
Full Version: DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Order
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DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Order

Version: v1.01b


* Lets you set the battle to show all battlers' atb in 1 bar


* DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Core
* Little Javascript coding proficiency to fully utilize this plugin


* DoubleX RMMV Popularized ATB Order[url=][/url]



* None so far

Credits and Thanks

* None

Terms and Conditions

* You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact
* You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than DoubleX or his aliases
* None of the above applies to DoubleX or his aliases


v1.01b(GMT 1400 5-8-2017):
1. Fixed "missing this in forEach" bug causing crashes in battle tests
v1.01a(GMT 0500 16-7-2016):
1. Added <patb order sheet folder: folder>, <patb order sheet name: name>, <patb order icon hue: hue> and <patb order icon smooth: smooth>
2. Fixed <patb order icon index: row, column> and <patb order icon opacity: opacity> notetag value not being number
3. Increased this plugin's effectiveness, efficiency and simplicity
v1.00b(GMT 1400 2-7-2016):
1. Fixed not updating the actor icon after changing actors in battle
2. Fixed below configuration changes not taking place in same battle:
    - battler_order_window_x
    - battler_order_window_y
    - battler_order_window_width
    - battler_order_window_height
    - battler_order_bar_width
    - battler_order_bar_x

    - battler_order_bar_y
    - battler_order_text_size
    - battler_order_text_x
    - battler_order_text_y
    - battler_order_sprite_size
    - battler_order_sheet_folder
    - battler_order_sheet_name
    - battler_order_sheet_hue
    - battler_order_sheet_smooth
    - battler_order_sprite_width
    - battler_order_sprite_height
    - battler_order_sprite_x
    - actor_order_sprite_y
    - enemy_order_sprite_y
3. Increased this plugin's effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility
v1.00a(GMT 0400 23-1-2016):
1. 1st completed version of this plugin finished
v1.00b(GMT 1400 2-7-2016):
1. Fixed not updating the actor icon after changing actors in battle
2. Fixed below configuration changes not taking place in same battle:
- battler_order_window_x
- battler_order_window_y
- battler_order_window_width
- battler_order_window_height
- battler_order_bar_width
- battler_order_bar_x
- battler_order_bar_y
- battler_order_text_size
- battler_order_text_x
- battler_order_text_y
- battler_order_sprite_size
- battler_order_sheet_folder
- battler_order_sheet_name
- battler_order_sheet_hue
- battler_order_sheet_smooth
- battler_order_sprite_width
- battler_order_sprite_height
- battler_order_sprite_x
- actor_order_sprite_y
- enemy_order_sprite_y
3. Increased this plugin's effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility
v1.01a(GMT 0500 16-7-2016):
1. Added <patb order sheet folder: folder>, <patb order sheet name: name>, <patb order icon hue: hue> and <patb order icon smooth: smooth>
2. Fixed <patb order icon index: row, column> and <patb order icon opacity: opacity> notetag value not being number
3. Increased this plugin's effectiveness, efficiency and simplicity
v1.01b(GMT 1400 5-8-2017):
1. Fixed "missing this in forEach" bug causing crashes in battle tests