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Save-Point - dancing minigame script


Full Version: dancing minigame script
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Sorry for the delay. Some other things had to be done... and then began work on trying to make a main action module that could be shared by the Editor and the game script itself. Er.... I know, that sounds technical... but it's sorta like I DIDN'T WANNA REWRITE THE SAME CODE IN TWO SECTIONS. Like... I have a 'load DDR' in the editor and 'load DDR' in the game script. Why have two load DDRs? Er... crash n burn. Didn't work out too well.

Well, some good news.

When you make a map to play the DDR game, make an empty/blank event and just name it DDR. If you begin playing the DDR game, the event takes the player's graphic and uses properly setup graphics for dancing!!! So you get to hide the player itself, and the event takes the player's place and dances away!!!!

Before that, I had to hardcode the event. Now it's one you can place at will. :)
Grinning Grinning Grinning Grinning Grinning Grinning Grinning Grinning Grinning Grinning Grinning Grinning Grinning Grinning Grinning

Lunarberry and I just looked this over and were BOTH excited! Lunarberry says this will be simpler!

I honestly am just excited in general now!

we BOTH cannot wait to take this system for a spin!

do your best were cheering for ya! Grinning
Found some hiccups in the playback system itself. Minor things that needed fixing thanks to the new stuff you can set up now, and some streamlining. Should ALWAYS streamline code, and make smaller modules so the code is easier to read and be more efficient.

Well, that was like 20 minutes before I came into the forum ... after work and before dinner . Dinner was delicious.
Confused Doh.

Um, the fixes I made and the cleanup I did.... it was to the wrong (and discarded) version of the DDR system. It was the failed version which used a counter system while the new one used the RPGMaker system's inherit framerate system.

Thank the LORD the bulk of the changes were made to similarly designed code. The cleaned button pressing system, the arrow update system, etc. The mechanics which read the data file and controlled arrow timing weren't involved. Whew!!!

Oh, a few more advances were made insofar as arrow keystroke action. IE, you cannot kill your score by button mashing when you immediately see the arrows at the bottom of the screen. They have to at least reach SOMEWHERE close to the flashpoint. And I added the ability to hit ESC to cancel/quit the minigame. Seriously.... would anyone wanna DDR to Iron Butterfly's In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida? That sucker is 17 minutes long!!!
Oh man it sounds like your doing great!

Sorry I didn't reply earlier... stomach flu hurts

Yeah a quit function is REALLY good! ... I don't think I could handle 17 mins of DDR
Keep up the amazing work!
We're rooting for ya!
To kind of help, I temporarily broke up my SCENE_EDITOR class (the guts of the editor script) into sub parts. They're all oart of the same class, I just have em in different pages in my script editor... kinda like Scene_Battle 1 .. Scene_Battle 2 etc. Should help me concentrate on a single facet without having to search up n down, right?

Well, I began work on one of the actual 'editing' features. I now have a Signature Edit box and system, for lack of a better word. A signature is an indivdual line in the DDR file that notes the timestamp of the DDR button and the actual button to press. So you could bring up the 5th signature in your DDR file's list of signatures, and it would read [124,'U'] denoting that to try and press the UP key when you hit timestamp 124... TRY being the operative word. I wish anyone playing DDR games good luck !!! :P

The Signature Editor currently shows a simple (but wide) window that has help texts that read:
"[F5] Edit / [F6] Delete / [ESC] Exits"
Well, I got two out of three. Deleting a signature is a piece of cake! And it just runs the same procedure to exit as the ESC key would afterwards. And with that, it also refreshes the list of signatures you saw in the previous screenshot.

Making the system EDIT the signature data will be the harder part. And once I get that running, I can work on a feature to INSERT a signature within the editor. Granted, WHO WANTS TO MANUALLY ADD INDIVIDUAL DDR LINES ONE AT A TIME THIS WAY????? But I like being complete.

I do plan on another 'entertaining' route to add DDR signatures.... by playing the music and letting your fingers hit the DDR keys to record em.

But right now, the manual signature editor is in the works.
Caught ya taking a peek.  But I guess ya wanted a screenie...
[Image: attachment.php?aid=660]

Well, I got it to where I can format and edit the signature's timestamp. Still need to get the rest of the mechanics to hit ENTER and save the data, and then resort the list by the revised timestamps. Re-sorting the data by timestamps will be a bit tricky.

Yup... will be tricky.

Ok that's AWESOME!!
Sorry for not replying earlier as I was in an area where WiFi was pretty bad
This is really amazing and I cannot wait to try this out!

Pretty sure Lunarberry will love it as well! I'll show her next time she's online

Keep up the amazing work!!! (^u^ )
Very cheery Very cheery Very cheery Laughing Laughing Very cheery Very cheery Very cheery Very cheery Very cheery Very cheery Very cheery 
Laughing Laughing Laughing Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Laughing Laughing Laughing 
Laughing Laughing Angry Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Angry Laughing Laughing 
Laughing Angry Laughing Laughing Angry Laughing Laughing Angry Laughing Laughing Angry Laughing 
Laughing Angry Laughing Laughing Angry Laughing Laughing Angry Laughing Laughing Angry Laughing 
Laughing Angry Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Angry Laughing
Laughing Angry Laughing Angry Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Angry Laughing Angry Laughing
Laughing Angry Laughing Laughing Angry Angry Angry Angry Laughing Laughing Angry Laughing
Laughing Laughing Angry Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Angry Laughing Laughing 
Laughing Laughing Laughing Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Laughing Laughing Laughing
Very cheery Very cheery Very cheery Laughing Laughing Very cheery Very cheery Very cheery Very cheery Very cheery Very cheery Very cheery 

I don't need to post a new screenie.... basically the same window ... but with new tweaks.

Within, you can now toggle between the timestamp on the left or the directional value on the right.  So while you were only able to change the values of 1234560207 before,  you can now go back and forth between it and the 'L' (or left) direction value.  And now... you can change the Directional value too!

But there's more.

By hitting ENTER, you submit this change in the editor.  It then takes the data and properly resorts the data by the timestamps.  Which means, if I took a timestamp of 206 and change it to 248, it and the direction press attached, will be resorted as it should!

So yea, you can now change the current data in the file!   And it resorts! 

With all that figured out, I should now be able to add an 'Add/Insert' data feature into the manual editor too.  It's just a case of using the same code, but giving it temp data to start with.

Believe it or not, I think the play-as-you-go data entry system will be harder to create.... mebby.  On the other hand, the editor does play the music and the arrows already.

Also nice mega smiley face!

So much HYYYPE!!!

Cannot WAIT for the next update! Do your best and we will to!
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