
Full Version: Change Name / Graphic or Zoom Character Graphic XP VX
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Change Name / Graphic or Zoom Character Graphic XP VX
Version: 0.1.1
By Kyonides-Arkanthos alias Kyonides, Shadowball


Change any hero's graphic and keep it saved in a variable so he or she can go back to normal (script call based).

You can also change any character sprite's current zoom.


Do you really need one?


None needed.


Content Hidden


Script Calls

$game_party.actors[0].change_graphic(2) # Aluxes is now Basil
$game_party.actors[0].old_graphic # The same old (stupid) Aluxes

$game_party.actors[0].old_name # Falls back to hero's previous name if any


You tell me...


It should be compatible with anything that does not modify Game_Actor or Game_Character classes.

Credits and Thanks

Well, thanks to Falca that gave me an idea of how to change a character's x and y zoom by looking at his script. I didn't like the way he dealt with it so I made my own scriptlet because of that.

Author's Notes

Nothing yet.

Terms and Conditions

Not intended for Commercial Use and must include my name and URL if there's any URL at all.
So, how to Zoom the chatacter's graphic?
That's included in the script comments at the beginning of the script... but I'll paste that here now...

$game_player.zoom_xy(2.0,2.0) # Player gets double sized... Fat is bad!

$[1].zoom(1.5,1.5) # Event 1 is 50% bigger
i can give an opinion in the project:
by just putting
class Sprite_Character

instead of
Sprite = File.exist?('Game.rxproj') ? RPG::Sprite : Sprite_Base
class Sprite_Character < Sprite
It will have the same effect, still its a good adaptation