
Full Version: Almost Heroic (Ludum Dare 33)
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Hello, Save-Point community!

I am French, please excuse google translate if I do some
weird typo! :D

I come from nowhere to introduce our participation in the
current LudumDare Game Jam! <3


[Image: BC-RMEx.png]

BilouCorp & RMEx (FR) presents:

[Image: title.png]

Almost Heroic, a very short game!

[Image: synopsis.png]

Play as Alex and go toe to toe with life and anybody who will
stand in your way to save your lover Arianne. Under its
classic J-RPG appearance, "Almost Heroic" denounce naively
some videogame usual but harsh behaviour.

[Image: ludumdare.png]

Ludum Dare is a "Game Jam". The purpose is to spend a
weekend creating a game based on a theme suggested by the
community. Ludum Dare events take place every April, August
and December.

We decided to participate in the August 21st-24th session...
...just 1 hour before the announcement of the theme! :D

Thus, we created this unpretentious little game, together on
skype/slack/github, deep into the very hot conditions of the
game jam!

The theme of this session is "you are the monster", we
were all agreed to do a more subtle game than "control a monster".
So we put our heads together for a small simple idea based on
the clichés of the RPG, twisted into an original ending. :)

All the graphics/sound/music is original and have been done
during the jam session!

[Image: team.png]
* Joke (@BilouMaster) - Graphics, Sound effect, Mapping 
* Nuki / xvw (@nukiFW) - Mapping, Programing, Writing 
* Zangther - Programing (Battle system) 
* Neha - Musics! <3 

[Image: screenshots.png]

[Image: screen1.gif]
[Image: screen2.png]
[Image: screen3.gif]
[Image: screen4.gif]
[Image: screen5.png]

[Image: rme.png]

Our team is composed of members of the development team RMEx.

The few systems that we had the time to create (menu, quest journal,
battle system, credits) have been programmed in event, with some
RME event commands... No more! :)

[Image: download.png]

- LudumDare entry
- Direct download: (10.1 MB)

We hope you will have fun!
I can't access to my "User CP", I don't know how to change my avatar... that's a bit weird... ^^' ...Now it's OK. :)

The game is complete and everything was done in less than 72 hours. :) (writing, programming, graphics, sounds, musics) (Half, in fact, counting our chaotic organization)

We will do a more polished release later! ... if it's worth it. ^^

Thank you for giving us your review! (despite our approximate English)
Héhé coucou Joke. J'adore le style du jeu, j'ai joué une dizaine de minutes, c'est très retro, très réussi comme style. Bravo!
Innovant comme style de combat aussi.

Erm right, should probably write in English too... (I've known Joke (BilouMaster) for ages btw, back when I was an active member of the French RM community back in 2009 or something.)
>>> I love the game's style, I played for about 10 minutes, it's very retro and has a great feel to it. Congrats! It also has an innovative battle style.
Héhé, merci MetalRenard, c'est donc ici que tu es caché ! :D
The graphics is so cute! :D It kinda gave the old-school classic vibe and I like that! xDD
Would love to try this! :)


Okay I have tried it!! first off, I really loved the overall visuals of the game, makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside xDD the music too!! and the battles were quite interesting as you had to tap the directions as fast! xDD

I just had a few personal concerns... the story x((

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Overall! I enjoyed it! very fun and cute game! keep it up! xDD