08-04-2015, 05:41 PM
Event Comment Conditionals
Version: 1.0
Version: 1.0
This script creates new conditions for event pages. In other words, you can have pages that change based on things like gold amount, weapon equipped, even actor parameters.
- use event comments to create new page conditions
- conditions based on party gold amount
- conditions based on party member having weapon or armor equipped
- conditions based on having member of a specific class in party
- conditions based on a number of a specific item
- conditions based on a member being in a given state
- conditions based on Ixfuru's Time script hours
![[Image: UCp2Btd.png]](http://i.imgur.com/UCp2Btd.png)
# By: Ixfuru
# Version 1.0
# Created 12/25/14
# This script adds new conditions to event pages. By rule, conditions of a
# page are limited to variables, switches, self-switches, actor in party and
# item in inventory. With this script, I have increased the number of
# conditions which will activate specific pages of an event. This is done
# by simply adding CommentConditional (CC) tags at the top of the commands
# on the given page.
# This system is compatible with Ixfuru's Time system and is able to base
# conditions on the hour of $time global object. However, it will also work
# without the time system, as long as you don't attempt to use a conditional
# based on $time hours.
# You can have multiple conditions on a page.
# Here is a list and explanations of the CC Tags you can use in your events:
# <cc_wpn weapon_id>
# By replacing 'weapon_id' with the ID of a database weapon, you can check to
# see if a party member has the weapon with that ID equipped.
# <cc_arm armor_id>
# By replacing 'armor_id' with the ID of a database armor, you can check to
# see if a party member has the armor with the given ID equipped.
# <cc_stt state_id>
# By replacing 'state_id' with the ID of a database state, you can check to
# see if a party member is currently effected by that state.
# <cc_par par_id, par_amount>
# In this tag, you replace the 'par_id' with one of the following parameter
# IDs:
# 0 : ATK
# 1 : DEF
# 2 : MAT
# 3 : MDF
# 4 : AGI
# 5 : LUK
# 6 : MHP
# 7 : MMP
# 8 : EXP
# Using this tag, you are checking to see if the LEADER of the party has the
# parameter with the given ID greater than the 'par_amount' value. Keep in
# mind that you MUST place the comma (,) between the two values. Here is
# an example:
# <cc_par 5, 18>
# In that example, the '5' points to the LEADER's 'LUK' parameter. If the
# LEADER has a LUK parameter at or above 18, then the condition is true.
# <cc_g amount>
# This tag will allow you to check if the party has the same or more gold than
# that which is found in your replacement value for 'amount'. So, in the tag
# '<cc_g 77>' the condition would only be true if the party currrently had
# 77 or more gold.
# <cc_in item_id, item_amount>
# Here, you will replace the 'item_id' with the ID of a database item. Then,
# replace the 'item_amount' with the amount of the given item you want to
# check for. This differs from the default condition check of 'item in party'.
# Because with that one, as long as you have one (1) of that item in your
# inventory, then the condition is true. Here, you have to have the amount
# passed in the tag. Don't forget the comma (,).
# <cc_cid class_id>
# By replacing the 'class_id' part with the ID of a database class, you can
# test whether or not you have a party member with the given class in your
# party.
# The following two CC Tags can only be used if you are currently using Ixfuru's
# time system:
# <cc_hr before_after, hour>
# This checks to see if the $time.hour variable is either before or after the
# 'hour' value. Replace 'before_after' with either 0 for before, or 1 for after.
# So placing:
# <cc_hr 1, 8>
# would only return as condition true, if the $time.hour variable was currently
# greater than or equal to 8.
# <cc_sch lo_hour, hi_hour>
# This is like the previous conditional tag, except it checks to see if the
# $time.hour value is between 'lo_hour' and 'hi_hour'.
# As of Version 1.0, there are no settings to speak of. This script is plug
# and play, as long as you set up the events you intend to use the tags in.
module IxfuruAce
module CommentConditionals
module CcTags
TIME_HOUR = /<cc_hr[\s]*(\d+),[\s]*(\d+)>/i
TIME_SCHEDULE = /<cc_sch[\s]*(\d+),[\s]*(\d+)>/i
WEAPON_EQUIPPED = /<cc_wpn[\s]*(\d+)>/i
ARMOR_EQUIPPED = /<cc_arm[\s]*(\d+)>/i
STATE_APPLIED = /<cc_stt[\s]*(\d+)>/i
ITEM_NUMBER = /<cc_in[\s]*(\d+),[\s]*(\d+)>/i
PARAMETER_VALUE = /<cc_par[\s]*(\d+),[\s]*(\d+)/i
GOLD_VALUE = /<cc_g[\s]*(\d+)>/i
CLASS_ID = /<cc_cid[\s]*(\d+)>/i
# Game Event
class Game_Event < Game_Character
# Comment Conditionals
def comment_conditionals(page)
comments = []
page.list.each { |i| i.code == 108 ? comments.push(i) : break }
return comments if comments.empty?
conditionals = []
comparitor = IxfuruAce::CcTags
for comment in comments
# Time, greater than or less than hour
if comparitor::TIME_HOUR =~ comment.parameters[0]
conditionals.push([0, $1.to_i, $2.to_i])
# Time, between two hours
elsif comparitor::TIME_SCHEDULE =~ comment.parameters[0]
conditionals.push([1, $1.to_i, $2.to_i])
# Weapon Equipped
elsif comparitor::WEAPON_EQUIPPED =~ comment.parameters[0]
conditionals.push([2, $1.to_i])
#Armor Equipped
elsif comparitor::ARMOR_EQUIPPED =~ comment.parameters[0]
conditionals.push([3, $1.to_i])
# State Applied
elsif comparitor::STATE_APPLIED =~ comment.parameters[0]
conditonals.push([4, $1.to_i])
# Item Number
elsif comparitor::ITEM_NUMBER =~ comment.parameters[0]
conditoinals.push([5, $1.to_i, $2.to_i])
# Parameter Value
elsif comparitor::PARAMETER_VALUE =~ comment.parameters[0]
conditionals.push([6, $1.to_i, $2.to_i])
# Gold Value
elsif comparitor::GOLD_VALUE =~ comment.parameters[0]
conditionals.push([7, $1.to_i])
# Class ID
elsif comparitor::CLASS_ID =~ comment.parameters[0]
conditionals.push([8, $1.to_i])
return conditionals
# Parameter Of Value?
def parameter_of_value?(par_id, val)
actor = $game_party.members[0]
case par_id
when 0
v = actor.atk
when 1
v = actor.def
when 2
v = actor.mat
when 3
v = actor.mdf
when 4
v = actor.agi
when 5
v = actor.luk
when 6
v = actor.mhp
when 7
v = actor.mmp
when 8
v = actor.level
when 9
v = actor.exp
return true if v >= val
return false
# Time of Hour?
def time_of_hour?(comp, hr)
case comp
when 0 # before
return true if $time.hour < hr
when 1 # after
return true if $time.hour > hr
return false
# Time Between?
def time_between?(t1, t2)
return $time.hour.between?(t1, t2)
# Weapon Equipped?
def weapon_equipped?(weapon_id)
for member in $game_party.members
if member.weapons.include?($data_weapons[weapon_id])
return true
return false
# Armor Equipped?
def armor_equipped?(armor_id)
for member in $game_party.members
if member.armors.include?($data_armors[armor_id])
return true
return false
# State Applied?
def state_applied?(state_id)
for member in $game_party.members
if member.states.include?($data_states[state_id])
return true
return false
# Item Number?
def item_number?(item_id, amount)
item = $data_items[item_id]
return $game_party.item_number(item) >= amount
# Gold Amount?
def gold_amount?(amount)
return $game_party.gold >= amount
# Class ID?
def class_id?(check_id)
for member in $game_party.members
if member.class_id == check_id
return true
return false
# * Determine if Event Page Conditions Are Met (Aliased)
alias ixaeccgmevconmet conditions_met? unless $@
def conditions_met?(page)
cc = comment_conditionals(page)
if cc.empty?
c = page.condition
if c.switch1_valid
return false unless $game_switches[c.switch1_id]
if c.switch2_valid
return false unless $game_switches[c.switch2_id]
if c.variable_valid
return false if $game_variables[c.variable_id] < c.variable_value
if c.self_switch_valid
key = [@map_id, @event.id, c.self_switch_ch]
return false if $game_self_switches[key] != true
if c.item_valid
item = $data_items[c.item_id]
return false unless $game_party.has_item?(item)
if c.actor_valid
actor = $game_actors[c.actor_id]
return false unless $game_party.members.include?(actor)
return comment_conditions_met?(cc)
# Comment Conditions Met?
def comment_conditions_met?(conditionals)
for condition in conditionals
t = condition[0]
p1 = condition[1]
p2 = condition[2]
case t
when 0 # Time Of Hour
return false if !time_of_hour?(p1, p2)
when 1 # Time Between
return false if !time_between?(p1, p2)
when 2 # Weapon Equipped
return false if !weapon_equipped?(p1)
when 3 # Armor Equipped
return false if !armor_equipped?(p1)
when 4 # State Applied
return false if !state_applied?(p1)
when 5 # Item Number
return false if !item_number?(p1, p2)
when 6 # Parameter Value
return false if !parameter_value?(p1, p2)
when 7 # Gold Amount
return false if !gold_amount?(p1)
when 8 # Class ID
return false if !class_id(p1)
return true
Plenty of instructions inside the script! But basically, you have to use an event's 'Comment' option on a new page and then use one of the following tags inside the comment in order to set the page's condition:
(Make sure you include the '<>' arrows in the comment tag!)
<cc_wpn weapon_id>
<cc_arm armor_id>
<cc_stt state_id>
<cc_par par_id, par_amount>
Simply, replace the 'par_id' with one of the following values to determine which parameter you want to base the condition from:
0 : ATK
1 : DEF
2 : MAT
3 : MDF
4 : AGI
5 : LUK
6 : MHP
7 : MMP
8 : EXP
Then, replace 'par_amount' with the value the given parameter should be equal to or above in order to activate the condition.
<cc_g gold_amount>
<cc_in item_id, item_number>
<cc_cid class_id>
The following two only work with Ixfuru's Time System!
[code<cc_hr before_after, hour>
Here, you can set the 'before_after' with either a one or a zero. One signifies that the hour must be after the 'hour' value. While zero signifies that the hour must be fore the 'hour' value.
Replace the 'hour' with the hour it must be before or after.
<cc_sch lo_hour, hi_hour>
value you place at 'lo_hour' and the value you place at 'hi_hour'.
This script only aliases one method, so it should be compatible with just about anything. If you find something that it doesn't work with, let me know.
Author's Notes
This is another one of those, 'I needed it, so I scripted it' script. I set out to just script a comment conditional based on my time system for a project I was making, but ended up adding a bunch of stuff to it just for fun.
Terms and Conditions
You must credit me if you use this script even if it is modified by you or someone else.
In non-commercial games, it's free to use. For commercial projects, I would just like a free copy and the credit!
Don't claim this is your script because it isn't!
And lastly, if you want to post the script on another site, you must have my permission first.