02-04-2016, 11:08 PM
Kuests XP
version 0.9.1
by Kyonides-Arkanthos
This is another quest system that pretends to show all quest related info in a "non-regular RPG maker window" environment, meaning it won't display a single common window on screen but some sort of spriteset and background pictures to make it look different, a little bit more ancient if possible. This one is based on a previous work that I stopped developing back in 2012 that included all ye old windows being displayed all over the screen.
- Quest name
- Quest difficulty label
- Quest final score
- Repeatable quests
- You can either complete quests or fail to complete it
- You might need to meet people or rescue them
- You need to kill monsters, find items, deliver items
- You would prefer to make sure specific heroes are still alive at the end of your mission
- Chronometer or time limit
- Minimum amount of Gold in purse at the end of your mission
- You may earn prizes like items, weapons, armors, gold or points. It is possible to convince a new hero to join your ranks.
- Minimum and Maximum party leader levels
- Number of Previous Completed Quests
So far my script has been localized in English, Spanish, German and my conlang Kexyana. Perhaps Ahzoh might want to try to add some Arkhean or Vrkhazhian localization just for fun.
English version
Spanish version
German version - Partially translated
Kexyana version - Partially translated, made for fun
Other Conlangs might be taken in consideration
Q: Why doesn't the font show up? Why does the font disappear?
A: Perhaps I forgot to mention that the script is setup to make use of a particular font named Diploma, I forgot to include it in the package. Diploma is a free distributable font. It should be found in the same location as the demo.
To me, obviously, since I'm the scripter in charge but also to Melana for partial translations to German, to Nyakuya (also informally known as Maracuyá) for image editing and bitbox.com for providing some texture freebies.
Terms Of Use
Free to use in non commercial games if given proper credit.