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I'm trying to figure out how the new Icon calls work...
They don't show up anymore. I tried replacing the second number with Inn, and nothing shows up still. I'm confused...  Confused
1. Show Icon on current event page (temporarily) via Event Comment at the top of the page
Options: 'New Quest', 'Rewards', 'Failure', 'Shop', 'Inn'

Comment: Name Bounter Hunter Lani
: New Quest

2. Show Icon while not activating next event page (temporarily) via Script Call
Options: 'New Quest', 'Rewards', 'Failure', 'Shop', 'Inn'

KEvents.show_icon(Event_ID, 'New Quest')
#=> shows New Quest icon over Lani's head
Works perfectly, thank you!  Grinning 
Just remember that showing an icon via a comment at the top of the page will work no matter if you switch to any default menu (via pressing a button or via menu-event command) and go back to the map. The script call won't show up unless you already triggered the event by speaking with an NPC or practically dashing it, that might depend on the actual event trigger you setup. NEVER but never use any of these two methods on autorun triggered events, this might be the perfect way to cause some unneeded lag.
Feeling Bumped Today?

A new and more complete version of KEvents XP is already available, guys!

It already includes features like Font Name, Font Size and Font Weight (Bold) or Italic.


I had to reupload the script files so please download the script once again to make sure it will work as expected. BTW, instructions were updated on the first post.
Names no longer appear  Confused
Don't worry about it, Lani the Nameless, it's been fixed already. You just need to download the new demo I recently uploaded to my mediafire folder. I'm pretty sure it will work just as expected.
It works now! Yay!

However... did you change the default font? It looks weird now, and smaller fontsize makes the letters jumble together  Confused
I know that might depend on the font name, weight and size but I already warned Melana about those issues for a good reason. Normally any bold font should look fine as far as I have seen.
The Unforeseen Bump!

Well, I was in need of double posting to let you know that I updated my script once again, both in English and Spanish, because I noticed it didn't refresh the event name if a self switch made the event get refreshed before it would execute the next page contents as expected. Now it's fixed and it gets refreshed right away.
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