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I forgot about him.

Hm... A number of years ago, a biker came in and bought a pink laptop. The clerk forgot to give him the charger. He came back later with a laptop with black duct tape over the cover and a silver-foiled Harley Davidson logo artfully embossed. It couldn't be recognized at all as the 'lightish-red' laptop he purchased. Winking Food for thought? Laughing
Add or no Add... Hmmmm.....

I'm slightly doing RPG Maker things again, for now, since I'm kind of not ready to try out the Unreal and Unity Engines, and decide which one to use for another project, but back to this one.

I've been debating on whether to use MGC's H-Mode7 in my project, which would greatly be used for some areas, for a very long time. So I'm wondering if I should add this, then test it out. Mainly it's because the character graphics I'm currently using don't have any diagonal directions, and making them will take very very long, and would look wierd if I make them.

For now I'll just try it out and see what I can do with it until I made a final decision.
Wait.... already something's wrong?

So I decided to put H-Mode 7 into the game. As such, I copied and pasted the Demo Map, the demo's scripts, and required images for testing to see if the script won't crash the game or anything, I also tinkered with the "[]" things a little to see how it works. But somehow...

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1097]

The Player Character isn't centered to the camera. This is going to take a while....

But in any rate, the script works. so I'll be able to make 3D-ish maps. Who knows, maybe I might actually use this mistake if I either decide to keep it that way, or if anyone likes this little mistake.
Okay. This'll be my last update for the day.

And a character's back story just got dark. Really quick. For some reason, I decided to put a bit of realism into this game, and it might backlash toward me. Sad Then again, if the anime "Rising of the Shield Hero" can do it, so could I. I think. Sad 

Oi... I can't believe I had to use Google Translate because it gives English Lettering to Japanese sentences and words. Akiko's little quirk I mentioned before is a slightly inaccurate translation from English to Japanese, but I'll do my best with what I have.

Anyway, I have an idea for closure for the negativity between Kado and a Hunter that will be transferred to the Suri branch in the game.
Transitioning Battlesystems report
I salvaged some things from the current Early Access Version of the game, I'll be salvaging more from previous Early Access Versions, and demos if I can find them, and do some elimination from there.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1102]
All of these Maps were salvaged in the current Early Access Version (1.5). I may turn Suri into a series of 3D maps, or merge all of the Suri Maps into a big map. As such, nothing's written in stone on what I'm going to do with these maps, but I may keep them in there for the hacking/cheating communities to find them, and keep them like they are. As for the Hunter Base, I'll see what I can do with H-Mode 7, whether the camera focuses on the Player Character, or not.
Got bored, so Adding Cheats.
I got a bit bored, so I'm adding Cheats in the game. Right now I only have a Pallet Swap Cheat, which changes all playable allies into the same color pallet, and a name cheat, which changes certain characters' names to be more like a 4Kids Localization. There's more to come, but I won't tell you how to activate them, since I'm still developing the game and all.

So yeah. I got bored. And I'll be doing this for a little.
Cheats? Or Game Developer Test options? So-called 'Cheats' in games like God-Mode were meant to let a tester play through maps unhindered. Winking
(03-10-2019, 05:43 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Cheats?  Or Game Developer Test options?  So-called 'Cheats' in games like God-Mode were meant to let a tester play through maps unhindered. Winking

Ah. I see.
Oh? A relic from the past?

I found something from my teenaged past. A WindowSkin. Probably from when I was making just random RPG games on either a Trial of RPG Maker XP, or I was a pirate at the time for my teenaged years, and never released a game the entire time... Well.... that's probably putting that a bit blunt. I have released a game, with a actual Trial Version of RPG Maker XP, and seeing it, years after, I decided to do better. One way or the other. However, If it was the latter, I will admit this. I do have a legit version, on Steam, now. So none of that matters anymore. Besides, I had plans to purchase the software back then anyway. Though I might buy a DRM free version eventually, if I felt like I'm going to lose RPG Maker XP in the future, or in the demise of Steam's death in the future as well.

I might've found some more relics of the past, but they aren't really that important. But anyway, I brought this windowskin back, hopefully I can get a External Hard drive case that accepts IDE drives, because I have a drive, or two, that may have some more old stuff on it.

How about that. Things from the past CAN be useful in the future.

But anyway. I've started on the beginning... again. But instead of just going right into the story, like the last Early Access Versions of the game, I decided to make it a big flashback. Also I made a "Before you actually start" menu via, Choice event.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1108]
I also applied the very old Windowskin via, the Change WindowSkin choice before taking the Screenshot.

In other details, I'm still looking for a spriter who can make battler sprites, that's currently on my list of things to do.

Oh and also, until further notice, the Crafting thing is pretty much cut from the game. As much as I'd like to bring it back into the new start 2, I'm gonna have to make sacrifices in favor of actually bringing this project out of development "HIFL".
Is this one of the common headaches?

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1110]

I can explain... I set up a scene where a mysterious hooded figure, upon returning to a familiar location way later on in the game, if players felt like it, and a cutscene happens. This hooded figure would have tried to cast magic on you, but the battle commences before the player character, which is used in the scene, begins the first flash. After fighting the figure, and winning, the hooded figure would use magic to destroy the location the player character is in, therefore escaping said area instead of stopping the spell cast. However... This happened.

btw, this is possibly the only optional boss I'm going to "leak out and reveal" myself, as I've haven't actually gotten to the point when players have the ability to attempt to fight this optional boss.
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