Ahzoh, you have such a closed minded world view. It's like anything the television has told you MUST be true, and anything that isn't represented by a large multinational corporation is tin foil hat conspiracy land. They're calling the BREXIT a racist move too, but those British folks know they're getting a screw job. The European Union must collapse into the dustbin of history, the costs outweigh the benefits of this system and it's dragging the European countries down. How's Greece? How's Germany? How's France? How's Latvia? How's Italy? It's not good. You'd have to be a special kind of stupid to stay in the EU at this point unless you like constant austerity and non-representative government.
I don't know much of Alex Jones pre-2014, except for his 9/11 era which he predicted would happen months prior, but almost everything he's said these past two years has either been dead on or eventually happened just as he said it most likely would. Sure, he might've had one or two predictions that didn't come true at that time, but said predictions weren't exactly out of the realm of possibility and probability. He was talking about how the secret service and other government insiders kept telling him that Hillary Clinton is sick, has a brain injury and has had seizures, can't stand up for more than 30 mins, is driven around in a modified jet black ambulance, etc. Things like that I took with a grain of salt...
...but he was correct, 100%. Now here is Rachael Maddow trying to do damage control and tell people they're stupid for thinking Clinton has a "graaaaaave health crisis."
Oh no, I must disavow Trump, he was endorsed by a Black Panthers member...
In all honesty, I don't care who endorses him, it's a free country. Obama was endorsed by the Huey P Newton Gun Club, which some labeled a black hate group - didn't bother me. He wasn't running for President of the Huey P Newton Gun Club, he was running as President of the United States; any and every citizen, regardless of identity politics, could and probably did vote for Obama, even whites.
So no, I'm not going to change my mind because of some "he said, she said" bullshit, or some claim that so-n-so is a Nazi or so-n-so is... whatever. I'm not scared of the Nazi's, the KKK, Black Panthers, Black Lies Matter, La Raza or any of it. I don't care who they voted for, I don't care what they think, I only care what I know and what I think. It doesn't change my mind on Hillary Clinton either; she need a no holds barred investigation, prosecution and prison sentence for all that she's done.
You can champion her all you want. To her, you're probably nothing but another Haitian.
Hillary Clinton is the real con artist and a devout racist, sexist, anti-American pig. Don't forget her color revolution in Libya prior to the fall of Ghadaffi either; it wasn't Donald's doing. It wasn't Steve Bannon's doing. Jeff Sessions didn't do it. SHE DID! When you know what's what, there is absolutely NOTHING moral about voting for Hillary Clinton, the secretary of hell.
Yes, I'm for Trump. I'm not racist and I'm not sorry either. He's not perfect but he's got more dignity than the rest of the bozos that ran for president. It's too bad Jesus Christ or Mohammad or whoever your savior is wasn't running this year. Keep listening to the lies on the television, these news anchors are no better than multi-millionaire televangelist preachers.
These memes explain the game the way it is played perfectly. The best thing about them is they're short and quick so even the low information folks can understand them.
So... if I was a Liberal right now, I'd probably ban you and call you a racist. I'm not though, and I enjoy these debates. It is getting old though so maybe I'll just leave and you can claim you were correct while you keep living in your world of grand delusions.