'm sorry for my shoddy support. I also have to thank Andar and Shaz for keeping the Self Data Suite alive by word of mouth in a lot of the support threads I've come across. They've inspired me to make the thread elsewhere and repost it here.

So here's the purpose of the thread: Currently, my support hasn't been very good in years due to me having taken a break from things a long time ago and never really getting back from that break since (I did make a return thread, but it didn't last).
What is the Self Data Suite?
The Self Data Suite is a highly extensive series of scripts that allows developers to attach as many switches, variables, and metadata as they want onto just about everything. Actors, Classes, Skills, Items, Events, Common Events, Maps, etc.. The script is very open-ended, so whatever you want to do with them is entirely up to your imagination.
These series of scripts currently include:  Self Switches/Variables/Metadata for Common Events and their initial settings, Actors, Classes, Skills, Armors, Weapons, Items, Enemies, Troops, States, Tilesets, Maps, Game System, Game Temp, Initial Event Self Switches, and Event Self Variables and Metadata.
Where can I get the Self Data Suite?
This thread is for troubleshooting Self Data Suite. Support ranging from simple to complex uses of Self Data Suite are allowed. This is not a thread to request a Self Data Suite powered script to be done for you. Unless the Maker you're looking for support for is provided, people will assume you're finding support for your preferred maker.