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Save-Point - In battle dodging mechanic (I'm terrible at titles please just read)


Full Version: In battle dodging mechanic (I'm terrible at titles please just read)
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Hello everyone! Grinning
I'm posting this here in hopes of getting help on a nessesary function for my commercial game
the function in particular is a "Dodging Mechanic" and while I am using the Goldensun Battle system
I do hope this will be do-able as I do need it for the game Sweat
the Dodging Mechanic in particular is somewhat similar to the battle against Undyne in undertale shown here
(Spoiler Warning )
you cannot move while the enemy attacks and use the arrow Buttons ⇠ ⇡ ⇢ ⇣ to sidestep out of the way
battle system rotates the camera before the enemy attacks and the enemy strike animation will play before the
"Dodging Mechanic" begins
I know the picture is terrible but to explane it in more detail Sarcasm + Confused

the green box symbolizes the area that the player is in if a attack hits the area inside the box you recieve damage
the red based pictures show a slight picture changing action to show that the corrisponding button has been pressed
the blue arrow highlights show what action/picture is shown for the button presses
there is a ducking feature with a down arrow but I felt incorporating it would be confusing to anyone trying to figure out the pic (the battle sriptes are placeholders as I am working on proper sprites)

the enemy attacks and shows the attacking animation before the mechanic starts
(moves up close and "strikes" before the "dodging" starts)
the mechanic in particular makes the attack show up on both sides top and bottom
with at minimal 5-10 attacks in a semi randomized pattern with different pictures per enemy
in a example if the attack comes at you from the right then you press the left arrow key button to sidestep the attack
as it passes behind you
if it comes from above press the down button to duck and have the attack pass over your head
if it comes from below press up to jump over it

if it hits you then after all of the attacks pass you recieve damage based on how much you got hit
say 10 attacks come at you and you only have 500 health if you don't/can't dodge any you recieve a enemy critical hit of 300 damage
if you dodge half of them you get 50 damage
if you dodge everything but 2 attacks you get 20 damage
its baced on percentages but also its mostly every attack you miss hits you for ten points (depending on the enemy...bosses have really high attack and some could pull off 15-20 damage per misdodge)
the system is customizable is the sence that every enemy should be able to have its attack pattern changeable using its event page for creating the battle
getting hit will show a hit battlesprite for a second before the next attack tries to hit you
the hit picture will dissapear and return to normal battlesprite when another button is pressed (or the enemy's turn is over)

example being the enemy has 5 attack patterns that is uses and 10 attacks per strike for the player to dodge
⇠ ⇠ ⇠ ⇢ ⇢ ⇣ ⇡ ⇡ ⇣

⇣ ⇡ ⇠ ⇠ ⇣ ⇣ ⇡ ⇡ ⇢ ⇢

⇠ ⇢ ⇢ ⇠ ⇣ ⇣ ⇡ ⇠ ⇠

⇢ ⇣ ⇡ ⇣ ⇣ ⇡ ⇠ ⇠ ⇢ ⇢

⇡ ⇡ ⇣ ⇣ ⇡ ⇠ ⇠ ⇡ ⇢ ⇡

this is an example of a 5 attack pattern enemy's attacks
each pattern is chosen randomly in battle as to make the battles nonpredictable
you can also set the speed depending on enemy/area
I do have a script for randomized music if it could be used to help make this I'll gladly share it! Very cheery

this system would allow for attacks to be 3x more visual then just the standard swipe/spell animations
with every enemy having a certain set of attack motions (similar to a sprite sheet except for attacks) the enemy can attack in different ways with dragons launching an impressive barage of fireballs to knights throwing spears to gunmen's attacks that show the bullets! and many more!
the dodging mechanic of using the arrowpad to dodge the attacks coming at you would not only make the battle more realistic (seriously who just STANDS there while getting scorched stabbed or shot?)
the extra animational frames for the player battler will be customizable via pictures and grant the creator of the game to be able to edit the pictures enough to also let some of the characters personality show as they fight as well
say if your character is spunky and energetic! or serious and stubborn! shy and nervous? you could have the dodging frames reflect thoes traits(and more) with how they sidestep jump and duck under attacks

the semi randomized patterns of attacks causing you to try and study each enemys individual attack patterns while always having something new comming at you
for a wonderful example! a dancer would have attacks that are rythmatic and graceful while a dog is random and violent
some of the graphical attack choices could be a shoe for the dancer and teeth for the dog)
these are just a few examples!

also adding in a rather key feature specific to my own game but could be overly helpful to other game makers as well.
In my game "Yesteryear" the main character is a humanoid girl named Pod-Pod (litterally the character that is my Icon pic)...throughout the game she ends up in fights against
humans...because this goes against the rules of robotics she has to have specific skills or actions trigger in these battles (which are treated like boss battles and there wont be many humans to fight)

so I'm going to jot them down here!
what she does for human battles is she has to get them to stop attacking her
the skills Pod-Pod uses will either raise their attack/defence up lower their attack/defence or terrify/empower them (this will be shown on a gauge somewhere on the battlefeild)

moves that raise the enemys attack llike "Provoke" will cause them to wear out and faint in a few amount of turns this is WHAT WE WANT!

moves that lower attack will prolong the battle and have a MUCH harder chance of getting them to stop fighting WORKS BUT NOT BEST

say the enemy has 10 for each attack and sends out 10 attacks for her to dodge
depending on her skill choices the attack and defence will either increase or decrease

she has 3 skills that only appear during a human battle

"Provoke" will get Pod-Pod to taunt/tease/flirt (this depends on the human and will be specified) to the point of causing them to raise their attack by 10...they need 100 attack power to faint....meaning you gotta survive ten turns...which I will try and fill with diolouge

"Kindness" getting them to lower there attack through calming words and kind gestures will cause attack to drop by 5 meaning then that Pod-Pod has to survive 20 turns...BUT every failed spare on the humans part once their attack hits to 0 will cause their attack to go to 30 but not increase defence meaning Pod-Pod will have to keep whittling down defence with more "Kindness" or start provoking
we want the human enemy's defence down to 0 for a spare
every kind act Pod-Pod does to a human will lower attack by 5 and defence by 5 ...humans start with aprrox 100 defence and 10 attack

the last option is a wildcard/not recommended move that has a 10%chance of instantly ending the battle

"Meltdown" it can't be used in repetition and has a massive cooldown time it depends on what Pod-Pod has previously used as to its actions

if Pod-Pod has Provoked then it will be either really sexy/flustering to the human or really really cocky/infuriating...this can work 2 ways and depends on the human as to the action used to (hopefully) end the can end the battle due to the human fainting from exhaustion from getting flustered by Pod-Pod's "sexy" actions OR the human fainting from ranting and raving from Pod-Pod taunts......OR if it doesent work entirely the attack will skyrocket to 90 and unleash 3 simultaneous attacks in a row

if Pod-Pod is kind then she will either get mad and start yelling/guilt tripping the human for "hurting her" and attacking her yelling out hurtful words OR she will collapse down and fake cry while saying the same things without yelling

if the guit trip fails then human defence goes to 90 and attack to 50

the cooldown for "Meltdown" is 10 turns

if its used INSTANTLY before anyone attacks or acts then Pod-Pod will do a furious roar...completely terrifying the enemy...this has a VERY low success rate and if fails will cause attack to go to 50 and defence to double to 200

all of the skills for this (and limit breaks) will be shown in a picture popup on the screen and or a small Gif

I know this is quite unique and complex sounding but seeing as the game will put the player (character Pod-Pod) against humans and the best ending is achieved by NOT killing humans then this I believe is a very good system...all humans will be counted as boss's and have specific music as well so its not a common thing to fight them (maybey 10 ingame in total) but I would REALLY love for the character to be able to follow the 3 rules of robotics for human battles as all other enemys will be animals and other machine.
the 3 rules are:

A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

I know this is kinda confusing to read (I'm really bad at explaning)
I'll try and reword it later if its to confusing Happy with a sweat

anyone who helps out by making this a reality gets a free copy of the game upon its release
Just kinda Bumping the add up a tad
really hoping for at least a critique on it
or even help eventing it into the battle senario would be great aswell
Difficult sounding... But I think I remember something like this was included in an friend's old RMXP battlesystem written back in 2008. However, there was some issues (not on the code being defective, but some hackers stealing my friend's code). She doesn't code anymore...

Not saying it cannot be done. Just gonna be hard. Altering the system will take a lot of effort as it requires immediate interaction from the player during a specific point during the attack.

Now, are you using any specific battlesystem? Front View? Side View? Anything extra about what you're using....
(03-18-2016, 04:03 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Difficult sounding...  But I think I remember something like this was included in an friend's old RMXP battlesystem written back in 2008.  However, there was some issues (not on the code being defective, but some hackers stealing my friend's code).  She doesn't code anymore...

Not saying it cannot be done.  Just gonna be hard.  Altering the system will take a lot of effort as it requires immediate interaction from the player during a specific point during the attack.

Now, are you using any specific battlesystem?  Front View?  Side View?  Anything extra about what you're using....

firstly thank you so much for replying/reading this!
and secondly I'm using this little gem here full animation and camera
I'm working on a custom battle HUD but that hopefully wont interfere
I've also got a script that switches/randomizes music for every battle
the HUD will have a Limit bar and ATB for determining who strikes first if I can get an actually working ATB
there are no speed boost items or items to slow you ingame and its a single battler game

( BTW I got the evented store I was telling you about previously done! and am willing to do the dancing Minigame via events...but I do need a bit of help Happy with a sweat )
hey everyone! just bumping the post up a bit!
hey everyone just bumping the old ad
this means alot so I hope ppl read it
if anyones got any ideas or links or questions plz feel free to comment
hey everyone just bumping the add...
and adding in a few more details as to why I would LOVE to have this system made!

this system would allow for attacks to be 3x more visual then just the standard swipe/spell animations
with every enemy having a certain set of attack motions (similar to a sprite sheet except for attacks) the enemy can attack in different ways with dragons launching an impressive barage of fireballs to knights throwing spears to gunmen's attacks that show the bullets! and many more!
the dodging mechanic of using the arrowpad to dodge the attacks coming at you would not only make the battle more realistic (seriously who just STANDS there while getting scorched stabbed or shot?)
the extra animational frames for the player battler will be customizable via pictures and grant the creator of the game to be able to edit the pictures enough to also let some of the characters personality show as they fight as well
say if your character is spunky and energetic! or serious and stubborn! shy and nervous? you could have the dodging frames reflect thoes traits(and more) with how they sidestep jump and duck under attacks

the semi randomized patterns of attacks causing you to try and study each enemys individual attack patterns while always having something new comming at you
for a wonderful example! a dancer would have attacks that are rythmatic and graceful while a dog is random and violent
some of the graphical attack choices could be a shoe for the dancer and teeth for the dog)
these are just a few examples! (I'll be editing the upper post to add this in later)
Bumping the post up a tad more~
also wondering if the creator of the Goldensun battle system for XP has a new email?
I've been trying to get in contact to ask for permission to use the battle system in my commercial game
Shockwave has been fairly... um... absent for a good year and then some. But I've known him for a while, even when he was RotimKid . He no longer supports the script and has no qualms about it appearing in a commercial game.
(04-12-2016, 03:42 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Shockwave has been fairly... um... absent for a good year and then some.  But I've known him for a while, even when he was RotimKid .  He no longer supports the script and has no qualms about it appearing in a commercial game.

oh? thats a shame thats he's MIA when it comes to RPG maker because his scripts are as fab as yours

thanks! I was super worried!
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