
Full Version: Edited Sprites
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My collection of custom sprites that you are free to use (though some of them are kind of dated now). Please give credit, though.

A fox girl. Can be used on her own, but mainly acts as a base so that you can add the tail/ears to other sprites:

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Cloaked vampires. A simple edit, but useful so that you don't have to do it yourself. Gives you vampires that can go out during the day:

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A Fiendish race. Good for games where you can pick your race. Comes with a male and female sprite:

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An Avian race. Also good if you want to pick your race. Comes with a male and female, though they look pretty similar:

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That's about it, for now. I have lots of other races, but they never got finished. Maybe if I complete them someday I will post them here.

Oh, and I'm open to requests I guess, as long as they aren't too hard and you are willing to wait.
nice edits :)
i especially like the last one.


I turned THIS
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Into this
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My editing kinda is sloppy, but Whatever...
It allows me to add different weapons. (im gonna add claws)


none of these are custom sprites by any means
Edited Title
nice shield removal event_guy :)


Sure they are. I customized them to suit my needs. Therefore they are custom sprites.

Ohh, wait. Custom can also be used as in custom-made. Yeah, I obviously didn't make these from scratch. That's not what I meant to imply. Bad word choice on my part. Vague definition. The new title is much clearer.
Its all good. That's why we have administrators. We don't just masturbate to photos of livestock. We also serve a purpose in society.


I really like the Avian race! Nice sprite edits!


Aw, shucks. I didn't really do much, though.
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