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Did a Livestream of me developing the game on Twitch, but I also did a highlight just for kicks and giggles too. So here are both.

I foreshadowed something that's not going to happen in this game, but maybe for something later. Way later, like after this game later maybe.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1157]
"This "Synthetic Human" could turn on you" is not the same as "This "Synthetic Human" could turn you on". Laughing
Little highlight on a stream I did today... just because.

Never have I ever seen the day where I figured out what to do with my two brothers' characters.... until now.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1159]
They went from being playable characters...... to teachers for Save Points and Pointers in the game. And that's okay, because both my brothers probably have forgotten about these two.

Also a little squabble is going on further down the line in this part of the game, but they aren't showing themselves and instead hide after one attack from each other.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1161]
Never thought of a good use for this "ancient object" yet. Maybe a secret boss location in the future or something?
(07-02-2019, 06:21 AM)KDC Wrote: [ -> ][Image: attachment.php?aid=1161]
Never thought of a good use for this "ancient object" yet. Maybe a secret boss location in the future or something?

It could be a location for an optional boss or the entrance of a bonus dungeon.
(07-02-2019, 07:45 PM)Someone Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-02-2019, 06:21 AM)KDC Wrote: [ -> ][Image: attachment.php?aid=1161]
Never thought of a good use for this "ancient object" yet. Maybe a secret boss location in the future or something?

It could be a location for an optional boss or the entrance of a bonus dungeon.

It could... Guess I'll figure out something to do with it later.

A little thing I added, and will be altering it. Especially the color of Akiko's shirt from Blue to Black at some point.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1165]

Oh hey! Something Akiko and I have in common. Tongue sticking out We both hate math, but are good at it. Laughing + Tongue sticking out
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