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I just wanted to bump my thread and give a quick update to you all!  Grinning

I'm dealing with a few glitches on some new scripts I'm trying to implement, so once these minor inconveniences are taken care of, I will make an update!
The next update will be gameplay-related, rather than story-related, because apparently constructive feedback is something that some people expect of others, but never give in return. 

Anyway, the next update will include screenshots of many scripts I am using! There will be lots of scripts implemented in the future as well, but the ones I will show are what I feel comfortable with showing right now  Happy 
Much of what will be shown may be fixed up to look nicer in the future if necessary.
There will also be some unfinished maps posted here or in the Maps and Screenshots thread as well!  

The next update after that will hopefully be a 5-12 minute gameplay and partial storyline showcase video, which will be recorded as soon as I get a new pair of headphones.  Blushing + Cheery 
I have much of the stuff I want to showcase set up already, just need to tweak things, squish some buggies... Ya know.  Tongue sticking out

Okay, thanks for reading! Hoping to get these glitches straightened out so I can give another update soon!  Winking
Next update coming soon...
(New headphones shouldn't be far away, and glitchy scripts should be getting fixed around the same time)

In the meantime, I created a new Tina face.  Grinning 

[Image: N91dQwd.png]
Possible prequel game in the works... Nothing will come of the prequel until this game is complete, but I'm mapping some things out for it, in case I decide to go for it  Winking 

There are many mentions of events that happened in the past of Destiny of End, and I may make the events into their own game!
New characters! War! Battle! Battlewar! The Kerusa dynasty!
Err... Imeanwhat? Kerusa? Who's that?  Winking Winking Winking Winking Winking

Anyway, Tina's mother has a face now too. Kind of a weird photoshop, since I had to edit in the headband, but  I think it turned out pretty well  Happy

[Image: v5rEN8Y.png]

Oh, and feel free to theorize whatever you want about the game. Who knows... you may be right  Tongue sticking out
New face graphic, this time for Sheena.  Blushing + Cheery

[Image: P7inOgL.png]
Will we get other samples like Sheena's or Tina's mother's funny faces or grimaces or crying faces? Just out of curiosity.
Sure! I'm probably gonna make crying ones, happy ones, etc. 
These are just the base faces for the characters.  Blushing + Cheery

Possible script request for the multiple face graphics in the works also  Winking 
(I have a couple already pending, I'll let our resident VVulfy cool down from my insane requests  Laughing )

Oh, and I made a new title graphic...  Happy 

Pipsqueak has a new face graphic!
(Took TONS of time on Photoshop to fix everything up, and I had to recolor like a madLani!)

[Image: YXCp18R.png]

As soon as I get Ikuno's face done, I'll see about showing the new main menu!  Blushing + Cheery
A work in progress...

[Image: attachment.php?aid=592]
See? Already made a slight fix!  Grinning 

[Image: attachment.php?aid=593]

There'll be lots of changes and additions to this, as well as slight tweaks. Work in Progress.  Winking
A bit of news!

Due to an animated battler being ripped from Ragnarok Online without mention from the one who ripped the battler, and battlers from Ragnarok Online being considered in many RPG Making communities as banned resources due to the troubles with copyright, I have had to rewrite the whole demonstration video's scenario.
The original scenario revolved around obtaining a new character, and they were using a Ragnarok battler. I have no other fitting battlers, and as such, the whole scenario is gone.  Confused

This is not all bad news!
I decided to use another of my already-written scenarios on obtaining a summon AND a character! 
I'll be busy weeding out every single banned resource from my game for the next day or two, then the finishing touches will be placed on the scenario... and recording will begin!  Grinning

Oh, and I'm also working on some more face graphics. We may be meeting a few more characters any day now  Winking
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