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Save-Point - In battle dodging mechanic (I'm terrible at titles please just read)


Full Version: In battle dodging mechanic (I'm terrible at titles please just read)
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Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
bumping the ad!
also adding art cuz why not!

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its a dragon!
I found it here
Ahh... I see you gave it the good ol' BUMP!  Grinning  

[Image: w8-1ra16-2.gif]

(I was gonna bump it for you, that was so weird!)
(07-12-2016, 07:12 PM)Bounty Hunter Lani Wrote: [ -> ]Ahh... I see you gave it the good ol' BUMP!  Grinning  

[Image: w8-1ra16-2.gif]

(I was gonna bump it for you, that was so weird!)
LOL thanks Bounty Hunter Lani!
I appreciate it!
and adding ASCII art!
Hopefully this one wont die

[Image: 583c7d420e486ff01edb3747f1dd62e1.jpg]

can you imagine how long it musta took to type this all out?
just bumping up the ad a smidge!
just boosting up the ad a smidge!
Happy with a sweat am almost convinced a new battlesystem might be nessasary....not gonna think about it for a while..don't need a battlesystem until the intro and demo are done anyway
Tongue sticking out ad bump
(has anyone tried a 3d battle senario? and wouldent this be awesome with one!)
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just bumping the ad
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5