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Save-Point - dancing minigame script


Full Version: dancing minigame script
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I got CLICKIES!!!!

While running a DDR file, I can press arrow keys and have it recognize if...  the keypress is in sync with an arrow when it flashes!!!

Tongue sticking out  Well, mostly.  I don't have the timing exactly worked out.  Mebby I should start off with a SLOWER DDR file for getting the timing range corrected.     The current DDR file is running a bit fast.

Laughing + Tongue sticking out   Stupid me.  Just make a new DDR file and set the speed to 1 (SLOW!)

The system's scoring will work out better.  If you press a key and it does correspond to an arrow AS it flashes, it goes *POOF!* and you score.  The previous version did not do that and it scoring was a bit haphazard.  I do plan on having EXACT scores when it flashes, and mebby lesser-points if you are outside of a range (like five pixels too fast or slow... half score?). 

But I'm keeping the optional feature where you lose points when the arrow reaches the very top of the screen, having MISSED your chance to score.

Optional, but fun.
NIIIICE!!! Super hyped now! Can't wait to test it out!
So try it now!!!

Normally, I try to name my scripts after friends. But, ... I'm running out of names? If it's not bad enough I know two Cassies, I know three RMers out there with your name.

But I felt it might be a nice tribute to Misha... And I'm a bit of a cat person myself.
(09-28-2017, 04:09 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]So try it now!!!

Normally, I try to name my scripts after friends. But, ... I'm running out of names? If it's not bad enough I know two Cassies, I know three RMers out there with your name.

But I felt it might be a nice tribute to Misha... And I'm a bit of a cat person myself.

OMG ITS DONE??? Aww ya named it after Misha? Thanks DerVVulfman! That means the world to me!

Lunarberry and I will be checking this out ASAP! Thank you thank you thank you!!!
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