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Save-Point - dancing minigame script


Full Version: dancing minigame script
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Well, it is bad-news/good-news time. Confused

The bad news is that dual keypresses can not be properly executed or timed for the system So there is no way to get the player to press LEFT and RIGHT simultaneously. It would unfortunately detect the very first key pressed (either one or the other) and think only one was pressed. *FAIL* I spent some time trying to get it working.... sigh...

But, I did set it up so the arrows can 'flash' a little when it reaches a certain point on the screen. AKA, when you should try and press the matching arrow key.
I guess you already tried the "key being pressed plus pressed a new key" trick and it didn't work out well, ain't I right?
(05-04-2016, 04:13 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Well, it is bad-news/good-news time.  Confused

The bad news is that dual keypresses can not be properly executed or timed for the system  So there is no way to get the player to press LEFT and RIGHT simultaneously.  It would unfortunately detect the very first key pressed (either one or the other) and think only one was pressed.   *FAIL*   I spent some time trying to get it working.... sigh...

But, I did set it up so the arrows can 'flash' a little when it reaches a certain point on the screen.   AKA, when you should try and press the matching arrow key.

YAY for flashing arrow spots! and bleh to not having 8 directional play....oh well is there any way to incorporate the spacebar or even NOT clicking for a 5th button to use? if not then thats fine

I'm SO excited about this! thank you SO much for doing this for me!
KeyPressed + New Key works great under normal circumstances. Something like .. if SHIFT-PRESSED, test for 'D' triggered ... so normal D can do one thing but shifted D does another. But it doesn't work if you're Shifted button is also a normally triggered button. Just by using the 'Pressed' button first, it thinks it is the triggered (but not pressed) and responds immediately. So UP-LEFT will trigger the UP response automatically (of LEFT if that was the proposed pressed key).

My next difficulty will be to get the system to have breaks in the action. That is to say, the action from the screen shot shows a continuous amount of action. Press Up... Press Down... Press Left... there is no interval between the arrows that give you a bit of pause in the action.
(05-05-2016, 03:49 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]KeyPressed + New Key works great under normal circumstances.  Something like  ..  if SHIFT-PRESSED, test for 'D' triggered ... so normal D can do one thing but shifted D does another.   But it doesn't work if you're Shifted button is also a normally triggered button.  Just by using the 'Pressed' button first, it thinks it is the triggered (but not pressed) and responds immediately.  So UP-LEFT will trigger the UP response automatically (of LEFT if that was the proposed pressed key).

My next difficulty will be to get the system to have breaks in the action.  That is to say, the action from the screen shot shows a continuous amount of action.   Press Up... Press Down... Press Left...   there is no interval between the arrows that give you a bit of pause in the action.

wait to what your saying is that we can still kinda to 8 different things its just done via shift/other key at the same time!
[Image: giphy.gif]

Yeeah, but not in the way DDR is intended. Bow my focus will be upon patterns with and without breaks.

... I've been seeing a lot of those recently. Got any relatives in here? Laughing
(05-05-2016, 04:51 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Yeeah, but not in the way DDR is intended.  Bow my focus will be upon patterns with and without breaks.

... I've been seeing a lot of those recently.  Got any relatives in here?  Laughing

even if its not intended it would be a VERY interesting a neat way of doing some extra notes inpattern with gaps in the notes and such ...either way have fun with it! your the coder! have fun doing it the way you think it will be best to play
Using a second demo (you never wanna mess up your MAIN project demo), I tested out a way to make breaks in your action. So Now I can have a pattern like Step Step Step (pause) Step Step Step (pause) for a rhythm showing on the arrow scroll. Woot! That gets it close to having a DDR where the arrows can match the actual music track playing!

Next step, merging this accomplishment into the demo proper. And then seeing about creating an external DDR file to play, a file that has the up/down/left/right arrow pattern.
Hey, I got it going!!!!

I merged the new code that allows me to skip arrows in a pattern. And I got it to load a DDR file! The DDR file starts with the name of the music that is to be played, the speed of the arrows scrolling on the screen, the frequency of the arrows (ala space betwen them), and then the arrows themselves.

Right now, I'm using a text file for my test. But I eventually want to make it read an rxdata file like all the others in the Data folder. If saved in rxdata format, it can be compressed in an encrypted project.

Coding key patterns isn't easy. But I'm working on it. My current ddr test file is a WIP, and I think I finally got the rhythm of the keys about accurate.
(05-06-2016, 04:37 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Using a second demo (you never wanna mess up your MAIN project demo), I tested out a way to make breaks in your action.  So Now I can have a pattern like Step Step Step (pause) Step Step Step (pause) for a rhythm showing on the arrow scroll.  Woot!  That gets it close to having a DDR where the arrows can match the actual music track playing!

Next step, merging this accomplishment into the demo proper.  And then seeing about creating an external DDR file to play, a file that has the up/down/left/right arrow pattern.

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