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[Image: attachment.php?aid=1174]

I forgot I made it a bit challenging to get to where you needed to be at this particular point.

And finally...
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1175]

Probably won't make it, due to ACBS script limitations, but it's supposed to be a poison status, similar to that of the Lunar RPGs (Mainly the PS1 versions), the character's head turns green. It was a little thing, and it actually turned out okay.
So she's a namek! Perhaps she's Piccolo's half sister or something the like. Laughing
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1176]
I referenced past builds of the game, which I eventually did lose. Well... Not really. The past builds are in an IDE hard drive, so I have to get a IDE drive dock or something, therefore I cannot get that stuff back, though the stuff in that hard drive are pretty old. Anyway, on to the screenshot at hand.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1177]

I called it a callback, but it's not really that much to be considered a callback. It's kind of dark due to the time of day this event takes place.
Ya mean 'flashback'.
I was wondering... isn't it just too dark for a town O_o? I guess I wouldn't mind if it were a cave but a town!? Confused
(08-23-2019, 09:56 PM)kyonides Wrote: [ -> ]I was wondering... isn't it just too dark for a town O_o?  I guess I wouldn't mind if it were a cave but a town!? Confused

Actually, it's a forest.... Where a camp was put for people to rest.... At night... Confused

Anyway... PC has gotten a bit crazy, and decided to go full BSOD, Windows 10 Style. So... I'm gonna have to put this to a big halt until I fix this issue.

Though I guess the good news is that I get a half completed Pokedex entry for the Alola Gen Pokémon games.
Well, I thought it was a forest town like the default tileset suggests. Laughing

Pokemon? Then that's bad news for sure! Laughing + Tongue sticking out
Good news! I got the go ahead to reset the PC! I'm first going to attempt to reset it, without losing any files. That way, I can continue, and feel relieved that I didn't lose anything. I'll probably reset this Dell Latitude D430 afterwards, as it's getting a bit sluggish.
So a bit of extra good news. RPG Maker XP, the digital copy I have on Steam, is reinstalled. That means I can continue this while other things are downloading and installing. So the tiny hiatus is done. I was also getting a bit bored from trying to re beat Sonic Adventure 2 anyway.
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