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Lycan Sneak Armor
Version: 1.0

This script allows you to make armor that can allow the wearer to be 100% undetectable. It keys in to the enemy's See Range and Hear Range systems so armor may allow the actor to be either 'invisible','inaudible' or both.

# ** Lycan Sneak Armor
#    version 1.0
#    by DerVVulfman
#    10-25-2015
#    RGSS / RPGMaker XP
#  This script allows you to make armor  that can allow the wearer to be 100%
#  undetectable.   It keys in to the enemy's See Range and Hear Range systems
#  so armor may allow the actor to be either 'invisible','inaudible' or both.
#  Place this script below  The Lycan ABS  and above Main.   You have three
#  configurables, these being set to the ID of an element in your database.
#  It is these elements which you tag your armors to give these benefits.
#  There are three configurables described below.  It is by tagging your
#  armor with these elements you set within your game's database is what
#  applies these conditions:
#  * INVISIBLE_ARMOR    Any armor with this tag is 100% invisible to the
#                       enemies on the map, just as long as the actor(s)
#                       are not already first discovered.
#  * MOTIONLESS_CAMO    This is an option  that forces  the actor(s)  to
#                       freeze when an enemy is facing. If you move when
#                       a map enemy is facing, the invisibility is lost.
#  * INAUDIBLE_ARMOR    Any armor with this tag is 100% inaudible to the
#                       enemies on the map, just as long as the actor(s)
#                       are not already first discovered.
#  >> Once spotted, even re-equipping invisible armor does no good until
#     the player leaves the map.   Once he does,  the enemy detection of
#     invisible/inaudible armor is reset.
#  >> The 'Motionless Camoflauge' armor option  depends upon  the use of
#     View Range Script v3 Eta,  an edited version  of Near Fantastica's
#     work altered  by DerVVulfman  to allow directed and blocked sight.
#  Free for use, even in commercial games.

module Lycan
  INVISIBLE_ARMOR = 20    # Armors tagged with this element are invisible
  MOTIONLESS_CAMO = 21    # Invisible armors with this tag are seen if moving
  INAUDIBLE_ARMOR = 22    # Armors tagged with this element cannot be heard

# ** Game_Actor
#  This class handles the actor. It's used within the Game_Actors class
#  ($game_actors) and refers to the Game_Party class ($game_party).

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader   :armor_types              # weapon fix

# ** Game_Map
#  This class handles the map. It includes scrolling and passable determining
#  functions. Refer to "$game_map" for the instance of this class.

class Game_Map
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :lsneak_tripped         # Lycan stealth armor tripped
  # * Setup
  #     map_id : map ID
  alias lsneak_setup setup
  def setup(map_id)
    @lsneak_tripped = false

# ** Game_ABS
#  This class deals with the Action Battle System and controls all Player,
#  Enemy and Companion Actions on the map.

class Game_ABS
  # * Alias Listings
  alias lsneak_update_enemy_see_target_central update_enemy_see_target_central
  alias lsneak_update_enemy_hear_target_central update_enemy_hear_target_central
  # * Frame Update ( for enemy - detect enemies in visible range and engage )
  #    enemy     : enemy object
  #    target    : enemy target map object
  #    target_id : enemy target's ID
  def update_enemy_see_target_central(enemy, target, target_id)
    armor = lsneak_armor(target, 0)
    armor = nil if $game_map.lsneak_tripped == true
    armor = update_enemy_hide_target_moving?(enemy, target, armor)
    return nil  if armor == true
    effective = lsneak_update_enemy_see_target_central(enemy, target, target_id)
    $game_map.lsneak_tripped = true if effective == true
    return effective
  # * Frame Update ( for enemy - detect enemies in audible range and engage )
  #    enemy     : enemy object
  #    target    : enemy target map object
  #    target_id : enemy target's ID
  def update_enemy_hear_target_central(enemy, target, target_id, shout=nil)
    armor = lsneak_armor(target, 2)
    armor = nil if $game_map.lsneak_tripped == true
    return nil  if armor == true
    effective = lsneak_update_enemy_hear_target_central(enemy, target,
                                                        target_id, shout)
    $game_map.lsneak_tripped = true if effective == true
    return effective
  # * Frame Update ( for enemy - hide enemies at all times or only moving )
  #    enemy     : enemy object
  #    target    : enemy target map object
  #    armor     : initial armor invisible flag
  def update_enemy_hide_target_moving?(enemy, target, armor)
    move_sneak  = lsneak_armor(target, 1)
    return armor  unless move_sneak == true
    if target.moving?
      if $game_system.lycan_view_range
        event = $[enemy.event_id]
        test = $view_range.vr_in_range?(event, target, enemy.detection[1], true)
        return !test
    return armor  
  # * Frame Update ( for enemy - Check armor for sneak element(s) )
  #    target    : enemy target map object
  #    type      : audible or visible level (0/1)  
  def lsneak_armor(target, type)
    return nil                    if target.is_a?(Game_ABS_Enemy)
    tempval   = 0                 if target.is_a?(Game_Player)
    tempval   = target.actor_id   if target.is_a?(Game_ABS_Companion)
    tempactor = $game_party.actors[tempval]
    # Branch and return test by Equipment Script
    if $game_system.lycan_dvv_multislots
      return lsneak_armor_mslots_dvv_test?(tempactor, type)
    elsif $game_system.lycan_g7_multislots
      return lsneak_armor_mslots_g7_test?(tempactor, type)
      return lsneak_armor_default_test?(tempactor, type)
  # * Frame Update ( for enemy - Check armor - default equipment system )
  #    actor     : armor wearing actor being tested
  #    type      : audible or visible level (0/1)  
  def lsneak_armor_default_test?(actor, type)
    return true   if lsneak_armor_element_test(actor.armor1_id, type) == true
    return true   if lsneak_armor_element_test(actor.armor2_id, type) == true
    return true   if lsneak_armor_element_test(actor.armor3_id, type) == true
    return true   if lsneak_armor_element_test(actor.armor4_id, type) == true
    return false
  # * Frame Update ( for enemy - Check armor - DVV MultiSlots )
  #    actor     : armor wearing actor being tested
  #    type      : audible or visible level (0/1)  
  def lsneak_armor_mslots_dvv_test?(actor, type)
    for i in actor.armor_types
      id = actor.armor_id[i]
      next          if id.nil?
      return true   if lsneak_armor_element_test(id, type) == true
    return false
  # * Frame Update ( for enemy - Check armor - G7 Multi Slot Equipment )
  #    actor     : armor wearing actor being tested
  #    type      : audible or visible level (0/1)  
  def lsneak_armor_mslots_g7_test?(actor, type)
    for id in actor.armor_ids
      return true if lsneak_armor_element_test(id, type) == true
    return false
  # * Frame Update ( for enemy - Check armor - individual armor piece test )
  #    armor_id  : ID of armor piece tested
  #    type      : audible or visible level (0/1)  
  def lsneak_armor_element_test(armor_id, type)
    test_set = []
    test_set = $data_armors[armor_id].guard_element_set if armor_id != 0
    return true if test_set.include?(Lycan::INVISIBLE_ARMOR) && type == 0
    return true if test_set.include?(Lycan::MOTIONLESS_CAMO) && type == 1
    return true if test_set.include?(Lycan::INAUDIBLE_ARMOR) && type == 2
    return false

In the script.

Designed solely for the Lycan ABS.

Terms and Conditions
Free for use, even in commercial games.