
Full Version: Valdred's CMS
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This is a really simple CMS made by me. It is basically just the default system, but in a more clever way.

  • "Info" button toogles the steps, playtime and gold - windows on and off
  • ability to permanently turn of any of those windows by setting "true" or "false"
  • The map as background
  • New layout



Really smart and simple. Bug though : If I open and close the CMS, and then proceed to opening again, it crashes the game.
I don't get that error? can you describe exactly what you did?


I placed the script in my project. Started to playtest, opened the menu (and was amazed). Closed it, walked a few steps. Tried opening. Boom. Dead. xD


loves how she describes it lol


Dood, I'm a guy 0_0


Yeah same bug happened to me. Press escape, the first time everything works. Second time crashes.
Fixing it right now!

EDIT: it's working for me :(
I'll mess around and try to find out what went wrong anyhow.
You forgot @spriteset.dispose at the end of main. Haven't checked out the script, but some screenshots would be nice.
silly me <_<
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