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I'm showing off Akiko's New and familiar Abilities that will be in the next Early Access Update.

I just started the inside of the Central Base. Here's what it looks like right now.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1022]

Only one room is partially done, and obviously it's bigger. I wanted this map to have more like a HUB feel to it instead of making multiple maps. and by multiple maps I meant different sections of the same place.
Kinda... small quarters, eh? OH!!! IT'S ZOOMED OUT!!! Tongue sticking out

I can't tell if it's a cavern area carved out or not. The architect in me would have more contemporary walls if it's a built structure.

"But that's my opinion. I could be wrong." - Dennis Miller Laughing + Tongue sticking out
(04-19-2018, 03:21 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Kinda... small quarters, eh?  OH!!! IT'S ZOOMED OUT!!!  Tongue sticking out

I can't tell if it's a cavern area carved out or not.  The architect in me would have more contemporary walls if it's a built structure.

"But that's my opinion.  I could be wrong." - Dennis Miller  Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Yeah. It's kind of odd. Tongue sticking out Then again when it comes to RPG Maker, I'm not really that good with inside buildings. Most of the maps that are indoor maps I've made are either split maps, or one big blob of a map..... except that one time I was practicing on the fan translated RPG Maker 2003 Indifferent ..... Oh well. I'm sure I'll make architecture better sooner or later. Happy with a sweat
Huh.... That didn't happen the last time I playtested.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1025]

Welp, I'm gonna have to figure this out for a bit before continuing with development. It may just be freaking out after I reset my PC to get rid of some possible Malware garbage.
A configuration problem I assume? [Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSWKD9Tj_yCkLbKv5eoSWY...q73ng6QMuQ]
I think it might be.
Found the problem! I forgot to put a certain character so that the rest of the text doesn't go purple. And I mistakenly misspelled BACKDROP. Whoops. I fixed that now, so it's working again.
Laughing Figured it out? Good!!!! Laughing + Tongue sticking out But you do realize that was an invitation for a config examination, right?
(05-04-2018, 03:07 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Laughing Figured it out?  Good!!!!   Laughing + Tongue sticking out  But you do realize that was an invitation for a config examination, right?

Oh........ Confused  Didn't realize that.
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