Work continues.
As you can see, spacing as well as font sizes have now been introduced. In fact, each window now includes their own window positioning and resizing arrays, AND each window has its own font setup... almost like the Xail system. I didn't include font color (yet), but I did add a little extra touch.... FONTZ
Okay... no hookups from Kyonides is showing....
FontZ is a script I wrote three years ago (and only just bumped to fix an issue regarding full underlines). With FontZ, I can easily add shadows, outlines, underlines and strikethru effects into texts, and even change the color(s) of these said effects. As you may guess, the ability to set these effects to the text in the windows will be implemented in the configuration system... even for the color of the effects.
It will not crash if FontZ is not in use. But it will not show the extra font effects without FontZ.
I have not (as yet) altered the icon rendering system, nor the text alignment for either the Command or Stats window. But you can probably guess, it is going to happen.
Hm... things to add (looks at original config)...
1) Playtime icon (and thus window)
2) Turning on/off windowskins
-- that makes me think transparent windows so I may be able to show the map behind the menu as an extra feature
3) Menu Music. Yeesh. They still use that? *sigh...*
4) HP/SP/EXP bars... Heheh... duh
5) Background. Oh, well, that's like what I would use with the windowskins turned off in #2.
6) Transitions.
Hm. Of these, I think Moggy just doesn't use #3.
EDIT: A safeguard that I want to implement:
FORCED WINDOW RESIZING: If the options/contents added does not properly match the allowed space within a window, a message will appear that would inform the game designer that the window will be resized to fit the contents. When this happens, the window WILL be redrawn and the new specs given to the designer.
This is useful when dealing with windows that have scrolling options such as the command window. For example, if you have too many options to show on the window, the window resizes so the 'top' of the next line doesn't arbitrarily show. Clippage is never a good thing. So, it should resize.