
Full Version: Time
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Version: 1.0

This is just a simple time system.  It adds and tracks years, months, days, hours and minutes--and you get to set that actual playtime which is accounts for each.

  • tracks time in a single global variable '$time'
  • shaded maps which signify night
  • 'indoor maps' where time has no effect on shade
  • disable system with a switch
  • name both weekdays and months
  • set shading to reduce slowly though the day and night so that it becomes dark and light more fluidly as time passes
  • adds a 'button callable' time window with switch enabling
  • methods to form conditional branches from $time variable

[Image: Y4sCCkQ.png]


I tried to cover everything in the script itself, (as I try to do in all my scripts), but I'll break it down here for you.
You need to set the 'DISABLE TIME SWITCH' to be whatever game switch you want to use in order to enable/disable the
switch.  Then, set up the 'TIME_WINDOW_CALL_INPUT' to whatever button you want to use to call the window from the
map scene.  From there, you can set up things to your liking by following the instructions of each part of the settings module.  This includes where you name the weekdays and months, set the 'no shade maps' and where you alter the shade itself given
what time of day or night it is.

Since this system saves and reloads time as a global variable via the 'Data_Manager', this script may cause issues with other scripts which do the same.  You can try sticking the script above other such scripts.  Usually, this can be fixed by simply creating a little patch to consolidate all the scripts with additional global variables.  If you have an issue with the save/load, let me know and I'll try to help patch it up and make it work with what you're using.

Author's Notes
I made this script because I needed it and sometimes I'd rather write my own script as opposed to using someone else's  Winking But I know there are probably ten other time scripts out there and if you like them better, use theirs.  I wanted to release this script here now, I made other scripts that are compatible with this script that I may want to share in the future.

Terms and Conditions
You must credit me if you use this script even if it is modified by you or someone else.
In non-commercial games, it's free to use.  For commercial projects, I would just like a free copy and the credit!
Don't claim this is your script because it isn't!
And lastly, if you want to post the script on another site, you must have my permission first.