12-16-2015, 04:31 AM
DerVV's Flight
Version: 1.6
Version: 1.6
This script is a rudimentary flight system, allowing the player to fly with the push of a button.
# ** DerVV's Flight
# by DerVVulfman
# version 1.6
# 12-24-2015
# RGSS / RPGMaker XP
# This script is a rudimentary flight system, allowing the player to fly with
# the push of a button.
# Requested by Melana, and inspired (but not based upon) "Galv's Superman
# Ability" script, you can configure the rmxp key which permits flight, the
# in-game RMXP switch that permits its use, movement speeds and the suffix
# which identifies your flying charactersets.
# But there's more. You can also designate maps which do not permit flight.
# --- --- ---
# Event Triggering while in flight.
# ---------------------------------
# The player may fly over events on the map. But events that are set to
# the Player Touch or Event Touch triggers will activate once the player is
# overtop. They do not activate when the player is next to the event.
# As said before, the player may fly over events on the map, but there is
# an exception. If the event in question is set to 'always on top', the
# event is basically flying at the same level and can block the player, can
# be touched and triggered.
# Script Calls.
# -------------
# There are two script calls: force_takeoff and force_landing. These will
# allow the game designer to force the player to fly or land. However,
# these fall under certain criteria. The force_landing script call will not
# work if the player is not over an area which he can walk or land. And the
# force_takeoff script will not function if you are on a map that does not
# allow flight, and will not function if the RMXP Switch that activates
# is not turned on
# Requirements.
# -------------
# There are four arrays that allow you to set requrements for the player in
# order to permit flight. The HEROES array contains the IDs of heroes who
# can fly. The ARMORS array contains the IDs of armor that permits flight.
# the SKILLS array contains the IDs of skills that lets the player fly. And
# the STATUS array holds the IDs of status effects & ailments that lets the
# player fly. However, if the player unequips armor in flight, or loses the
# boon of a flying status effect,he MAY fall on an tile that may be harmful
# or hazardous.
# Danger Zones.
# -------------
# While the player cannot land on tiles that are impassable, it is possible
# for a player to 'fall' upon such a tile, or a tile deemed dangerous. Such
# would be the case if a player loses the ability to fly over water. For
# this, two values were created. The DANGER_TAG array allows you to set the
# terrain tags deemed hostile to the player when he lands upon it. And the
# DANGER_EVENT value identifies the common event that is performed in this
# instance.
# Fairly compatible for RPGMaker XP systems. However, it does rewrite the
# Game_Player.passable? method.
# Free for use, even in commercial games. And as this script was requested
# by Melana, you have to give both of us credit for this script.
module DerVV_Flight
# Normal Options
# ==================================================
TRIGGER = Input::A # Set to the RMXP key (Currently Shift)
SUFFIX = "_Fly" # Suffix attached to end of flying characterset
ON_SWITCH = nil # RMXP Switch to permit flight (nil if unused)
SPD_INCREASE = 1 # Speed Increase when flying
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Map Array
# (An array of map ids preventing flight
# ==================================================
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Map Dangerous Terrain Tags
# (Array set allowing player death if falls into terrains)
# (Set of arrays: 1st value, map, 2nd,3rd,..9th are terrain tags)
# EX: TAG = [ [1,2,3], [2,2,4], [3,1] ]
# First array is map 1, terrain tags 2 and 3 being dangerous
# Second array is map 2, terrain tags 2 and 4 being dangerous
# Third array is map 3, only terrain tag 1 is dangerous
# ==================================================
DANGER_TAG = [[1,1]]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Map Dangerous Terrain Tags Common Event
# (Common event performed if player loses flight over
# specified dangerous terrain tag.)
# Ignored if set to nil and performs no action.
# ==================================================
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Flight Requirements
# (Arrays of 'things' that allow flight)
# ==================================================
HEROES = [] # Arrays of heroes that fly automatically
ARMORS = [1] # Arrays of armor by ID that permit flight
SKILLS = [] # Arrays of skills by ID that permit flight
STATUS = [3] # Arrays of status effects that permit flight
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ** Game_System
# This class handles data surrounding the system. Backround music, etc.
# is managed here as well. Refer to "$game_system" for the instance of
# this class.
class Game_System
# * Alias Listings
alias flying_initialize initialize
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :flying # flying flag
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
# Perform the original call
# Add value
@flying = false
# ** Game_Map
# This class handles the map. It includes scrolling and passable determining
# functions. Refer to "$game_map" for the instance of this class.
class Game_Map
# * Alias Listings
alias flying_setup setup
# * Public Instance Variables
attr_accessor :flight_disabled # If flight not allowed on map
# * Setup
# map_id : map ID
def setup(map_id)
# Perform the original call
# Add values
@flight_disabled = false
@flight_disabled = true if DerVV_Flight::NO_FLY_MAPS.include?(map_id)
# ** Game_Event
# This class deals with events. It handles functions including event page
# switching via condition determinants, and running parallel process events.
# It's used within the Game_Map class.
class Game_Event < Game_Character
# * Alias Listings
alias flying_over_trigger? over_trigger?
# * Object Initialization
# map_id : map ID
# event : event (RPG::Event)
def always_on_top
# * Determine if Over Trigger
# (whether or not same position is starting condition)
def over_trigger?
return true if $game_system.flying && !@always_on_top
return flying_over_trigger?
# ** Game_Player
# This class handles the player. Its functions include event starting
# determinants and map scrolling. Refer to "$game_player" for the one
# instance of this class.
class Game_Player < Game_Character
# * Alias Listings
alias flying_update update
# * Passable Determinants
# x : x-coordinate
# y : y-coordinate
# d : direction (0,2,4,6,8)
# * 0 = Determines if all directions are impassable (for jumping)
def passable?(x, y, d)
# Get new coordinates
new_x = x + (d == 6 ? 1 : d == 4 ? -1 : 0)
new_y = y + (d == 2 ? 1 : d == 8 ? -1 : 0)
# Impassable if coordinates are outside of map
return false unless $game_map.valid?(new_x, new_y)
# Passable if debug mode is ON and ctrl key was pressed
return true if $DEBUG and Input.press?(Input::CTRL)
# Determine if passable or impassable when flying
return passable_flying?(new_x, new_y) if $game_system.flying == true
# Super, or 'default Game_Character' passable method
# * Passable Event Determinants (Allows flying events to block)
# new_x : next x-coordinate
# new_y : next y-coordinate
def passable_flying?(new_x, new_y)
# Loop all events
for event in $game_map.events.values
# Perform and return event test values
return passable_flying_event_test(new_x, new_y, event)
return true
# * Passable Event Tests (performed within the loop)
# x : next x-coordinate
# y : next y-coordinate
# event : event tested
def passable_flying_event_test(x,y, event)
# Passable when not colliding with tested event
return true unless event.x == x and event.y == y
# Passable when tested event is intangible
return true if event.through
# For events that have an actual characterset
if event.character_name != ""
# Impassable if always on top (at player's flight level)
return false if event.always_on_top == true
# Passable
return true
# * Determine landable?
def passable_landing?
return true if $game_map.passable?(@x, @y, 0)
return false
# * Frame Update
def update
# Perform the original call
# Perform trigger conditions
# * Frame Update (when testing flight button trigger)
def flying_trigger
# Get current actor
actor = $game_party.actors[0]
# Prevent if flight not permitted by status ailment
return unless refresh_flight_required_state?(actor, true) == true
# Perform method if actively triggered
refresh_flight if Input.trigger?(DerVV_Flight::TRIGGER)
# * Refresh
def refresh_flight
# Disable/prevent system if not met
return unless refresh_flight_requirement?
return unless refresh_flight_map?
return unless refresh_flight_switches?
# Ensure Flying/Landing passable
return unless passable_landing?
# Toggle flying
$game_system.flying = !$game_system.flying
# Branch on flying
($game_system.flying == true) ? refresh_flying : refresh_walking
# * Frame Update (when testing controlled requirements)
def refresh_flight_requirement?
# Disregard and return true if no requirements
return true if DerVV_Flight::SKILLS == [] && DerVV_Flight::ARMORS == [] &&
DerVV_Flight::HEROES == []
# Get current actor
actor = $game_party.actors[0]
# Test individual requirements
return false unless refresh_flight_required_actor?(actor)
return false unless refresh_flight_required_skill?(actor)
return false unless refresh_flight_required_armor?(actor)
return false unless refresh_flight_required_state?(actor)
return true
# * Refresh (when testing actor requirements)
# actor : actor
def refresh_flight_required_actor?(actor)
# Flight permitted when values not entered
return true if DerVV_Flight::HEROES == []
# Test for valid flying hero
return true if DerVV_Flight::HEROES.include?(actor.id)
# Update Danger Terrain Tags
# Return false
return false
# * Refresh (when testing skill requirements)
# actor : actor
def refresh_flight_required_skill?(actor)
# Flight permitted when values not entered
return true if DerVV_Flight::SKILLS == []
# Cycle and test skills to determine if valid flight skill learned
for skill in actor.skills
return true if DerVV_Flight::SKILLS.include?(skill)
# Update Danger Terrain Tags
# Return false
return false
# * Refresh (when testing armor requirements)
# actor : actor
def refresh_flight_required_armor?(actor)
# Flight permitted when values not entered
return true if DerVV_Flight::ARMORS == []
# Gather Armor (Default armor values)
actor_armor = [ actor.armor1_id, actor.armor2_id,
actor.armor3_id, actor.armor4_id ]
# Cycle and test armors to determine if valid flight armor worn
for armor in actor_armor
return true if DerVV_Flight::ARMORS.include?(armor)
# Update Danger Terrain Tags
# Return false
return false
# * Refresh (when testing status effect requirements)
# actor : actor
# test_type : testing if used before triggering flight
def refresh_flight_required_state?(actor, test_type=false)
# Only perform if flying and on flight trigger test
if test_type == true
return true unless $game_system.flying == true
# Flight permitted when values not entered
return true if DerVV_Flight::STATUS == []
# Cycle and test states to determine if valid flight state in effect
for state in actor.states
return true if DerVV_Flight::STATUS.include?(state)
# Toggle flying
$game_system.flying = false
# Update Danger Terrain Tags
# Branch on flying if testing before flight trigger
refresh_walking if test_type == true
return false
# * Refresh (forcing determination of terrain tag danger effect)
def refresh_required_danger_ttags
# Exit if danger tags set to nil
return if DerVV_Flight::DANGER_TAG.nil?
# Exit if danger tags empty
return if DerVV_Flight::DANGER_TAG == []
tag = []
# Cycle through terrain tag array
for ttags in DerVV_Flight::DANGER_TAG
# Grab terrain tag set for current map
tag = ttags.dup if ttags[0] == $game_map.map_id
# Delete map ID value from supplied set
# Return if empty set
return if tag == []
# Get player's current terrain tag
ter_tag = $game_map.terrain_tag(@x, @y)
# If player's terrain tag is a danger tag
if tag.include?(ter_tag)
# Unless there is no danger common event to play
unless DerVV_Flight::DANGER_EVENT.nil?
# Unless the danger common event is set to 0
unless DerVV_Flight::DANGER_EVENT == 0
# Perform the common event
$game_temp.common_event_id = DerVV_Flight::DANGER_EVENT
# * Refresh (when testing map condition)
def refresh_flight_map?
# Flight not permitted on map, force ensure no flight
if $game_map.flight_disabled == true
return false
return true
# * Refresh (when testing switch condition)
def refresh_flight_switches?
# Nil value assumes always active
return true if DerVV_Flight::ON_SWITCH.nil?
# Flight not permitted while Switch turned off
unless $game_switches[DerVV_Flight::ON_SWITCH] == true
return false
return true
# * Refresh (when deactivating flight)
def refresh_flying_disable
return unless $game_system.flying
$game_system.flying = false
# * Refresh Flying State
def refresh_flying
t_charset = $game_party.actors[0].character_name
@character_name = t_charset + DerVV_Flight::SUFFIX
@always_on_top = true
@move_speed += DerVV_Flight::SPD_INCREASE
# * Refresh Walking State
def refresh_walking
t_charset = $game_party.actors[0].character_name
@character_name = t_charset
@always_on_top = false
@move_speed -= DerVV_Flight::SPD_INCREASE
# ** Interpreter
# This interpreter runs event commands. This class is used within the
# Game_System class and the Game_Event class.
class Interpreter
# * Script Call to take off
def force_takeoff
# Not permitted unless flying is turned off or wrong map
if DerVV_Flight::ON_SWITCH != nil
return unless $game_switches[DerVV_Flight::ON_SWITCH] == true
return if $game_map.flight_disabled == true
# Landing values
$game_system.flying = true
# * Script Call to force landing
def force_landing
# Not permitted if flying over impassable terrain
return unless $game_player.passable_landing?
# Landing values
$game_system.flying = false
# ** Scene_Map
# This class performs map screen processing.
class Scene_Map
# * Alias Listings
alias flying_update update
# * Frame Update
def update
update_no_fly if $game_map.flight_disabled == true
# * Frame Update (Prevent flight, or forced landing if entering no-fly map)
def update_no_fly
return if $game_system.flying == false
$game_system.flying = false
In the script as always.
Fairly compatible for RPGMaker XP systems. However, it does rewrite the Game_Player.passable? method.
Terms and Conditions
Free for use, even in commercial games. And as this script was requested by Melana, you have to give both of us credit for this script.