
Full Version: Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP - Version 2.2xp
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I really love this script and so far it works perfectly, even after I cutomized it a lot.

The only problem I have is, that I am now unable to change any window settings. I tried a vanilla project and there I could change windowsize and position and I am not using any other script. I even did put the additional script "Battle Windows" below main but it still doesn't work.

Any advice?
AmaZing Script Grinning

A very valuable resource for the current game i am making! Thankyou so much!

I loved the bow and arrow addon included in the script, but i have a doubt...
I have a character who is a hunter/sniper and i want a multi arrow in if there are 3 enemies, then the hunter fires 3 arrows simultaneously, one hitting each enemy? Sarcasm

I am unable to achieve this effect. If someone can help me out, i will be really grateful!
This script is really no longer supported by Victor Sant (the scripter formerly known as Atoa), primarily because the original scripter of the Japanese system (Tankentai) has not released any more bug fixes for things that were found. That was my understanding anyway.

However, the poster of this system has his own CTB entitled: ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System which should have the same features and then some. It's one of two 'fully stocked' systems that I'm aware, though I won't post the link to the other within this forum as it's a competitor's script.

(02-09-2010, 09:43 PM)First Post Wrote: [ -> ]
Due to lack of updates by the original creator, this system is no longer supported by its poster.
Download link no longer available.

Due to unsupported status: Closed thread
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