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Hello and good day Save-Point friends! I feel I've been away too long and I'm hoping some of the people I've known are still around, lurking somewhere in the shadows. Yeah, I know Lani and DerVVulfman are still here, good to see Korekame around, Justin_, netz, tohsaka and the usual IRC gang, plus anybody else I haven't mentioned, I've missed you all.

Nothing against "What's Up RMers?" or the "What's On Your Mind?" threads but... just consider this thread our own little private patio. I've got a lot of things on my mind and I don't want to take over the more casual threads. :)

"If you want to have your own personal page then get a facebook you weirdo."

No thanks, I'm staunchly anti-facebook, I don't subscribe to "social media" but I won't judge others who do, to each their own ;)

Anyways, this is what's been up with me...

My Propaganda Campaign

About the Campaign

I'm caught up in a propaganda campaign to wake bi-partisan retards and social justice warriors up from their delusional and extremist views. What I do is visit strictly partisan forums, congregations of hardcore Republicans or hardcore Democrats, whom are distracted by nonsense and point out more serious things going on in the world which hopefully makes their viewpoint look silly in comparison. I'm still in the early stages of this adventure but, before the election is over, hopefully I can win over some hearts and minds and bring a little intelligence back to the lost and the damned. I call the campaign...

Make America Intelligent Again

I admit, that's a bit much to ask, make people intelligent again, but... what the heck?

Would you like to join my campaign? Currently it has been a one man adventure within a handful of small forums but it would be nice to have a little back up. Hopefully we can seed and expand this operation throughout the interwebs and pwn some f00king n00bs.

Facts VS Opinions - Wedgies VS... Issues?

First off, I don't think my "opinion" is greater than others. I do have opinions but this is a more fact-based mission.

Such as the fact that the "migrant crisis" is causing a clash of civilizations in Europe, or the fact that we've got environmental disasters that the media makes a tiny little mention about before sweeping it under the rug. Remember the BP oil spill that happened in the Gulf of Mexico a few years back? Of course you do! Media made a big ol' deal about that (it was a youuuuuuge deal) but Shell recently had an oil spill too. Am I the only one that heard about it? Hardly anybody was talking about it last time I checked. Why? Are people talking about it now? I don't know, I've turned off my TV because I was tired of hearing about bathrooms.

Anyways... wedge issues. Huh? What oil spill? I'm worried about BATHROOMS!

So many people are stuck on "wedge" issues these days, worried about trans-gender bathrooms and whatnot, when there are more serious issues going on in society. I believe the reason they call these things "wedge" issues is because it causes normally rational people to wedge their head so far up their ass that they may never see daylight or reality again. That's not to say they debate itself is completely without merit, some people do have legitimate concerns (which make sense in my mind), but it gets so blown out of proportion that it becomes ridiculous and divisive. The media spins it into a big ol' tornado of opposing viewpoints and forgets to cover serious issues sometimes. On the other hand, the media will talk about it but people are more interested in bathrooms again. Or the NFL score board. Or... whatever.

It's kinda like "How do you feel about gay marriage?" Um... don't ask me, ask a gay person. Ask a religious person. Better yet, ask yourself and leave me out of the debate! I'll watch the debate from the sidelines and enjoy my pop corn, thank you very much. :)

Clearing the Air

Anyways, before you go bashing me and my "propaganda" campaign, you must realize that propaganda is neither "good" or "evil" - it just is. "You can save 15% or more by switching to Gieko" is a form of propaganda called advertising. Can you save 15% or more? Is that little lizard a pathological liar? Not a clue but I know you can because a little gecko that mysteriously got stuck inside my car radio told me so.

I don't hate these people, these wedge issue people, these so-called Democrats and Republicans, I happen to be one of them sometimes. I used to find it funny, hilarious even, but we've been on the path of absolute absurdity for awhile and I don't know how much more I can take. So many people get on about stereotyping but, little do they know, some folks are starting to fit very rigid stereotypes that... it is what it is. I suppose it's the new normal (or it always has been "normal"?) Then again, it could be a massive media brainwashing campaign to make intelligent people stupid all conducted by the lizard people and Illuminati. Yeah, it's probably a mixture of all of that, plus a bag of salty GMO chips (a nutritional part of a broke man's breakfast.)

No, I don't particularly enjoy this kind of thing either; I'd rather be doing something more fun and entertaining than peddling "propaganda" and attempting to steer public opinion and attention on other issues. I guess it is a little fun and entertaining but... yeah. Working on projects or playing with my kids is fun and entertaining.

Sorry, I'm ranting. Please forgive me :P

I do question one thing though...

Will I Be Returning to Echoside and/or ReGaL?

I'd certainly like to but... hm?

I originally planned to return to one (or both) of the projects as soon as the new presidential puppet takes office but I'm really debating on writing a book. Do people still read those things?

It's completely up in the air at this point. Quite possibly, at the very least, I might contribute some things to ReGaL and assist from the shadows. DerVVulfman has taken over the project and I believe he's doing a great job with it and, quite frankly, I'll be switching Echoside over to RGL standards when I eventually do get to it.

Echoside is definitely not off the table, I absolutely will be working on it again one day. I did work on it from 2005 to 2015 before I eventually got sick of being on a computer all day, every day, toiling away at something that felt like a job. A non-paying job at that. It still exists, I'm keeping it backed up and locked in a safe for that day when I do return to it. Unless I die an unexpected death and don't return, I will be getting back to it!

About My Book Idea

Well... this silly "I'ma write a book" idea came about roughly a year or so ago, when I unexpectedly dropped away from game-making due to work and health issues.

There are various inspirations for me wanting to write a book, such as politics, conspiracies, histories, civilizations, mysteries, trends and modern day culture in general. All of that is such a vast subject matter, each deserving of it's own library, so I've hesitated to start writing anything as of yet. However, after reading Edward Bernay's Propaganda, I think I know what I'm going to write about: Propaganda! Yes. It's kind of hard to ignore it but taking a step back and looking at it all it is indeed interesting, it's the invisible force that holds all this insanity together.

Considering Bernay's book came out in 1928, while it still has much relevance today, you can sort of guess it's age while reading it. Literature itself is timeless, but it's usually good to bring things up to date and put a fresh new spin on old concepts and ideas which remain relevant. You can call it a gritty reboot if you'd like but, for some silly reason, I'm just fascinated with the subject matter of how public opinions are seeded and influenced. Alternatively, George Orwell's 1984 is another interesting read as that semi-fictional universe is starting to more and more resemble our modern day society in America and elsewhere. What I find interesting in it is certain key concepts such as the Two Minutes Hate; our 2016 election fits that as everybody seems to unanimously hate either Hillary or Trump; everybody is voting to keep the other person out. I believe there are people that legitimately love Hillary or Trump, but I believe this is a more hate and fear based election than anything else and rightfully so.

I know who would buy this book if I was to write it; intelligent Americans (and possibly other international Earthlings) who already know what the heck is going on and aren't completely dumbed down and hypnotized by stupid bullshit. However, they're not my target audience, oddly enough. I'd welcome them to purchase and read it (if it ever became a thing) as they might learn something from it too, but that's besides the point.

No, my target audience would be the so called "low information voter" that is out to vote for or against certain parties and personalities and not for or against policy issues. The type of voters that think enforcing immigration is racist. The type of voters that complain about media bias but don't realize and accept the fact that this is the way the universe works and everything is biased. Of course the biggest trick would be to get the sleeping and uncaring public to read anything longer than a hash tag twitter message.

[Image: 2315104608_52d20d2e1c_m.jpg]

My pet rock is unbiased but that's because it doesn't actually have a brain. My dogs, however, are very biased; they absolutely hate cats. Is that racist? Is there a proper dictionary term for animals that hate other animals that are different from them? Animalist? I digress...

Closing Statements of the Day


Hopefully my ramblings weren't too incoherent, but yes, I've had a lot on my mind and, as I stated earlier, didn't want to take over the other threads with it all. Certainly this isn't the general What's Up threads but you're welcome to visit me here if you'd like, we can talk about various things and have a good time. You guys are all awesome, I'll catch ya on the flip side! Now that I've silenced the voices in my head, I'm off to bed :)
YO! Hope you and family are well. :)
*HOWUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!* (Translated from Lycaaaaa--- oh, you know what it means).
Well, I'm not your target audience so I won't be expecting to be involved in such a crazy campaign, even if the next US President might affect my country indirectly by the way he or she wants to deal with international politics. I hated to see that my country was once forced to renounce to its neutrality because of some poorly documented or even nonexistent proofs of biological or biochemical weapons. Fortunately that decision didn't really hurt us since we never sent troops to the Middle East but it's still a moral issue. If you can't even defend your own principles then what would you fight for? Your new dream car? The Play Station 6 or 7? Seriously, many people around the world need to think differently, materialism would only condemn us and make us fear the future one way or the other.
I think it's time to say welcome back to an old veteran of this community. :)
Thanks everybody! Family is doing well, summer break is a few days away. We'll be traveling to [REDACTED] and having a good time. :)

I'm doing fine with this so called "propaganda campaign" so it's all good. I'm not campaigning tonight though, so I'll just rant a little bit about politics and idiots (it's my new favorite hobby!) Still, if anybody does want to assist, they can PM me and I'll send occasional PMs back which tell ya where to troll! Your political preference and choice of candidate doesn't bother me, even Hillary supporters are welcome; we've gotta push our candidates and parties to think with logic instead of stupid clichés! Even if you personally don't go to the rallies, maybe you'll inspire somebody who does to ask tough questions and deploy my favorite weapon: critical thinking :)


Refugee Rant

Most of my stance is going against these people who see the refugee crisis and approach it with the "save the dolphins" kind of attitude. It's like they hear refugee and they think kittens. Cute, cuddly, loving kittens; their biggest threat is clawing up your couch and puking up a fur ball in the kitchen. They don't care if women drive so long as women don't intentionally run them over while kitty is crossing the street.

I love kittens!

[Image: cute-kittens.jpg]
(Somebody, somewhere, is having an allergy attack staring at that photo. I'm sorry.)

Pro-Amnesty Refugee Libtards... These are the same people who hear news and they think "FEAR PORN". No... it's news. It's current events. It kinda sucks. It's a mix of intelligent propaganda and mundane bullshit so it's kinda hard to know what to even take seriously. They're half correct though, some of it is indeed fear porn, big time! We hear so much terrible nonsense on the news that half the population is completely desensitized from it and think it's all a movie happening in an alternate universe.

I'm not even 100% against refugees though! Some of these people I believe are really nice folks in a bad situation, we should be able to do something about it! Unfortunately, I don't have a great suggestion of exactly what that should be. We could ask Kat Williams but he's gone crazy, I don't think he'd know what to do either. Here is a clip of him before he lost his damn mind...

I don't believe the government can figure out the good apples from the bad apples, or a donkey's head from its... poop hole. I also believe they'll let millions in at a time and concentrate them in a single area such as a blue state where nobody carries guns because "only the police and military should carry guns" ™. Heck, the TSA get their panties in a bunch when folks bring toothpaste and baby formula in their luggage, do you really believe DHS and the other alphabet agencies are able to vet these people and exercise critical thinking?

Oh, and Saudi Arabia and George Clooney both aren't going to take them in, so let Merkel handle it! At least the Pope (the Poop) took some in. Eleven. He kissed their feet. That was cute. I'll give him props for that. That's it though, he won't be taking in much more than that. He'll just sit behind his tall walls and lecture everybody that walls are bad and you should let rapefugees walk all over your sovereignty and your citizens.

(The wall is kind of a dumb idea. A fence maybe? A fence, a minefield, a heavily armed group of national guardsmen and some drones? No wall.)

Shifting gears, I do want to talk about...

Libtard Logic : "You're Racist!" Has Become the New "Hitler!"

Ah, I see this a lot now lately.

"I don't trust people who cut off heads and rape folks," a critical thinker may state.

"You're racist," states a dumb libtard SJW.

Another good one...

"Donald Trump == Hitler" states the wild libtard.

I never heard him state anything about Jews or concentration camps.

The Mexican comments could've been stated a little better, that's some bad PR right there! I don't think they're all awful; but I also grew up around the gangs so I know there are some major problems too. Heck, not even all the gang members are violent, some of them are very kind. Some of them will try to cut your throat for looking at them wrong. On the other side of the border though, in Mexico... oh geez.

Trump is an arrogant blowhard though, I'll give you that, without a doubt! Quite possibly a bankrupt, tax dodging grifter who lies about his wealth and doesn't own much of the buildings that bear his name. He has flip flopped a lot, his hair is orange and his fingers are short. Trump University failed.

On the flip side, Hillary is a liar, a grifter a flip flopper, etc. Bernie Sander's wife was in charge of a failed university. We don't have a perfect candidate running, so does it even matter anymore?

It could be worse though, Glenn Beck could be the Republican front runner...

[Image: giphy.gif]

...Or we could have pedo-bear Hassert as the Democratic front runner...

[Image: hassert_zpsrfv4021h.png]

^At least he loves children, right? *GAG*

"Not wanting women drafted in the military is sexist," states the libtard. If they want to volunteer, fine. Draft? No. I don't want my daughter drafted. I don't want the young girl that runs the register at QuikTrip drafted. Aside from that, let the military vote these issues, not the people. When you're serving in the military, you don't live by civilian law and PC arguments and SJW attitudes don't belong.

I have no problems with liberals. Or conservatives. I just can't stand libtards and conservtards.

[Image: Jihadi-John-460743.jpg]
Pictured: Violent, racist, sexist, homophone Jehadi John. I'm sure he loves children. The only thing we could probably come in agreement with is we both hate libtards. The key difference is I wouldn't cut a libtard's head off or force them to wear a hijab. He's supposedly dead now though so fuck him!

More About Libtard Logic...

These are the kind of folks who would probably let Jimmy Savile babysit their children. They don't exercise judgement because "that's racist" or some shit but I can just tell by looking at the guy... I wouldn't want him around my kids, let alone orphans. It's cool though, he did children programs on the BBC, he's probably not such a bad guy, right? Well, he's dead now so fuck that guy too!

[Image: jimmySaville_2360477b.jpg]

Libtards are the type that watch VICELAND and see MC Bin Laden and think he's cool and trendy. If this guy was a bus driver, they'd probably let him take their kids on a field trip.

[Image: 135b0d314d32098d70cec67f968c446d.jpg]

To that, I say "Bololawl hahaha!"

...No, it's not really that funny.

Even Bush, a self proclaimed Republican, was a libtard, proving again that both sides do it.

[Image: Bush_with_friend.gif]

John McCain? Another libtard Republican.

[Image: BqdYZ5BCAAE-HwF.jpg]

Today's friend is tomorrow's enemy. Then we'll be friends again. At the very least, we can always be frenemies!

Another good quote I've heard somewhere...

"One person's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter."


"Advanced" Military Technology

There is something else though that I've been kind of skeptical about lately, I hear people talk about it and it kinda makes me laugh. The whole notion about "The military has technology that's decades ahead of what we have in the public today." I kinda believe that, I really do, a little bit, but... it's not the kind of technology I'd imagine they should've developed by now. Also, I don't know anybody from the public who has tanks and ICBMs in their backyard. Or a NATO command center in their basement. I digress...

Oh, I'm sure our missile systems are top notch, able for precision targeting with minimal margin of error. Some of the other stuff... eh, same shit, different war. It's kinda like an iPhone 4 to an iPhone 7; incremental upgrades but it really isn't THAT much different and advanced. I have to admit though; Star Wars Angry Birds was a major step up from the usual Angry Birds. I can only imagine what kind of Angry Birds games we have now, OMG! (I haven't checked.)

For instance, why are we still sending soldiers out with automatics and sniper rifles? They're effective but... it doesn't seem like much has changed since WW2. Where are our damn phazer shooters? They don't have something that can just shoot a laser and turn somebody into dust particles yet? We can dream...

HA! Futuristic technology. Maybe they'll make the guns lighter. The bullets will become smaller and more destructive. Being in body armor while traversing the desert will still be awful, but the armor itself will... maybe get lighter and more durable, somehow.

Homing bullets? I do believe they are working on it but... eh, I just don't know anymore. They'll probably be so expensive to develop that only the best of the best will have them (and if you're the best of the best you probably don't need a damn homing bullets.)

Here's one of the 'advanced military robots' that DARPA (or DERPA as I like to call 'em) kept hyping for awhile...


That's kinda cool; a big "dog" robot (I think it looks more like a calf) that you can kick around and make carry your luggage. Military decided it was too loud for their purposes and told DERPA to go back to the drawing board. How much did it cost them? Eh, who gives a shit, let the tax payers foot the bill.

[Image: jenovas_head_zpsfgpzwy0g.png]

Very well then, moving on...

Moar Robot Army Technology

Capcom is developing Megaman X9. The guys in the video above are the betas to one of the new bosses, Obstacle Cheetah.

Wait, my intern just got back to me. What? Oh, they're not developing Megaman X9? Oh, this is another DERPA invention? My bad...

This is pretty cool though, the fact that they made a bunch of cheetah robots that can run an obstacle track. I have to admit, MIT are some cool cats, I sure the heck don't know how to build one of those. Once the US starts fighting terrorists by the means of staging athletic robot competitions (Terror Robot Olympics?) then they'll have a competitive advantage. Until then... meh.

Brain Chip Implants

"But wait, don't they have brain chip implants they can use to control insects," you ask? "Can't they just upgrade those and capture a real cheetah?"

Don get schmart wit meh boi! Din't yo mutha tell ya not tah ashk stupet kwestions?

Yeah... I don't know. I'm sure PETA wouldn't like that.

Chipped insects is definitely a cute idea though, we could be spying on bin Laden's son using a remote controlled cockroach or something, maybe watch him in the shower and see what he's viewing on Netflix. When Hillary Trump takes office, s/he'll probably neglect to give the kill order despite following him for eight years. Maybe President George Clooney and VP Kardashian will give the order and take credit for getting the job done. :)

Closing Statements

[Image: post-19715-Brent-Rambo-gif-thumbs-up-imgu-L3yP.gif]

Ah dark humor and sarcasm. It's been a long day at work and I'm off to bed. Catch me next time in my next (f)article titled "GET OFF MAH DAYUM LAWN!" :)
Speaking of Libtards...
They're the kind of people that would believe the top pic, and say the bottom pic is photoshopped and fake or something. 

[Image: attachment.php?aid=584]

Media: "Hillary draws HUGE crowd and fills up a whole room! The crowd might be bigger than Trump and Bernie crowds combined!"
Reality: "Hillary encloses small area via metal bars, slowly preparing for her likely future as her crowds get smaller!"

Never trust camera angles, people. Lots of deception out there.  Confused
Haha, the Hildabeast strikes again! That's beautiful, I've put it in my propaganda ammo bag, thanks Lani! :)

Okay, my rant for the day has to do with Target! Some of these problems are more wide spread than Target, but they've become my current target right now because I have some ammo against it. No, no, nothing about bathrooms. I'll clear the air on my thoughts of that subject real quick though...

My stance on the bathrooms : People who identify as transgender should have the freedom to use whatever restroom they feel comfortable in, whatever gender they identify with. I don't like non-trans grown men having the right to use women's restrooms. I don't want a non-trans male to use the women's restroom, locker room, showers. There should be a special clause against felons and sex offenders too. So this issue is not black and white, many shades of grey there, so I understand where citizens are coming from with the worries.

I have a friend who I wouldn't want to be discriminated against. They're a wonderful person and they probably know who they are. :)

Okay, now back to Target...

My Gripes With Target

Facial Recognition Cameras

Not too long ago, I heard Target (in addition to Wal-Mart and other retailers) have switched over to facial recognition cameras. Why I'm picking on Target in particular is because they're the first retailer I've personally heard of to roll this out, so they're going along with the NSA "spy on everyone and everything"™ agenda. Certainly this is to battle against shop lifters as well as cashiers and management with sticky fingers, but the ulterior motive is an ever expanding power of an increasingly insecure Uncle Sam to be able to remotely spy on the local populace. Most of us have nothing to hide but does this really make anybody feel safer? This actually puts many folks on edge.

Target is the first retailer I've heard of adopting this technology and that's why they're my whipping boy. They're the ones to beta-test this roll out but the public never seemed to give a damn. So much faux outrage over bathroom policies. No outrage for being constantly spied on. The true American double standards. What happened to Fourth Amendment rights? According to "teh Fedz" those don't apply to you while you're out in the public. Wonderful!

I do see a semi-legitimate use for this kind of software; targeted ads. Then again, aren't we already bombarded with "targeted advertising" agendas? I don't care how good your ad-block software is, one way or another you wind up having to disable it and then they tend to come at you with something that you "need". Oh, Johnny, were you looking for pictures of a classic Chevy that your dad used to own because the conversation you're engaged in had to do with classic cars? Now wherever you go online you're probably going to see ads urging you to purchase a new or used Chevy! Johnny, come by our lot and purchase one of our new and used Chevy trucks!

Okay, so maybe algorithmic ads to lure shoppers by their assumed wants and needs based on internet activity isn't such a bad thing. However, it can get a little creepy, especially when it comes to the fact that Target's advertising geniuses were trying to predict when a woman is expecting a baby. If that last article isn't creepy enough, I'm sure it was creepy to the girl for whom Target knew she was pregnant before she did! There's nothing creepy about that at all...

The Media Hype Around Bathrooms is Causing Transgenders to Get Attacked!

Okay, I'm going to stop whipping on Target for a minute, this is the MEDIA's fault, along with that idiot working security. I didn't want to talk about bathrooms but this is what happens when the news pushes a wedge issue and hypes it into a media shit storm.

Transgender woman assaulted in women’s bathroom by Washington, D.C. grocery store security guard

What the fuck? Where's the outrage? Thanks corporate media, now this has become such a big deal that people are starting to react in a violent and irrational manner. Good job jackasses!

How many years have transgenders used the restroom of the gender they identify with? How common was it that people made a big deal about it? How common was it that transgenders would get attacked for going to the "wrong" bathroom?

THIS is the big deal; the news have whipped emotions so high on this issue that people are starting to get assaulted for using a restroom. You don't even have to be transgender to get assaulted for using the "wrong" bathroom now, all you have to do is be a woman with short hair. Such shame.

I hate talking about the restroom debacle. I believe there are hidden agendas behind it or, at the very least, unforeseen consequences. I don't want sexually deviant rapists and such in the women's restroom, shower, locker room, etc. However, transgenders themselves should have the privilege and freedoms to be able to choose which restroom they feel comfortable using. I'm hoping this debate takes a rational turn but, as of now, the issue is very hot button topic and it shouldn't be.

Nobody should be attacked unprovoked over restrooms and gender identity. Period!

Target Feels Threatened By Heroes

Oh, this is an interesting headline...

After Target Stocks Plunge Following Bathroom Policy, Company Turns Around & Sues Customer Who Saved Shopper from Stabbing

When Target isn't paranoid about employees and customers thieving from their stores, they're paranoid about folks standing up for each other. Is this a part of that "don't defend yourself, call the police to help you out"™ agenda? What next, the "only cops and military should have guns"™ agenda? What other agendas are there to push?

What about the Make America Stupid Again™ agenda? Or the Make America Docile Again™ agenda?

America was never docile, but we are slowly getting dumber by the day. While we're on the subject of The System™ wanting us to be stupid and docile...

Target's Blatantly Offensive Assessment Test

I'll be honest, I'm not quite familiar with employment assessment tests. I mean, I've always known they've existed, I've had to interview prospective employees based on the questions these tests provide. However, unless you're applying for an advanced STEM job, a brain surgeon or to be a spook for the CIA or something, chances are your personality assessment test is downright silly. Any time I've ever had to evaluate a candidate for employment the questions were usually no-brainer soft balls such as "What would you do if you caught a co-worker stealing?" These aren't genius questions but I suppose they weed out complete dopes (except... no, they don't, we still wind up with occasional thieving morons, VVulfy could even tell you about one of them, cameras and assessments be damned!)

So anyways, back on Target.

A close member of my family recently had to apply for a job at Target and the questions were so outrageously stupid that they had to call me over so I could see them for myself. Matter of fact, they were SO BAD that I had to screen capture them and send them back home via E-Mail. Would you like to go over these offensively dumb questions with me? Okay, let's go!

[Image: wtf_target01_zpsifhb90q1.png]

Interpretation : I'm a saaad, saaad panda <--OR--> I'm just a disorganized slob.

[Image: wtf_target02_zpsnsiuyjk1.png]

Interpretation : I'm a lazy bastard <--OR--> I'm only interested in being a sheepish follower.

[Image: wtf_target03_zpsjd46fzb6.png]

Interpretation : I'm a flaming rage kid <--OR--> I'm unwilling to adapt to change and progress.

[Image: wtf_target04_zpsrqqst0vk.png]

Interpretation : I'm an uncaring bastard, fuck your feelings <--OR--> I'm a "yes man" incapable of leading.

[Image: wtf_target07_zpsxgr3aqpq.png]

Interpretation : I'm a disorganized slob <--OR--> I probably haven't learned how to tie my shoes yet.

[Image: wtf_target08_zpso23mgjbs.png]

Interpretation : I'm incapable of self-organization <--OR--> I'm a fucking debbie downer.

[Image: wtf_target09_zpstq9dmgyn.png]

Interpretation : I will flip out whenever my fee-fee's get hurt <--OR--> I don't care, fuck your feelings.

[Image: wtf_target10_zpszeaklukd.png]

Interpretation : I'd rather not evolve my methods and advance in the work place <--OR--> I'm a complacent sheep who doesn't threaten your power structure.

[Image: wtf_target11_zpseccoxxll.png]

Interpretation : Lurnin' es steupid <--OR--> I won't change even if it improves my productivity.

[Image: wtf_target12_zpszgznetuv.png]

Interpretation : I'm an insufferable dope who communicates in irrational emotions <--OR--> I'm usually sad and hopeless, like Eeyore.

[Image: wtf_target13_zpsfjdbsoli.png]

Interpretation : I'm a disorganized slob <--OR--> I will always be a sheepish minion.

A few pages of questions, but many of them followed the same redundant theme. Once she was finished clicking through and answering all that garbage, they have the NERVE to ask...

[Image: wtf_target15_zps0j4rj2ns.png]

I wouldn't have a "favorable impression" about Target either if I had to take that sad, sad excuse for an assessment test. I mean, what the fuck Target?! What kind of clowns are you trying to hire here? I'm sure some rube in HR reads this crap, but do they get to see both potential answers for each question? Do they get to see the answer you picked VS the other answer you didn't pick? In many of these questions there are no GOOD answers, just two answers that make you look like a loser.

How do you feel about this, Mr. Trump?

[Image: Donald-Trump-winning.jpg]

As you can see, they're not interested in a new generation of happy, healthy, intelligent potential leaders making gainful employment at the local Target store. The corporate board over at Target must realize at this point that, despite all the personalized advertising algorithms, they themselves are a bunch of MORONS. Dupes. Rubes. Clowns. To employ a critical thinker might threaten the status quo!

I do find that kind of odd considering I've always had a favorable impression of the actual employees but, nevertheless, Target doesn't want employees; they want, as George Carlin would say, "OBEDIENT WORKERS!"

Closing Statements

So I understand some of the reasons people might be boycotting Target but, in my opinion, they've had better reasons to call for a boycott long before this bathroom debacle. It's kind of funny though; when it comes to other people's rights, they'll fight against it. When it comes to the right to shop without having facial recognition cameras and the RedCard tracking your purchases... eh, business as usual.

Store credit cards and so-called "Loyalty" cards are a scam and a joke too, but that's another rant for another day. Does Target use "Loyalty" cards? Whatever.

I wish employees, investors and customers alike would leave Target and Wal-Mart behind and never return but that will never happen. One way or another, they'll be back. They always come back.
After seeing those questions, I can see the company shutting down due to bad leadership and controversy any day now...
And those hiring questions were the reason my friend didn't get a raise for a long time. He answered that he's sometimes lazy, etc... and they assumed that because he wasn't a sheep, he didn't want a raise.  Confused

I prefer a store that doesn't take a stance on an issue, also. It really saves their business, especially if they keep away from the media attention it'd bring!

It'd be like me asking Walmart if they want me to open-carry in their store.
Responses to whatever they say would either be: 

Believe it or not, that's how people react to everything these days, and no matter what stance a store could take on an issue, they will always get hate from one side or the other. Smart businesses, keep a low profile when these issues pop up... Target is going to be a major target for everyone now, for a multitude of reasons!
I'm sure they'll get some government funds to keep afloat for a while, but give them a couple years, and they'll go poof, in exchange for better, smarter businessmen to take over.

Avoid the argument, avoid the controversy. Avoid the controversy, avoid shutting down. Simple.  Sweat
Your post, Kain, reminded me of my own local politicians talking about passing a law that would FORCE people, especially minors, to get a chip inserted in their bodies because that would "help the authorities locate the missing children". At first some people might think that's fine or needed but actually it means that once they grow up, they will still be monitored by the local authorities. Then where did our freedom go? To the bathroom? To the closest Target or WalMart store? Oh and the politicians also had to include some serious issues like huge fines for those that wouldn't let their children get the chip... Man, this is just crazy, one can be tracked by means of locating your own cellphone but no, that's not good enough for politicians, they need to keep everyone under control!
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