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DerVV's Flight
Version: 1.6

This script is a rudimentary flight system, allowing the player to fly with the push of a button.


In the script as always.

Fairly compatible for RPGMaker XP systems. However, it does rewrite the Game_Player.passable? method.

Terms and Conditions
Free for use, even in commercial games. And as this script was requested by Melana, you have to give both of us credit for this script.
I'm testing it right now but at the moment nothing happens, when I push the flight button.
I think I'm missing something.

You can have a look into my demo to find my mistakes if you want.
My bad.    Two lines (237 and 330) had flaws, so an upgrade became due.

Line 237 should be:
if $game_map.flight_disabled == true

Line 330 should be:
update_no_fly if $game_map.flight_disabled == true

It's ALWAYS the stupid double equals... (==) Tongue sticking out


This isn't a mere bump, but a bump to
version 1.2.

More work was done, ensuring that you cannot turn flying off (keyboard toggle or script call) while over an impassable tile.  And you cannot use a script call to fly if either on a no-fly map or the RMXP switch that allows flight is off.  And there was a little more work done so flying events can be activated by the player when flying.

Confused   Oh, and yeah....  I forgot to put in that there are two script calls... one that forces flight and one that turns it off.
Yay, now it works perfectly.

It's really cool.

Again thank you alot for fullfilling my request especially that fast.^^
I really appreciate it.
Thanks, but I'm not done as I just decided to bump this to

version 1.4.

Probably the last (expected) version. You can now specify armor that allows flight, flying heroes, flight skills, and status effects that permit flight. You'd have to work out how status effect are removed when on the map though.

Also, if you DO have a condition like a status effect that allows flight, and suddenly wears off.... There's a new feature called DANGER_TAGs where you can set up different terrain tags that can trigger a common event if you land on one. It is recommended that this common event be used to determine how one 'splashes' down. That's what I did...
These are some neat additional features.

I think I will find some cool ways to use all of them in my game. :)

I just noticed that the script overwrites some changes on the actor like the oppacity, movement speed and graphic.
These commands doesn't seem to work anymore. (graphic only when I'm trying it with the one from "Set Move Route". The "Change Actor Graphic" command works)
Well, yeah.

The movement speed is either going to be the speed of the character walking or flying. You would want a different speed in this case, correct? This is a caveat as increase/decrease by a single value did not work (or haven't attained as yet).

The graphic is what the player looks like when he's flying (including any Superman cape) or not flying (cue the Clark Kent glasses). Fortunately, you DID say you could change it with the 'change actor graphic' command. Why the Set Move Route didn't work... I'll look into.

Insofar as Opacity, that's what the new BUMP TO VERSION 1.5 is for.

Minor change added to the refresh method to store and re-use the player opacity.
It doesn't bother me at all with the movement speed. I just noticed it while testing around with your script.

The oppacity works fine now. :)

I just added 2 lines to let my character have a stop animation while flying to show the wing beats.
The script also works quite well with my caterpillar script. I only had to change a few lines to activate the stop animation also for the caterpillar while flying.

I already love this flight script very much. ^^
Time to bump the script to

version 1.6.

Okay... this one is BOUND to be the last (expected) one.

Improvements made...

I rewrote the main segments within the Game_Player class so it didn't actually touch the Game_Player's refresh method, and handled graphic updates when needed. In the way it is handled, the methods in the 'Set Move Route' commands should now work without issues. But to make a character STICK to a new characterset, the use of the 'Change Actor Graphics' command is still preferred (the replacement graphic in the Move Route method doesn't remain put).

There IS a change to the config system as the character speed isn't going to be fixed anymore. Separate values for normal move speed and flight speed are no longer used. Instead, there is a Speed Increase value so you can set a speed value of 1, and the player moves 1 rank faster than normal.

At the same time, The code was made more modular, broken into smaller and more manageable segments, and its rewrite runs through less commands, and thus should cause less slow-down (if any frame rate slowdown was encountered while used with other scripts).
Oh well, that's awesome. :)

I will update the version in my game now.