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Save-Point - dancing minigame script


Full Version: dancing minigame script
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huh... Now that I think about it, when I was getting Audacity for some reason. The main site stated that one of their builds got a load of viruses on a certain date. The site also said that the issue is solved. So I guess it should be safe to download again since my antivirus didn't block it.
well thats good...but I still wont use it
Id rather use something online then download another editing software
Cleaning up some code... working on some ... hehehe... demo stuff.... AND working out some things that are probably needed that you wouldn't think would be needed. I also had to work out some safe-guards when allowing the system to convert the DDR file from an encryptable .rxdata file into a normal text file.

For example, turning on switches when the Dancing system is running (dancers showing up to start dancing) or switches turned on when the Dancing system ends (dancers leave the stage). Things like that would likely be desired, so I'm putting it in already. Just trying to think ahead.

Right now, when the player chooses to perform the Dancing game, this is what happens. (1) The player's coordinates are saved, (2) The player vanishes from the screen, (3) A 'duplicate' version of the player is shown in a custom 'DDR' event space. (4) As the music plays and the player presses the buttons, his invisible player won't be seen moving around or anything. (5) The 'duplicate' is moved based on the player's actions. And when it is done, (6) the duplicate vanishes, (7) the player is moved back to his coordinates and (8) The player reappears.

A feature I need to put in is to set what the dancer looks like other than the player. Like Aluxes would like to see the DDR game, and TREVOR PHILIPS from GTA V dances in his place. Go ahead and try to visualize THAT one. Laughing
hmm we plan on doing a detailed sprite sheet while having the sprites seperate from the minigame

but this sounds EPIC!

I'm itching to dive into a demo!
this'll make plotting out attack patterns for the battlesystem easier as well as its kinda the same concept...sept in combat
Taking a break from..... plumbing... *yeaaah* And lost track of the time sequence I was working on for the DDR file.

SURPRISE, the singer and the band didn't exactly keep an exact temp. Driving me nuts trying to get the time signatures just right.
(04-20-2017, 03:15 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Taking a break from..... plumbing...  *yeaaah*   And lost track of the time sequence I was working on for the DDR file.

SURPRISE, the singer and the band didn't exactly keep an exact temp.    Driving me nuts trying to get the time signatures just right.

ya gotta hate it when people are off tempo

you can do it though! Grinning
Why can I picture a cute nerdy cyber-catgirl cheerleader in my mind right now? RA RA RA !!!
(04-20-2017, 03:47 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Why can I picture a cute nerdy cyber-catgirl cheerleader in my mind right now?   RA RA RA !!!

[Image: latest?cb=20161203181913]

smacking away negativity and artblock! Laughing
I just worked out time siggies for about 40 seconds of the music I'm using. Takes time and I have noted that tempo does in fact change. Beats change from 40 centiseconds to 43 centiseconds and whatever. Remember, centiseconds == 1/100th of a second. It is THAT exact.

Right now, I'm using a bit of Ruby/RGSS code and doing the music in seconds. The first four bars.... then the next four.... then the next.... each time testing and doublechecking the rhythm. But the arrows in the ddr file are currently just ↑↑↑↓ ... using the down angle on the 4th beat to ensure I'm getting the tempo right when I test it.... over and over and over.... :P The further I go, the longer I have to play the music to ensure it matches.
(04-21-2017, 03:34 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]I just worked out time siggies for about 40 seconds of the music I'm using. Takes time and I have noted that tempo does in fact change. Beats change from 40 centiseconds to 43 centiseconds and whatever. Remember, centiseconds == 1/100th of a second. It is THAT exact.

Right now, I'm using a bit of Ruby/RGSS code and doing the music in seconds. The first four bars.... then the next four.... then the next.... each time testing and doublechecking the rhythm. But the arrows in the ddr file are currently just ↑↑↑↓ ... using the down angle on the 4th beat to ensure I'm getting the tempo right when I test it.... over and over and over.... :P The further I go, the longer I have to play the music to ensure it matches.

Oh wow .... I'm pretty overwhelmed tbh
That's really accurate and nitpicky
My OCD is praising the nitpicking but my morale is saying OMGAWD

Overall this is still amazing and I can't wait to try it out!
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