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Save-Point - In battle dodging mechanic (I'm terrible at titles please just read)


Full Version: In battle dodging mechanic (I'm terrible at titles please just read)
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thanks to Yesteryear's "SOFT RESET" we need this battle-system now more then ever if anyone wants to help our metal main protagonist kick some butt with a awesome battle system!

please comment if you are interested in this! our battle-system is fully thought out and just needs to be coded by somebody awesome!

(looking at you coders!)
thanks to our "soft reset" of Yesteryear we're focusing on mechanics before anything else!

thus the battlesystem is a NECESSITY now!

just a recap of what were aiming for with some examples!

you cannot move while the enemy attacks and use the arrow Buttons ⇠ ⇡ ⇢ ⇣ to sidestep out of the way
battle system rotates the camera before the enemy attacks and the enemy strike animation will play while the
"Dodging Mechanic" begins

[Image: dodging_mechanic_by_siletrea-d9utsoc.png]

I know the picture is terrible but to explain it in more detail Sarcasm + Confused

the green box symbolizes the area that the player is in if a attack hits the area inside the box you recieve damage
the red based pictures show a slight picture changing action to show that the corrisponding button has been pressed
the blue arrow highlights show what action/picture is shown for the button presses
there is a ducking feature with a down arrow but I felt incorporating it would be confusing to anyone trying to figure out the pic (the battle sriptes are placeholders as I am working on proper sprites)

the enemy attacks and shows the attacking animation before the mechanic starts
(moves up close and "strikes" before the "dodging" starts)
the mechanic in particular makes the attack show up on both sides top and bottom
with at minimal 5-10 attacks in a semi randomized pattern with different pictures per enemy
in a example if the attack comes at you from the right then you press the left arrow key button to sidestep the attack
as it passes behind you
if it comes from above press the down button to duck and have the attack pass over your head
if it comes from below press up to jump over it

if it hits you then after all of the attacks pass you recieve damage based on how much you got hit
say 10 attacks come at you and you only have 500 health if you don't/can't dodge any you recieve a enemy critical hit of 300 damage
if you dodge half of them you get 50 damage
if you dodge everything but 2 attacks you get 20 damage
its baced on percentages but also its mostly every attack you miss hits you for ten points (depending on the enemy...bosses have really high attack and some could pull off 15-20 damage per misdodge)
the system is customizable is the sence that every enemy should be able to have its attack pattern changeable using its event page for creating the battle
getting hit will show a hit battlesprite for a second before the next attack tries to hit you
the hit picture will dissapear and return to normal battlesprite when another button is pressed (or the enemy's turn is over)

example being the enemy has 5 attack patterns that is uses and 10 attacks per strike for the player to dodge
⇠ ⇠ ⇠ ⇢ ⇢ ⇣ ⇡ ⇡ ⇣

⇣ ⇡ ⇠ ⇠ ⇣ ⇣ ⇡ ⇡ ⇢ ⇢

⇠ ⇢ ⇢ ⇠ ⇣ ⇣ ⇡ ⇠ ⇠

⇢ ⇣ ⇡ ⇣ ⇣ ⇡ ⇠ ⇠ ⇢ ⇢

⇡ ⇡ ⇣ ⇣ ⇡ ⇠ ⇠ ⇡ ⇢ ⇡

this is an example of a 5 attack pattern enemy's attacks
each pattern is chosen randomly in battle as to make the battles nonpredictable
you can also set the speed depending on enemy/area
I do have a script for randomized music if it could be used to help make this I'll gladly share it! Very cheery

this system would allow for attacks to be 3x more visual then just the standard swipe/spell animations
with every enemy having a certain set of attack motions (similar to a sprite sheet except for attacks) the enemy can attack in different ways with dragons launching an impressive barage of fireballs to knights throwing spears to gunmen's attacks that show the bullets! and many more!
the dodging mechanic of using the arrowpad to dodge the attacks coming at you would not only make the battle more realistic (seriously who just STANDS there while getting scorched stabbed or shot?)
the extra animational frames for the player battler will be customizable via pictures and grant the creator of the game to be able to edit the pictures enough to also let some of the characters personality show as they fight as well
say if your character is spunky and energetic! or serious and stubborn! shy and nervous? you could have the dodging frames reflect thoes traits(and more) with how they sidestep jump and duck under attacks

the semi randomized patterns of attacks causing you to try and study each enemys individual attack patterns while always having something new coming at you
for a wonderful example! a dancer would have attacks that are rythmatic and graceful while a dog is random and violent
some of the graphical attack choices could be a shoe for the dancer and teeth for the dog)
these are just a few examples!

the HUD for the battlesystem and way for spells to be used is a 3 teir attack system with different hit ratios
its based off of the game Chrono Cross (chrono cross battle system explanation below)

There are four commands that your characters can use during their turn in battle, namely Attack, Elements, Defend and Run Away. A more detailed explanation for each of the available options can be found below.

When you select Attack, another menu pops up where you can select the attack type you wish to use: the first option being Weak attack, the second option is a Strong attack, and the third option is a Fierce attack. Each of these attack types consume 1, 2, and 3 Stamina Points respectively.

Additionally, each attack type differ in accuracy with the weakest being the most accurate and the strongest the most inaccurate. Attack accuracy increases with every successful hit so it would be wise to start with a weak attack then follow through with a fierce one for better accuracy rate.

Elements are this game's version of magic spells and can only be used when a character has stocked at least 1 Power Level, which can in turn be gained by successfully hitting targets with normal attacks. Each element possess colors known as Innates and can be used only when a user's power level matches the element's level and/or spot in the grid.

It is of great importance to pay attention to element placement in the grid for easier access, but keep in mind that the slots where elements are placed also affect their potency. For instance, placing a level 2 element in the level 1 slot will cause it to weaken, while placing a level 1 element in a level 2 slot makes it stronger. Elements cost 7 stamina points to use.

With this option, a character assumes a defensive stance and reduces damage from attacks by half. It also restores 1 stamina point.
Run Away

Self explanatory. As the name implies, this option lets you flee from enemies that you don't want to fight. But unlike most RPGs, you can actually flee from bosses in this game, which is a good thing if things go downhill during a boss encounter and you feel the need to regroup.

for more visual people heres the video explanation

this system is using the Psudeo 3D camera for the GoldenSun Battle system the Battlesystem itself we hope to change in order to have everything looking and funtioning correctly!

the dodging mechanic for the enemy attacks will be relying of DerVVulfman's DDR script for the mapping of enemy attack patterns and timing for said attacks

basically what we want in a battlesystem/dodging mechanic is Chrono Cross/DDR
thanks for reading!
I spent about 5 hours doing this up Sarcasm + Confused
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