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Save-Point - dancing minigame script


Full Version: dancing minigame script
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Well, the DDR game the guys were playing in the video I bought was a 4 direction pad, so I figure the direction pad would be the way to go. Could be a toughie, but I'm gonna try.

Meanwhile, getting the other dancers to be a challenge... that's another thing. I figure it'll be some system to be based on your enemy contestant vs the player's agility or something.
(04-23-2016, 04:24 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Well, the DDR game the guys were playing in the video I bought was a 4 direction pad, so I figure the direction pad would be the way to go.  Could be a toughie, but I'm gonna try.

Meanwhile, getting the other dancers to be a challenge... that's another thing.  I figure it'll be some system to be based on your enemy contestant vs the player's agility or something.

you got it right on with the agility for the other enemy contestants! unfourtunatly I don't know how to help you with it Sarcasm + Confused

I was also wanting to have a judge onstage to kinda react to the preformance of the player
this would be done by having the judge rock back and forth if the player is doing good,faster if the players doing great,
jumping if the players doing perfect and stopping movement for miss's...missing more then 13 turn notes in a row will get the judge to change tint to a red and almost gaurantee a failed attempt at the game
...if its not possible dont worry as it was just an creative scoring idea and isent nessasary

heres a (kinda bad) screenshot of the minigame stage and layout
Music staff bar on the right. Judge on the left. players on center stage.

Well, helps knowing a little. Now the trick for a real DDR is ... can I make it so you can/need to press two at a time? Laughing *cough* And there's the question on how to make the music-matching-steps file and get it to playback n match the music?

(while writing the weekly gazette newsletter of course)
(04-24-2016, 04:02 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Music staff bar on the right.   Judge on the left.  players on center stage.    

Well, helps knowing a little.  Now the trick for a real DDR is ... can I make it so you can/need to press two at a time?  Laughing  *cough*  And there's the question on how to make the music-matching-steps file and get it to playback n match the music?

(while writing the weekly gazette newsletter of course)

I thought that making 2 button presses at a time would be difficult seeing as though each button press changes the players picture to a new pose (via spritesheet OR still pictures as I don't need that much animation...but if you want to add alot of animation go ahead!)
but yes! as the standard ← ↑ → ↓ will be used for the minigame if you want to also use ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ then I have NO problems at all! its just more artistic detail for me and my artist friend to figure out Very cheery
I can try and get you some placeholders for a start but I don't have music quite yet Sarcasm still working on music

and good luck with the gazette! (I read it every week!)
Bumping the add up more so ppl can read it!
I got tied up the past couple o' days, and was unable to work on it, but...

[Image: attachment.php?aid=576]

I have the arrows in 4 columns like a traditional system. I hope to have ti so you can press two arrows at the same time, like your player doing the splits or something... ala a REAL DDR???

But no music or any timing file to match (yet), let alone animatics. Animatics would of course be the last to be added.

My typical way to program is...
1) Mechanics and player input
2) Gameplay and scoring
3) Aesthetics and design

Or else, I go spaghetti mode and go all over the place. Tongue sticking out

.... Oh, that's a nice look for ya.
(04-28-2016, 03:09 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]I got tied up the past couple o' days, and was unable to work on it, but...

[Image: attachment.php?aid=576]

I have the arrows in 4 columns like a traditional system.  I hope to have ti so you can press two arrows at the same time, like your player doing the splits or something...  ala a REAL DDR???

But no music or any timing file to match (yet), let alone animatics.  Animatics would of course be the last to be added.  

My typical way to program is...
1) Mechanics and player input
2) Gameplay and scoring
3) Aesthetics and design

Or else, I go spaghetti mode and go all over the place. Tongue sticking out

.... Oh, that's a nice look for ya.

WOW THATS SO COOL! I never expected it to look anywhere like that! (the player isent suppost to move but its still cool) the arrows arent in a bar at all but as a wip its still 17x more impressive then anything I could ever pull off!
(and thanks! I thought using an official bust for the game would be great for an icon!)
Glad ya liked the portrait! It is a heavy edit of an official/RTP - bust/portrait. I'm currently working with Siletrea here as her main/head - designer/artist/editor, etc. :D
m(_ _)m, I'm happy to work with you!
Oh yes, I am wondering, is your avatar from Slayers, Mr. DerVVulfman? :D That character seems very familiar somehow.
Happy Glad to hear it's a team effort. Hard to make an epic on your own. And I like the Crescent Moon thing. Dang, I wish I thought of that as a FULL/CRESCENT moon logo is in play in a story/game that I'm working on.

Yup, that's Dilgear all right. But don't worry about our werewolf troll. If you get to the 15th and final novel of the Japanese series (I have half... official English translations), Dilgear shows up at the end.

Work on the weekends for this (or most other scriptin') will be delayed. My heavy duty scriptin' time is usually post-monday. Weekends are tied up by work, the Gazette and forum related functions.
(04-28-2016, 11:19 PM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Happy  Glad to hear it's a team effort.  Hard to make an epic on your own.  And I like the Crescent Moon thing.  Dang, I wish I thought of that as a FULL/CRESCENT moon logo is in play in a story/game that I'm working on.

Yup, that's Dilgear all right.  But don't worry about our werewolf troll.  If you get to the 15th and final novel of the Japanese series (I have half... official English translations), Dilgear shows up at the end.

Work on the weekends for this (or most other scriptin') will be delayed.  My heavy duty scriptin' time is usually post-monday.  Weekends are tied up by work, the Gazette and forum related functions.

lol, it's good to know that there's a Slayer's fan :D It has been a long time since I've watched that series :D Thank you for your compliments on my logo. It's been a logo for my site for the past couple of years now, as well for other things. I even had a custom silicon mold made for soap making, using this logo (yes, I do many art and crafts too ^^;;..). I want to make something more simple for general use but yet to come up with something. (well, I had something in the past but don't wish to use those anymore) So this is pretty much it for now. ^^ I am happy that you are helping out Ms. Siletrea. I thank you for your time ^_^.
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