
Full Version: Animated Battlers for VX Ace
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Hey all,
I am new to the RPGM world.  So far it has been a blast.  I was recently introduced to animated battlers and it blew my mind.  I work with vx ace for now.  I could really use some guidance on where to find animated battlers that go with vx ace and any other hints and tips you all might have. 
Heyoo... It's the Resident Werewolf here. While I branched out Animated Battlers from my RPGMaker XP version into RPGMaker VX, I wasn't thrilled with the VX system and did not bother to invest into RPGMaker VXAce. However, you may be familiar with a colleage known as Victor Sant, formerly ATOA and creator of the ACBS (Atoa's Conditional Battle System). He did branch out into Ace and made the Victor Engine which does have many addon scripts. Still, you do need the basic engine to run any of his plugins... the link being visible (>HERE<).

Not that I haven't figured out a little Ace scripting here n there... But I'm not a VXAce scripter.
Thanks man!
Anyone know where I can get my hands on some of Holders animated battlers or any that are like that? I have found a few but I am mainly looking for monsters and can't seem to find many.
While normally a Resource Request (cough cough wink), I will say that animated monsters are not produced as much as much as npc or human-oid battlers. That lack of monsters leads a few to folow a style from earlier Final Fantasy games with a static monster with animated heroes. But if anyone was to find a resource site with loads of monsters, I would like to know as well... if only to have a page dedicated to animated monster sources that are not part of any RTP.